Activity from JHarris

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"He makes Gozer look like little Mary Sunshine."

Back in the 80s DiC produced a cartoon, aired in syndication and on ABC Saturday Mornings, called "The Real Ghostbusters." Based on the popular action-comedy movie, it more-or-less continued the adventures of Ray, Egon, Winston and Garfield Peter through seven seasons of supernatural shenanigans. It could have been a mere cash-in, but there was something more to it. It aspired to realism, at least as much as possible. It was story-edited by J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5. (He also worked on He-Man and Murder She Wrote!)
This may explain the second season episode, written by Michael Reaves and rife with Lovecraft references, in which the Ghostbusters face down the Cthulhu cult. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:29 AM on June 25, 2008 (63 comments)

Do you seek to live a "more abundant life?"

Matt Taibbi goes undercover in one of pastor John Hagee's "Encounter" weekends. Yes, the Hagee who recently endorsed John McCain. Published in Rolling Stone, and a part of Taibbi's forthcoming book The Great Derangement.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 6:52 PM on April 27, 2008 (133 comments)

Fafblog's back baby! Have some pie!

After nearly 21 months of hiatus, whimsical politics blog Fafblog is back! And it's redesigned, too! Right now I would ordinarily include a link to best posts of the past, but I would have to include all of them.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 11:58 AM on April 3, 2008 (48 comments)

Hack and slash

Remember old D&D? What, 3rd edition? Pah! Not 2nd edition AD&D either, nor 1st edition. Not even "original" Basic/Expert/Companion/Master/Immortal. I'm talking really original D&D, based off of Chainmail wargaming rules. OD&D! Read about it at Delta's D&D Hotspot, which discusses the development of a game system that is almost 35 years old.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 7:12 PM on March 11, 2008 (23 comments)

You are not yet enlightened, Inky-san.

Retro Sabotage is a collection of recreations of classic video games. Or is it?
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 1:57 PM on February 23, 2008 (20 comments)

Genocide of the Marios

Remember Super Mario Frustration? Kaizo Mario World is another of those super-hard Mario level hacks, this one of Super Mario World. Someone played through its first level 134 times, with save states, recording all his deaths, then digitally composited them into one trip through the level. The result was Many-Worlds Mario. (For those interested, here's a video of a tool-assisted perfect run of much of the game. Here's the rest. Here's some more.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 7:44 PM on February 3, 2008 (36 comments)

A reading of "In the Late December," by Greg van Eekhout

"In the Late December" (MP3 link), by Greg van Eekhout, is a Nebula award-nominated story about Santa Claus and the end of the universe, and is Escape Pod #138. (By the way, this is a very dark story -- there's no sex or violence but this probably isn't suitable for kids, where "kids" is defined as a stereotypical aggregate of child-like characteristics. Yours may be different.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 8:24 AM on December 25, 2007 (13 comments)

All I am saying, is give posts a chance

At first I was kinda surprised the video in 67602 got dumped on in comments. There is nothing intrinsically bad here. It's actually rather professionally done, it feels very much like something that was produced for television. I strongly suspect the fault here is with the FPP.
posted to MetaTalk by JHarris at 11:08 AM on December 21, 2007 (63 comments)

Y'ha N'thlei is deeper than they know.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fish-Men. Brought to you by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 9:08 PM on December 17, 2007 (13 comments)

A monthly series on game development site...

Game Design Essentials A monthly series on game development site Gamasutra, each article catalogs 20 computer and video games within some category. The main link leads to the most recent article, describing 20 unusual control schemes. Previous articles include 20 Open World Games and 20 Difficult Games.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by JHarris at 7:37 AM on December 7, 2007

The Ten Doctors

The geekiest thing you will see this month is this fan-made comic called The Ten Doctors. Unexpectedly awesome, though!
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:57 PM on December 6, 2007 (34 comments)

That's MSTafilter to you

So besides RiffTrax (prior) and The Film Crew (some time back), what else are former Mystery Science Theater 3000 alumni doing with their undoubtedly-copious free time? Frank Conniff is working with cartoon historian Jerry Beck on the charming stage show and internet flash video series Cartoon Dump, which presents extremely crappy 60s TV cartoons like Mighty Mr. Titan, Big World of Little Adam, and Bucky and Pepito sandwiched between segments of a dysfunctional children's show.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 10:14 AM on October 15, 2007 (27 comments)

Brie. Roquefort. Camembert. Gouda. Edam. Gorgonzola. Parmesan. Cheddar.

Ratmaze 2 is a flash game by PixelJam. You are a RAT. Start ACTING LIKE ONE. You noble mission: to EAT ALL CHEESE. Your universe consists of an ATARI MAZE. Your soundtrack is COOL PCM MUSIC. Eating cheese awards MORE TIME. DON'T FORGET THE CRUMBS! Eating FRUIT speeds you up. Eat LETTERS for SECRET BONUS. Some walls are FAKE. Get ALL THE CHEESE for AWESOME BONUS ROUND. Solve bonus round for COSMIC CHEESE BONUS.
PixelJam also made Gamma Bros., previously seen. This post brought to you by the Committee for the Preservation of Williams-style Arcade Instruction Screens.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:27 PM on June 16, 2007 (34 comments)

What was the deal with Wade's innertube? Conjoined twin?

Jim Davis' other strip was U.S. Acres, with Orson the Pig, Roy the Rooster, chick and egg Booker and Sheldon, sheep Bo and Lanolyn, and... a dog named Cody and a cat named Blue? Everyone who grew up from that time remembers the long-running Saturday morning show, but no one remembers the strip, which ended a couple of years before the cartoon did and evolved on a different track. Platypus Comix brings us highlights from the strip's surprisingly good, yet neglected, newspaper run.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 7:06 PM on June 12, 2007 (27 comments)

Surprise! Fish!

La-Mulana is a Japanese homebrew game, with English translation available, for Windows that exhaustively replicates the experience of playing on an MSX home computer, a machine not sold in the U.S. but was contemporary with the likes of the Commodore 64 and Amiga in other markets. (Fun fact: the "MS" in MSX stands for Microsoft!) Although it looks very much like retro warez, La-Mulana is freeware. It is also notoriously long and difficult, with a character who controls like old-school Castlevania, enemies that will frequently knock you around like a rag doll, puzzles of amazing deviousness, and traps that think nothing of walling up a player without escape, or forever restricting access to certain powerups.

That said, the game does have charm, and is basically a love letter to the MSX hardware. Those who want to see it without beating their hands bloody against the keyboard can watch a guy play through the whole game in 85 installments, cursing at it all along the way.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 1:05 PM on June 4, 2007 (14 comments)

I name this island "BINKS'S WOE!"

George R. Binks : The tragic story of Jar Jar's father! Posted here in "celebration" of the Star Wars anniversary. Written and drawn by Tony Millionaire! (Warning: frames. Link is to the pages in his e-commerce site, and two pages are missing, but you should be able to figure it out.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:59 PM on May 26, 2007 (17 comments)

Smokey Stover

Foo! Notary sojac! 1506 nix nix!
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 10:28 AM on May 18, 2007 (20 comments)

How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran

How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran by Joshuah Bearman. As history keeps on happening, all people and events are becoming linked to each other in strange and inexplicable ways. Once in a while those links surface into view. Here, then, is the key event that connects Jack Kirby and Roger Zelazny to the CIA's handling of the Iranian hostage crisis. Via Wired Magazine and good evening.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:17 PM on April 26, 2007 (36 comments)

But PURGEgate? I'm sorry, that's a dumb name.

The Purgegate Primer is a helpful document from The Morning News to assist all us armchair pundits in making sense of the U.S. Attorney scandal. Brought to us by the letter Q and recently-mentioned defective yeti, who it seems is about more than just laughs. (Also see his Plamegate Cheatsheet.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 9:52 AM on April 3, 2007 (54 comments)

Making a complaint about police in a college library

My university library turned vicious today when they had a policeman threaten to drag me out in handcuffs for "disorderly conduct" because I said "fucking" one time, and not loudly. He called it a "warning," but his attitude was full-bore Authoritarian Condescension. The situation is strange enough that it seems like I shouldn't just let this lie, but what is the best way to complain to the school, officially, without actually doing something brash like suing?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by JHarris at 5:00 PM on March 31, 2007 (75 comments)

Grandpa had become a mean thing

I Am Babycakes, created by Creased Comics' Brad Neely (who did that "Washington" video seen some time ago), is the good-natured, incredibly dark musings of a man-child who lives with his dad/wizard, roleplays ("I had described to my friends the most beautiful demon"), writes songs, and fills both his diary, and his days, with emptiness. Alternating funny, then sad, then cool as one turns it over in the mind. Or I think so anyway. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (All links NSFW due to language.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 5:31 PM on February 23, 2007 (15 comments)

Appearing on GameSetWatch, this is a twice-monthly...

@ Play Appearing on GameSetWatch, this is a twice-monthly look at all aspects of the fascinating genre of Roguelike computer games.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by JHarris at 5:52 PM on September 18, 2006


Chronon is yet another new, incredibly charming, Eyezmaze puzzle game from On, that GROW guy. It is along similar lines, but while in GROW the arrow of time is firmly fixed in the forward direction, here you can flip back and forth between different times whenever you want.
Despite this, the game is quite a bit more difficult than GROW (especially if you want the maximum score - keep going after the little guy escapes from his cage!), and it's very new so there may still be a few bugs, but it's immensely satisfying to solve!
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:24 PM on May 23, 2006 (25 comments)

9 3/4 stars! "R" is Got Done Real Good!

The Weekly Blurb - "Your dependable Hollywood quote whore." Probably by the same people who long ago brought us late, lamented Timmy Big Hands. And A Year At The Movies and Movie Megacheese. And, you know, something else.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:52 AM on April 10, 2006 (19 comments)

Who will shed a tear for Blue Randar?

Hardcore Gaming 101 has a e-newsletter, but the best things there are the loving introductions to dozens of classic games and game series, all either sadly forgotten or practically unknown to the Western World. Thrill to the serious action of Compile shooters! Avoid the mocking gazes of friends, roomies and significant others while reading about venerable Konami cute-em-ups Twinbee and Parodius! Figure out why the hell so many Namco games have Valkyrie in them! Try to keep a straight face when confronted with the likes of Ganbare Goemon, Phoenix Wright, The Neverhood, No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!!!, Panic!, Urban Yeti and Segagaga, the Sega Simulator! Do, uh, something along with the T&A delights of Keio Flying Squadron, Popful Mail and Valis! All this and much, much, much much more.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 9:22 PM on March 29, 2006 (26 comments)

Starforce calls agent Ness!

Not only is Starforce an evil driver-based copy-protection system that will spontaneously reboot your machine without warning if it thinks its being circumvented, not only is it on surprisingly many PC software products including a few you just might own, not only does it not remove itself when the game that installed it is uninstalled, but now they're claiming that the complaints about their software ultimately come from the Russian Mafia, and are asking authorities in the U.S. and Russia about looking into them.... (Previous Starforce idiocy on MeFi.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 9:43 PM on March 21, 2006 (61 comments)

Authorities in Malaysia arrested 58 people who worship a giant teapot. Poor people rioted in France.

Harper's Magazine Yearly Review for 2005 - Yep, it's yet another year-end encapsulation of all that went before. This one's special though. It's Harper's.

Okay I know, just read the damn page!

Seriously, I'm posing this because I like Harper's, and I've always liked the juxtaposition of the big and serious in these summaries, like Hurricane Katrina, with the laughably trivial, like how an increasing number of Americans are now heating their homes... with corn.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:58 AM on January 1, 2006 (32 comments)

Unclean! Unclean!

They Might Be Giants have a Podcast - Dig it!
The inaugral installment features, among other choice musical morsels, a cover of the Banana Splits' "I Enjoy Being a Boy," yet another nifty rendition of Particle Man, and a hilarious collection of turtle songs. Direct link to feed.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 2:21 AM on December 14, 2005 (23 comments)

This just in: Jane Fonda is eating babies in North Korea

Operation Barbarella - from the London Review of Books, a review of Jane Fonda’s War: A Political Biography of an Anti-war Icon by Mary Hershberger.
So, what is the story behind Jane Fonda? You will find few people so reviled among macho warrior types. Back in the Depressingly Christian Private School (DCPS) that I went to, to hear some of the things she had been accused of you'd have thought she was the Whore of Babylon herself.
The truly interesting thing about this article isn't the discussion of the reality of Fonda's anti-war protesting measured against the myth, but as an illustration of the kind of pass-it-along info, whose truth is a matter of almost-scriptural faith, that serves as the conventional wisdom concerning the Left in the ill-educated backwaters that compose so much of our nation. This kind of thing is the political equivilent of the story of the midget who hanged himself on the set of The Wizard of Oz.
Additional reading: the Snopes page on Jane Fonda.
Via Linkfilter.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 8:49 PM on November 13, 2005 (34 comments)

No, you're wrong! No, YOU'RE wrong!!

If You're a Christian, Muslim or Jew - You are Wrong - A rant over at the Huffington Post.
And let's be clear about this, it IS a rant, and a beaut at that. But it's a sentiment that's run through the head of everyone who isn't a member of the three mentioned groups. No one in the mainstream media says things like this, I wonder why?
The post is made. Let the emphatic agreements, and the vicious denials... begin!
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 4:30 PM on October 23, 2005 (256 comments)

Curse you Mr. Fantastic, and your pal Jesus Christ too!

The Antichrist Checklist : The most recent entry in Slacktivist's extremely insightful and entertaining series on mocking and deconstructing the Left Behind books. Being written from the perspective of a non-fundie Christian just makes it even more powerful. Slacky reveals how manufactured the cooked-up, hacked-together "prophecy," that fuels the series is. If you believe all that nonsense, and can make it through this series with your wacky premillennial dispensationalist beliefs intact, then I'm sorry but there is no hope for you.

Highlights of this week's installment, the best I've seen in a while: the antichrist, the paucity of the biblical evidence for him/it, and this sentence: "The composite sketch derived from all these descriptions yields a portrait that looks a little like Nebuchadnezzar, a little like Antiochus Epiphanes, a little like Nero or Diocletian, and a little like Victor von Doom."
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 4:25 PM on August 19, 2005 (24 comments)

"Tell Your Friends 2 Amend!" Oh, and "Give 10 to Amend!" (barf)

Amend for Arnold & Jen (found on linkfilter) is a site trying to start up one of them "grassroots movements" to amend the Constitution of the United States, in order to allow naturalized citizens, those who were not born in the U.S. but have since become citizens, the possibility of holding the office of President. But not just out of a sense of social justice; primarily, it's to clear the way for an Arnold Schwarzenegger presidential campaign. (Or one for Jennifer Granholm... heh, whoever that is!)

It should be noted, for whatever it's worth, that Wikipedia's entry for Granholm states that she cares "not a whit" for running for president. Of special note are the slogans the AFA (gasp, not AFA&J?!?!) people cooked up to advance their cause, "Amend US," "Give 10 to Amend," and "Tell Your Friends 2 Amend." Because let's face it: if you voted for ol' Schwarzy, you're probably a little more susceptible to catchphrases than the average bear, hm? Oh I'm know I'm gonna catch it for that one.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:24 AM on August 14, 2005 (43 comments)

"And I reckon that he was the prettiest limey that a bronco ever rode"

The Ballad of a Feller Named Oscar Wilde ( -mp3 link-, 5.13mb )
Found from the homepage of Joe. R. Lansdale, Champion Mojo Storyteller of Nagadoches, Texas (author of the story upon which Bubba Ho-Tep was based) and is, apparently, based on an actual event. Linked here because, well, because honestly we could all use a little more Dr. Demento in our lives.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 9:36 PM on August 12, 2005 (10 comments)

Wizard of Yendor to mate in three (@xKN)

ChessRogue = Chess + Rogue. (Open source, versions available for Linux and Windows.)

This console-based game takes the pieces of chess and puts them into a Roguelike environment. You start out with a weakened King who can only move and capture horizontally and vertically, in a randomized board full of multi-directional Pawns. As you capture more pieces, the king slowly gains additional powers, like diagonal capture and movement, Knight jumping, and eventually even Rook movement, among others. The opposition gets tougher too, until eventually the entire selection of pieces is out to get you.
Originally created for a three-day programming challenge on, it's surprisingly cool, and works rather better than you might expect. It's useful as a break between Nethack fatalities.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 4:43 AM on August 2, 2005 (19 comments)

So, on which day did God place the tree?

Here we GROW again... A little late for Flash Friday perhaps, but... for those of you who remember and enjoyed GROW from the fine Flash folks at Eyezmaze. (Sort of like Orisinal with fewer, but deeper, things.)

The new game is exactly like the old game, if a little easier in that there's only eight things to place instead of twelve. But there's a weird RPG sequence afterwards, beyond your control, where the fate of a little demon-slaying dude is influenced by your planet's configuration.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:00 PM on July 23, 2005 (31 comments)

And have you SEEN what the King of All Cosmos is wearing?

Oh great merciful heavens! Who, oh who, will protect the dear children from the rampant sexual content that lies buried in... The Sims 2? According to Miami attorney Jack Thompson, it's worse than the now-infamous Hot Coffee mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas that Hillary Clinton has made such a fuss about.

His claim is that behind the pixellated screen placed by the game in front of nude characters is full, anatomically-correct, genital detail, and a cheat code can remove that easily. Electronic Arts maintains that behind the screen is only Ken-And-Barbie smoothness. (Should be easy enough to check out, anyone?)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 2:18 PM on July 22, 2005 (77 comments)

Well, I think it's cool anyway.

PBwiki is a super simple, extremely clean route to having, what you always wanted (admit it), your very own wiki. Just enter your username and email address, and wait for the password to be sent to you, and you're off and running. No need for your own web space, no messing around with CGI, PHP or Python, and if you're worried that the site will vanish and take your stuff with it, you can even download your entire wiki in a ZIP file. It's not the first free wiki farm out there, but it's just about as simple and clean as one can get.

But what do you do with it once you have one? I've been using a personal wiki for keeping track of ideas, places and characters for a (rather sprawling) novel project; the simplified page markup of a wiki combined with easy hyperlinking make them great for brainstorming. You could also start up a game of Lexicon, which is well-suited for play on a wiki, and as previously seen in these parts. Or, you know, you could just start your own Everything. (Originally found on bOINGbOING.)
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 7:09 PM on June 4, 2005 (17 comments)

Soldiers of Christ

Soldiers of Christ : "Have you ever switched your toothpaste brand, just for the fun of it?" Pastor Ted asks. Admit it, he insists. All the way home, you felt a "secret little thrill," as excited questions ran through your mind: "Will it make my teeth whiter? My breath fresher?" In this sharp article from Harpers Magazine, Pastor Ted Haggard, head of New Life Church and the World Prayer Team, describes the delirious thrill of deciding upon which brand of worship is right for you. We also meet some of the members of his flock, including one lady with big, brown eyes, eyes with which she claims to have seen "gay sex demons." (A belief more common than you might think.)

Who is this Pastor Ted, who speaks with the White House weekly? He writes books about "free market theology," he oversees the World Prayer Center, and as head of the National Association of Evangelicals, he leads the most powerful religious lobbying group in the United States.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 2:39 AM on May 30, 2005 (36 comments)

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