Activity from goatdog

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Utah Hockey Club

The long, strange, ridiculous saga of the NHL team formerly known as the Arizona Coyotes. Emily Kaplan and Greg Wyshynski of ESPN chronicle the poor decisions, bad luck, and outright chicanery that led to the NHL forcing the owner of the Coyotes to sell the team, which is moving to Utah.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 5:17 PM on April 30, 2024 (36 comments)

Help with 1099-K

I started a single-member LLC last year. The easiest (but probably stupidest) way for me to infuse it with cash was to send money from my personal PayPal to the business PayPal. PayPal has reported those transactions as income on a 1099-K. How do I indicate on my taxes that it wasn't profit from an outside source, but me moving my money around? I'm using H&R Block's online filing system. There doesn't seem to be a way to ask it for advice until you're ready to file.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 11:06 AM on March 29, 2024 (4 comments)

Lepas Don't Lie

The Sea Creatures That Opened a New Mystery About MH370. Could freaky barnacles do what advanced technology couldn’t — find the missing plane?
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 5:31 AM on March 8, 2024 (22 comments)

There is nothing good about the plant.

Meet the spotted water hemlock, the most poisonous plant in North America. "Those who eat it will die in two hours. It must be a painful death. It twists the arms and ankles and turns the head back. Finally they die in a last wretching convulsion. They say it turns the eyes back."
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 1:29 PM on January 7, 2024 (29 comments)

Two player NBA 2K23?

My son downloaded NBA 2K23 on his Switch. I am sitting next to him on the couch. We each have a controller: he has the two joycons attached to a whatsit that makes it look like a third party controller, and I have an Xbox-style third party controller. Both of them work on every other game we own. We would like to play against each other. Please explain how to make this possible because I've been reading stupid articles and watching videos for an hour and I still can't figure it out.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 4:42 PM on June 21, 2023 (2 comments)

How do I unspam myself?

Following up on this one. How do I make my emails not end up in people's spam folders?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 12:02 PM on June 4, 2023 (5 comments)

It's not spam, I promise

Every time someone buys something through my website, I get an email confirmation. It goes into my spam folder. I don't want that to happen. Help.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:14 AM on May 9, 2023 (11 comments)

This quote's a failure, you know

My college philosophy textbook* contained a quote from Mission: Impossible (the TV series, not the movies): "The world's a failure, you know. Someone, somewhere, made a terrible mistake." Anyone know what episode it's from? Or do I have to watch it from beginning to end?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 4:02 PM on April 23, 2023 (5 comments)

Another "help me remember this movie" question.

At some point in my life, I saw a movie or TV show in which a bumbling duo (I think) are talking to a cop (I think) and they inadvertently admit to doing some crimes. The cop responds something like "[blank] and [blank] are both serious crimes, and you've just admitted to both of them." To which one of the bumblers replies "I didn't mean to!" It was probably something that showed on repeat on a movie channel in the 1980s or 1990s, but who knows. Any ideas?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 3:16 PM on April 18, 2023 (4 comments)

Leatherface through the ages

Twitter user, horror fan, and writer Donnie Goodman photoshops Leatherface into a black and white photo every day until he forgets. The first 100 are compiled here, and then you can see the rest here.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:48 AM on September 3, 2022 (9 comments)

Email form with CAPTCHA for Wordpress

You have a Wordpress site with a contact form plugin that has CAPTCHA functionality. You're happy with it. It's free. What is it called?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 3:19 PM on May 11, 2022 (1 comment)

Should I incorporate?

I sell used books on ebay and instagram, and I've published a couple of books and plan to do more in the future. Should I incorporate? LLC? What are the benefits to me? I'm in Illinois. You are not my accountant or my lawyer.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 11:19 AM on April 15, 2022 (7 comments)

The Man Who Introduced F1 Racing to America

Robert Daley: The Journalist Who Broke the Biggest Story in Motorsport History. He was also deputy commissioner of the NYPD and wrote 31 books (his official site), among them Prince of the City.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:42 AM on December 2, 2021 (3 comments)

I need a new wallet

I opened a Coinbase account last fall and bought some Ripple cryptocurrency (XRP) and it's doubled in value. But Coinbase stopped supporting XRP in January after an SEC lawsuit. I'd like to cash out. Coinbase tells me I can transfer it to a crypto wallet and cash out (but not their crypto wallet). Can you recommend one that's easy to use?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:36 AM on November 4, 2021 (1 comment)

Chicago Blackhawks Covered Up Allegations of Sexual Assault

The Chicago Blackhawks chose chasing a tarnished Cup instead of doing what’s right. (CW: sexual assault) In the wake of an independent investigation that determined that the Chicago Blackhawks covered up allegations of sexual assault by one of their coaches in 2010, president of hockey operations Stan Bowman resigned. Other executives who knew about the allegations are employed with other teams.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:01 AM on October 27, 2021 (29 comments)

Why isn't my connection private?

Ever since whatever happened last week with the Let's Encrypt security certificates, I get security errors on a lot of sites, and can't get to certain websites at all anymore. How do I fix it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 5:54 PM on October 7, 2021 (7 comments)

That's a Lot of Dead People and Crime

Let Me Say This With As Much Sensitivity As I Can: Wow, That’s a Lot of Dead People and Crime. Ben Mathis-Lilley at Slate on the long, strange history of disgraced South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh's family.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 12:11 PM on September 16, 2021 (50 comments)

Best drawing... thingy

I want a thingy that will plug into my laptop and that will allow me to (1) have images from my laptop appear on its screen, (2) doodle on them in various ways, and (3) save the new layer as an image file on the laptop. What's the best but not too expensive thingy you've encountered to achieve these ends?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 3:25 PM on September 5, 2021 (19 comments)

The Honus Wagner T206

The Honus Wagner T206 is the sports card GOAT, and always will be. It sold recently for $6.6 million. Dan Hajducky and Tisha Thompson at give a short history of baseball card boom and bust and boom.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 4:07 PM on August 16, 2021 (8 comments)

Termites in a tree?

Who inspects trees for termite infestations? My neighbor's contractor told her that termites from our tree destroyed her garage, but the tree looks healthy. And an arborist I talked to said that seems highly unlikely, as termites live in the ground, not in healthy trees. None of the tree services I've found do termite inspections, and none of the pest control companies inspect trees. Who do I contact? Based in Chicago, if that helps.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:32 AM on August 9, 2021 (15 comments)

Identify this sci-fi book or series of books.

A friend remembers reading a science fiction book or series of books in the 1980s. Can you identify it? Details inside.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 6:29 AM on May 16, 2021 (6 comments)

World's Greatest Jailbreak Artist

The secrets of the world's greatest jailbreak artist. Master criminal Rédoine Faïd loved the movies, and his greatest crimes were laced with tributes: to Point Break, Heat, and Reservoir Dogs. When he landed in a maximum-security prison, cinema provided inspiration once again.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 4:46 PM on April 27, 2021 (16 comments)

Justseeds Activist Posters

Justseeds Artists' Cooperative is a decentralized network of 41 artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement. They have a huge archive of activist posters that are available for noncommercial use. Topics include the protests against DAPL, the Poor People’s Campaign, antifascism, the Zapatista uprising, and prison abolition.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 10:37 AM on March 12, 2021 (4 comments)

Paypal checkout figure-outer

posted to MetaFilter Jobs by goatdog at 5:54 PM on January 27, 2021

That time Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax went on tour together

Ten years ago, the "Big Four of Thrash"--Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax--stopped bickering long enough to go on tour together. Watch some concerts from the tour: Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Metallica.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:51 AM on June 29, 2020 (23 comments)

Story about a carpet that comes to life

I remember reading a short story about a kid who is playing on an ornate carpet, pretending that the red in the pattern is lava, the green is jungle, there are snakes or something... and what he's imagining becomes real, and maybe he's eaten by a snake. I thought it was by Ray Bradbury but I'm not coming up with anything. Does anyone know what story I'm thinking of?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 3:12 PM on March 22, 2020 (4 comments)

Raw unsweetened shredded coconut in Chicago

I'm trying to recreate a dessert that a friend used to eat when they lived in Cuba as a child called either dulce de coco or coco rallado, which requires raw unsweetened shredded coconut. I don't relish the idea of buying a coconut and shredding it, so where might I be able to find what I need in Chicago? It needs to be raw (because that's how they made it when they were there)--I can find dried shredded coconut anywhere.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:31 AM on October 18, 2019 (4 comments)

Pokemon card interpretation

What's the best place to go for "official" interpretations of confusing text on Pokemon cards? Most sites, including the official Pokemon card database, just repeat the text on the cards.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 6:30 AM on June 1, 2019 (3 comments)

Chicago's mass school closings

A Generation of School Closings. Since 2002, Chicago has closed or radically shaken up 200 public schools. Public radio station WBEZ takes a look at who the shakeup helped, who it hurt, and where the city’s schools stand now.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:41 AM on December 13, 2018 (5 comments)

The Best Player in the World of the Week

Since the beginning of last season, ESPN hockey writer Greg Wyshynski has been writing a weekly column called The Best Player in the World of the Week. Starting with 45-year-old former NHL defenseman Darius Kasparitis, who managed a goal and two assists for the Lithuanian national team, Wysh profiles great players from around the hockey world. Sometimes he picks NHL players, but more often the top spot goes to someone with a great story, like 16-year-old goalie Jason Williams, who managed to score a goal in the middle of the game; UK player Patrick Dwyer, who completed a hat trick when the puck got stuck in his pants; Canadian Women’s Hockey League goalie Noora Räty, who earned a shutout in the longest Clarkson Cup game in history; and 11-year-old Riley Scorgie, who scored 50 goals in 19 games after being treated for Guillain-Barre Syndrome (that week’s runner-up list includes a dad who nominated his eight-year-old daughter for getting through practice without crying).
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 10:54 AM on November 8, 2018 (5 comments)

Miracle on Manchester

As the expansion Vegas Golden Knights face what might be the impending end of their miracle season, let’s look at another great impossible occurrence in the history of NHL hockey: 1982’s Miracle on Manchester, the greatest comeback in league history, when the Los Angeles Kings overcame a 5-0 deficit against Wayne Gretzky's Edmonton Oilers and won in overtime. Read an oral history. Read an interview with game-winning goal scorer Daryl Evans. Watch a short documentary. Watch the whole game.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:20 AM on June 5, 2018 (15 comments)

Filk is the folk music of sci-fi and fantasy fandom.

Filk is the folk music of the science fiction/fantasy community, but also the act of singing filk. It got its name from a typo in an essay in a 1950s fan publication. It has a lot of definitions. It’s often funny, but not always. It often uses melodies from other songs, but not always. Filker Lee Gold wrote a comprehensive history. Wikipedia and TVTropes have lots of info. The Pegasus Awards are for the finest filking.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:37 AM on May 30, 2018 (30 comments)


Ed Emshwiller (bio) was an award winning artist whose paintings (often signed “EMSH”) graced hundreds of science fiction novels and magazines beginning in the 1950s. Here’s a gallery, and here's a list; click through to see most of the covers. He was also a filmmaker and pioneering video artist who founded the CalArts Computer Animation Lab and was dean of the school of film and video there until his death in 1990. Some films: Thanatopsis (1962), Carol (1970), Film with Three Dancers (1971), part of Scape-Mates (1972), Sunstone (1979). Also, a 1978 interview with Emsh on the Dick Cavett Show.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:21 AM on May 2, 2018 (6 comments)

"Finnish baseball" doesn't quite cover it.

Pesäpallo (aka pesis) is a bat-and-ball sport that was invented in Finland in the 1920s. It's sort of like baseball, except the pitcher stands a couple feet from the batter and then gets the hell out of the way after tossing the ball into the air. And there are other differences. You can learn the rules and see demonstrations in this video, or watch this entertaining and informative video about the history of the sport.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:17 AM on January 26, 2018 (11 comments)

A Hit Man Came to Kill Susan Kuhnhausen. She Survived. He Didn't.

"Does she need an ambulance?" "No, she's a nurse. She says call an ambulance for the guy. He may be dead." Susan Kuhnhausen talks about surviving her ex's plan to have her killed and her life since then. (slWillametteWeek) (content warning: gore, mayhem)
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:57 AM on January 3, 2018 (46 comments)

The Journal of Prince Studies

The Journal of African American Studies devoted its September 2017 issue to Prince. You can read and/or download all the articles at the journal's site.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:47 AM on December 14, 2017 (7 comments)

Secret History of Cricket Magazine

The Secret History of Cricket Magazine, the "New Yorker for Children," by A.J. O'Connell at Electric Literature. "In a time when children’s magazines mostly featured hidden object drawings and games, Cricket stubbornly refused to underestimate its young readers. It welcomed their correspondence, and was such a human endeavor that for many readers, finding Cricket in the mailbox every month was like a visit from a friend."
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:57 AM on November 10, 2017 (79 comments)

Who Was Harvey?

A mysterious artist who signed his art "Harvey" painted almost 200 album covers for Savoy Records and its subsidiaries in the 1960s. Most were gospel, but some jazz and blues covers have turned up. Producers at Savoy never knew his identity; they sent concepts to an address in New York, he sent his painting, and they paid him in cash. If you know who Harvey was, please contact site administrators.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:22 AM on October 28, 2017 (12 comments)

Stephen Fry Hates Dancing. Jo Roy Loves Dancing.

Stephen Fry hates dancing. "I hate dancing more than I can possibly explain," he explains. Canada-born, Los Angeles-based dancer, choreographer, and filmmaker Jo Roy (sorry, autoplay music) performs a spirited terpsichorean response to Fry’s monologue.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:35 AM on September 14, 2017 (29 comments)

Exuma, the Obeah Man

"I came down on a lightning bolt / nine months in my mama's belly. / When I was born, the midwife scream and shout / I had fire crystals coming out of my mouth. / I'm Exuma, I'm the Obeah Man!" Being an introduction to the unclassifiable Bahamian musician Exuma (1942-1997). Read a Downbeat Magazine profile from shortly after his death, or a slightly less easy on the eyes profile from Perfect Sound Forever. Or listen to some music after the jump.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:23 PM on August 31, 2017 (10 comments)

Why Did This Guy Transcribe All These John Coltrane Solos?

"For nearly 60 years, Andrew White has committed John Coltrane’s solos to paper, capturing the saxophone giant’s famously free-flight improvisations in notes that don’t appear on standard jazz sheet music." As of 2015, White had transcribed 840 solos.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:52 PM on August 13, 2017 (24 comments)

Article about voice teacher's opinions about metal singers?

A few years ago, no idea how many, I read an interesting article in which a voice teacher(?) listened to famous heavy metal singers and talked about their techniques. I believe she(?) talked about Rob Halford from Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, possibly King Crimson, and possibly more. Can you find it for me? Yes, I've tried to Google it. (Inspired by this post.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:34 AM on August 10, 2017 (4 comments)

The Kid Who Didn't Die at Riverfront Stadium

On April 22, 1981, an Ohio teenager named Randy Kobman almost fell to his death at Cincinnati's Riverfront Stadium when he flipped over a railing trying to catch a foul ball. Deadspin's Dave McKenna tracked him down recently to get the story of what happened on that day and what he's been up to since his amazing avoidance of death.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:06 PM on August 2, 2017 (25 comments)

Unearthing the influence of Native Americans on rock 'n' roll

Stevie Salas's research has led to the documentary Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World, which traces the impact of Native people on America’s rich musical history.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:17 PM on July 19, 2017 (10 comments)

Kelan Phil Cohran has died.

Kelan Phil Cohran has died. The pioneering jazz musician was a member of Sun Ra’s Arkestra, a cofounder of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, a teacher, and the father of lots of equally talented children. Haven’t heard his music and unsure where to start? Here’s a primer from Zaid Mudhaffer, or just jump into this huge Youtube playlist. (previously)
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:12 AM on June 30, 2017 (9 comments)

The Plot to Disrupt the NCAA with a Pay-for-Play HBCU Basketball League

"The multibillion-dollar college sports industry exploits African-American athletes and has left historically black schools behind. Some people think there's a better way."
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 8:20 AM on June 22, 2017 (24 comments)

Our cranky future

Because of climate change, there will be less coffee in the future, and it will taste worse and cost more.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 10:55 AM on June 20, 2017 (45 comments)

The Rise and Fall of the High-Top Sneaker

"For the first time, a generation of players is playing in low-tops.... Today's highest-tech, most forward-thinking basketball sneakers don't look like basketball sneakers. And the sneakerheads who love the rich history of the high-top basketball silhouette have had to look beyond the basketball court for inspiration." (sl Esquire)
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 9:26 AM on June 15, 2017 (43 comments)

Something to sleep on, camping edition

She and I are going camping! In a tent! What should we get to sleep on that isn't an air mattress, since all air mattresses are unsatisfactory what with the bouncing around and the deflating and the failure to reinflate. We are both prone to sore backs. We would like to not spend our kid's college fund on this.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goatdog at 11:56 AM on June 12, 2017 (18 comments)

To Cite or to Steal

To Cite or to Steal? When a Scholarly Project Turns Up in a Gallery. Scholar Kevin Ferguson "use[s] public domain scientific image analysis software to create 'sums' of films, adding together the frames of a film to make one single abstract image." He was surprised when he learned about a gallery show of remarkably similar work by artist Jason Shulman. Includes a brief history of visual artists who have done similar work, and a tutorial on how to make your own.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 10:52 AM on May 22, 2017 (20 comments)

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