Activity from JHarris

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There have been multiple calls for explanations in this thread. I've known about Life for going on twenty years now, have played around with Golly in other contexts and have it installed on two computers, have written Life simulators before, and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 203 times

A few of the comments, from the vaccine defender guys, are very nice: You’ll see on this thread that almost none of the people suggesting vaccines are unsafe will even answer what sort of evidence would be likely to convince them, and a few... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 173 times

goddammit TWELVE hours at Dominos I was supposed to get off almost FOUR hours ago I am so angry right now I am vibrating at a frequency that gives off visible light rays, at least Metafilter will have something to cheer-- ! for the love of... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 162 times

Okay, should I dig into by bag of pinball lore? I've been meaning to make a general pinball post for some time. Here's some stuff: - How do you tell if a machine is in good repair without even having to spend a coin on it? Watch the attract... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 143 times

Always remember: the Republicans in Congress could end this farce at any time. Bill Clinton lied in a minor way about sexual relations and they impeached him. Donald Trump's done all this and has not so far done anything worthy of impeachment in... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 140 times

Everyone who complains about wokeness ignores the fact that people who honestly and publicly denounce bullshit they used to espouse get welcomed with open arms.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 137 times

>>Well, could it be much worse than the status quo? The answer to this question is always "yes". Always. This is actually provable using what I call the "infinite weasel" theorem. Take any hypothetical bad... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 116 times

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