Activity from Winnie the Proust

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This is so great. When people say, "Raise your boys to be anti sexist," this is what they mean. When people say, "Men have to take responsibility for violence against women," this is what they mean. When people say,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 166 times

To clean up the problem with the store, your friend should engage a lawyer. But it is also possible that this is a scam of some sort. Is your friend sure that the people calling are actually the police? Has your friend visited them at a police... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 97 times

This is very straightforward. It does not need to be about changing your Dad's behavior. Don't make it about your Dad's behavior or pressuring him. It's about you behaving appropriately. It's about your sister behaving appropriately. It's not... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 68 times

If it was noisy before you moved in and it’s noisy now, you don’t have the right to tell them to be quiet. Deal with it on your end. [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 55 times

Yes, you are being weird and overreacting. If I understood your message properly, the price for the current year is almost $80 once you count taxes. It is not $58. So you are paying the cost for this year, give or take a dollar. She also covered... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 53 times

From your description I think your son is out of line. Mysophobia, really? We are on the tail of a pandemic that killed over a million Americans and required major disruptive alterations to everyone's behavior. There were huge cultural conflicts... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 52 times

If you were closer to S, you could ask her about it. Given that you are not super close to S, you should just accept the fact that K was not invited and attend the wedding with your son. It's not polite to try to get extra people invited to weddings.... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 52 times

Whenever I start to get mad at Joe Manchin I try to remember that none of Joe Biden's cabinet appointments or judicial nominations would have been approved if he wasn't in the Senate. The Georgia Miracle wouldn't have been possible with Manchin... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 51 times

This is the exact recipe for a super spreader event: a large number of people coming from different locations all staying together in close contact inside, presumably talking a lot together sitting on couches and around tables. Pretty much the... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 49 times

There are several questions here. I'm not going to answer the second opinion one, or the communication, but want to speak to the idea of "your friend being right and your doctor being wrong." I am not an oncologist, but I've had two... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 46 times

When asked a similar question on NPR, an Iranian women's rights activist said, "Optimism is a political act." That has stuck with me: optimism as a verb, not a noun. Optimism is the first step of activism. It is not the result of a... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 42 times

Your hotel did not tell you this. An employee at your hotel told you this. That employee probably heard the explanation from other employees who decided it was the easiest thing to say to people in the face of crappy key cards failing frequently.... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 41 times

I want to comment on just one thing that you said: I just want him to know that I always loved him. This just isn't true. Don't try to convince him of it. The truth is that you don't know your son. You haven't seen him in, what, 19... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 41 times

Here's an excerpt from Twitter thread by Andy Slavitt. He posted this last night. Short version: you should stay home. #StayHome... saves a lot of lives. Here’s how I think about it. If you’re infected & don’t know it (highly likely) and... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 41 times

It's nice that they took the time to run the word salad algorithm and provide an explanation for the layoffs. I'm sure staff will find it comforting to know the magazine is, "realigning key departments to help deepen engagement with...readers... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 37 times

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