Activity from KelsonV

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These people are so thoroughly cancelled that they got themselves an extended profile in the New Yorker Yeah, serious "I have been silenced!" energy in it.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 14 times

5 stars, 100% customer satisfaction. [more]
FanFare comment - favorited 11 times

I actually saw this ages ago! Probably on a Netflix DVD, or else in the early days of their streaming service. I remember looking at it mainly because the idea of Crispin Glover as a modern Bartleby just seemed...well...absurd, in the classic sense... [more]
FanFare comment - favorited 3 times

Hmm, there probably are a bunch of 12/31/69 birthdays in there where nulls got misread as actual dates [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 3 times

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