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Whole Foods just now figured out that we're The Brokest Generation and that everyone I know refers to Whole Foods as Whole Paycheck? [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 141 times

@realDonaldTrump: When President Obama said that he has been to “57 States,” very little mention in Fake News Media. Can you imagine if I said that...story of the year! @IngrahamAngle live tweeting fox news while a storm ravages the coast... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 131 times

"You can make anything a crime under the current laws." - Orrin Hatch If only there was someone whose job is to change or make laws we could address this There's nothing that better encapsulates the modern establishment than... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 123 times

Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads a statement from Trump: "My son is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency." -- @JenniferJJacobs, Bloomberg White House Correspondent This is definitely something a real human who is not a... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 120 times

The FBI handed the election to Trump over nothing. My stomach dropped I'm crying at my desk. Let's not overreact. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 118 times

Susan Pompeo had an office at the CIA, made use of CIA staff, and accompanied her husband on official state visits to meet with intelligence officials This administration is a damned Mandelbrot fractal of corruption. Zoom way out, or zoom... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 108 times

I just want to get this straight. After Trump's answer about Flynn today in the joint conference with Bibi, his official position is this: 1. Flynn is a great guy who did nothing wrong. 2. But the fake media published illegal leaks about Flynn.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 107 times

Take the issues and records and campaigns away. See these two candidates as archetypes for a moment. A woman of the institution — blonde, blue-eyed, Methodist, Ivy League-educated lawyer, mother, grandmother, Democrat, former Secretary of State and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 102 times

As an INTJ I've always been skeptical of the MBTI [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 99 times

“We absolutely weren’t hacked,” Eric Trump said during the brief call. “That’s crazy. We weren’t hacked, I can tell you that.” Ron Howard Voice of Truth: "They were definitely... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 99 times

Ivanka Trump apparently really hated that SNL "Complicit" ad This is kind of fascinating because the "Complicit" ad is not mean spirited at all. There are no low blows, no mockery of her looks or implication that daddy... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 93 times

Protesting on Inauguration Day is a bad idea. The whole Mall will be on lockdown with security and at the same time crawling with Neonazis doing a Victory Goosestep in absurd red hats, frothing with hate, ready for a fight. And just to think 8... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 91 times

The people of Wisconsin should be rioting in the streets, closing down freeways and demanding action. It seems like folks are just shrugging their shoulders and agreeing that it sucks but nothing can be done about it. Activists in... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 91 times

Random Shakespearean theaters are getting horrid death threats. Of all the ways I saw the post-Trump timeline playing out, "rightwingers revolt against the very concept of Shakespeare" was not on my... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 86 times

"Pittsburgh not Paris" Pittsburgh didn't fucking vote for you, and doesn't have a coal economy anymore, you idiot. Holy shit I'm seeing red.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 86 times

Please be advised that all trans persons will be accepted into my queer army of joyous rebellion, as we cannot afford the expense of victory without them.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 84 times

This interview is amazing. You made a movie about Ibiza, but did you know that I spend every summer in Ibiza on E listening to jungle-house-grindcore-dance, which by the way is the real music they listen to on Ibiza, you know nothing about Ibiza and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 81 times

Trump Says He Will Pull U.S. Out of WTO ‘If They Don't Shape Up’ This is so nuts. Like NAFTA, like the UN, like NATO, the WTO was created by America in order to further American economic and cultural interests around the globe. It's... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 80 times

This - this is astounding. It is inconceivable that this didn't come up in a background check. How could they nominate this monster to the Supreme Court? In all of the US, in all of the GOP, in all of even the Federalist Society, they couldn't... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 79 times

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