Activity from JohnnyGunn

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Divorced person here. I just want to say that you are doing the right thing by researching this now. Divorce lawyers doing financial forensic accounting are EXPENSIVE. In terms of some of the questions you posed, I have heard of friends who did… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Excellent post btw. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Did they test the smell of napalm? I hear it smells like victory in the mornings. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

I have been driving for over four decades. To me, once you learn how to mechanically operate the vehicle and know the rules of the road, it is all about practice, practice, practice. Time behind the wheel and familiarity with the roads on which you… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

My great aunt, rest her soul, lived to be 98. When me and the kids would visit her near the end of her life, she would insist we go to the CF. She would get the same thing every time, take a few bites, have it wrapped to go and have free food (I… [more]
favorited 53 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

It goes without saying she should be dropped like a hot rock. I am not sure I would tell mutual friends that she dug through your personal papers. If I wanted to take that path, I would simply say she breached your privacy in ways that are… [more]
favorited 11 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Give him whatever you are comfortable with. He will tell you to stop if he thinks it is too much. I am not sure what you are buying though. His friendship? Just a gesture to feel good about yourself? Going back decades when I first moved to… [more]
favorited 9 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

If you can't be yourself with your therapist then your ability to make progress with them is severely hindered. I would look for a new therapist. If you can't find one that suits you better, then restart with this one. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

My grandparents had these. Problem was we were never allowed to watch TV at their house bc we were visiting and should be spending time talking and interacting with grandma and grandpa. But, we used to push the buttons just for the sound and the… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

First, I read through your presentation. I really liked it. A lot. To me, it is not side splitting laugh out loud, but rather, big smile amusing. Not sure that even in person you would be getting a lot of guffaws. So what? I think the… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Time and distance. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

For clarity, a landline has to be a POTS line not VOIP. A lot of areas, mostly suburban and city, have done away with the POTS lines as an option and now only do VOIP. Does a previous tenant of your abode have jacks in the walls? Is there an… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Law & Order, NY [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

My Bar Mitzvah was around 50 years ago. My reform temple was using the disposable black nylon ones back then and I am quite certain for at least 5 years before that. 25 years ago they were very commonplace. I also remember my grandfather making… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Huge Yankees fan and my favorite player of all time is Thurman Munson. I always felt that while it may have made no difference, a rule is a rule. Change the rule in the off season if it makes no sense. Certainly there were not a lot of players with… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

The only explanation I can think of, and it is unlikely, is that the driver could not, would not, or simply did not make the delivery and when they returned to the distribution center at the end of the day and said something about it being returned… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

It's hot as a fox in a forest fire. Took landlord 3 days to get someone in to look at it. Fixed. Now I can stop driving around in my car just to get the ac. Also no longer have to spend lots of time wandering the aisles of the grocery for their… [more]
favorited 6 times
MetaTalk comment - 10 months ago

Seems like this thread is in desperate need of a tl/dr, so: It is not 22 minutes on the dot. That's the average, but there's a wide error bar on that (close to 7 minutes). Sometimes, such a period even passes entirely with no bursts..… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Maybe this is too obvious, and sometimes I don't get the subtle hint, but I forge on with a dad joke anyway. Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil. (or is the joke implied in the post title?) The… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Somebody or something is goofing on us. When I was in college many many pulses ago, my roommate and I were bored and decided to see what would happen if we dropped a lacrosse ball (loud thud) on the floor (cement with tile over it) exactly every… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 10 months ago

If this was a problem employee for 3 years, why didn't the company fire them sooner? Maybe they said they were forced out because it will help them collect unemployment. Just resigning does not make for a good unemployment claim. Maybe no… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

I start with the caveat that I know nothing about nail polish other than my daughter used to ask me to paint her nails when she was young(er). She provided the polish. Great fun, lots of giggling, but no knowledge of colors or color schemes, etc… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

You say you under priced it. Not sure what that means. Sounds to me like you priced it exactly right. You got interest. I thought it should be priced so that a potential buyer would be interested. Are you worried about extracting the last $20-30?… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 10 months ago

Thank you one and all. And Happy Birthday! [more]
favorited 1 time
MetaTalk comment - 10 months ago

I am in the camp (rare?) that thinks these competitive eaters are great athletes. Joey Chestnut is one of the greatest athletes of all time. All my family, friends and kids know I think this way. From noon until two when the contest went off, I was… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I am so out of it, I had to look up who or what BTS is. Since I am a very good contra indicator for pop culture, BTS is prolly right. But I hope like hell that Greg_Ace is right. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I would go to war to protect my pancakes. That is not a revolutionary idea. Besides the IHOP is the International House of Pancakes which sounds like it is bridging the gap between the British and the colonists that may or may not have died so we… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

Roosevelt Field mall was my mall. Graduated from a nearby HS in the very late 70s. The hours I spent in the Record World and the World Imports and in the food court and all over the mall are hours spent trying to grow up. Loved the place. Sadly,… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

Glad we could help. Actually kudos to potrzebie for the confirming link. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

It sounds to me like your partner is trying to do you a favor. This is gonna suck, it is expensive, it is time consuming and there is no reason for me to put you through this. I really appreciate your offer to accompany me, but why drag you down too… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I am the only one on team Green in several group texts. My three kids are all iPhone users and send me mms all the time. Photos, videos, etc. I never or very rarely have the problem. I think it is bc I use Google Voice rather than the android… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I celebrated the 20th anniversary of my 39th birthday. [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

To me, a lot of the first cost, the acquisition cost, can be looked at (justified as?) as a type of insurance. The Moby Dick book for a dollar is a good example. I don't know if I will ever read it, but I am willing to pay a dollar to ensure it is… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

After reading the responses, it strikes me as odd (ironic?) that the suggestions are to eat seafood after visiting an aquarium. Look kids, here is the type of fish we will have for dinner. If I were the kid(s) or the adult(s) in this situation, I… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I am a 60 something dad of 3 kids who are very close in age (now in their 20s). I came to the conclusion about 20 years ago that I will never stop spilling on myself at meals, while working on projects around the house, and while doing anything that… [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

When I was in college, my dog learned to pull the towel on my mini-fridge door and roll or bat a can of beer across the room to me. Only problem was the cans were all shaken up when I got them. I think he wanted that because the first few times I… [more]
favorited 5 times
MetaTalk comment - 11 months ago

The CIA mixed LSD and sex at this SF brothel... I would expect nothing less of the CIA. Fuckers. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

No, denile's in Egypt; (proper) Guinness is made in Ireland; the US is on it's own. Favorited on Father's Day. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I started getting up an hour earlier. And, going to sleep 2 hours earlier. Everything else followed without much thought. I am much more efficient now. [more]
favorited 6 times
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

I ALWAYS introduce myself first. "Hi, Johnny Gunn. This is Mary Gloch my partner." Mary sticks her hand out and hopefully, the parent/person says at the same time, "I am Brady's mom, Karen Smith." Also know that many of… [more]
favorited 7 times
Ask MeFi comment - 11 months ago

The Beatles. Average musicians in the right place at the right time. Can't see where the love for the Beatles is coming from. [more]
favorited 12 times
MetaTalk comment - 11 months ago

. Let the sunshine... I have a friend who is about 5 years younger than Treat who is a dead ringer (no pun intended) for Treat. He used to get "recognized" in airports and out in public semi regularly. After some years, he hated it… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

Team headphones here. I like the subtitles, but they annoy my gf, so I bluetooth headphone while she listens to the speaker and asks me what they said. [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 11 months ago

How were you to know something was wrong if the vet didn't know only hours before your cat shift? Bringing the cat to the vet earlier would not have changed the outcome other than maybe a higher vet bill. [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I was a 3am eater. Actually did my best eating between 9pm and midnight, then a "snack" before turning in late. I would wake up and eat two slices of bread. You should have seen the combinations of food I was "forced" to come up… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I would add that I think that was one of the first times they played together in public. Lot of adjustments on the fly. [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

To each their own. Who am I to complain when I eat peanut butter and mustard sammies? But, when I eat pizza, I am a NYer and each a regular slice or three or pepperoni. I certainly do not take pizza recommendations from the WaPo. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Shrimp, garlic, parsley over rice. Cut cucumbers on the side. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

Steamed rice and hot dogs in the rice cooker. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

When I had my trading firm, we would order lunch everyday for the traders and staff since they could not often leave their desks. We also kept the refrigerator stocked with soda, water, seltzer, etc. One day, the SEC auditors were in our office… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - Last year

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