Activity from Gorgik

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“Many people, all with the best of intentions, have said that if I walk away from UNC, I will have let those who opposed me win. But I do not want to win someone else’s game. It is not my job to heal this university, to force the reforms... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 157 times

"...what they choose ..." The question, in the context of the class and the topic in general, is what constitutes free choice, and how many people in prostitution have chosen it, compared to others who have not. I'm one of the... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 115 times

I never read nor watched GoT, nor will I ever. But am I glad to see this paragraph in a review of it: But here is what I know about women and power: Men fear powerful women, because they know that women have always had cause to fear powerful... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 95 times

Hoist by Her Own Petard and A Little Too Big for Their Britches are, incidentally, the first two volumes in my new Cocky Commenter romance series.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 91 times

The second link has a line about students not knowing where their classes were, and I'm like "why don't they just look in the course catalog" and then I was like I got one when I was in school it was a paper book like 50 pages long and then... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 79 times

I don't know about dealing with COVID, but I'd suggest that being careful for a year wasn't for nothing. You and your partner were safe and healthy when a lot of other people weren't, and apart from yourselves, you very likely prevented other people... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 74 times

Dave Brown @dave_brown24 This is the first time a sitting president has been banned from Twitter going back to 1812 [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 70 times

Not running for president, but more affirmation that using a fake name on rec.arts.erotica was the right choice. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 56 times

Back in Kent, Ohio, local business owners ran an ad thanking the National Guard. Mail poured in to the mayor’s office, blaming “dirty hippies,” “longhairs” and “outside agitators” for the violence. Some Kent residents raised four fingers when... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 55 times

Somehow I think this is an attempt on Fox's part to make marriage seem less interesting to gay people. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 50 times

In a just world, we would see Zuckerberg resigning, or being dismissed by the board. In a just world, a group of preschoolers would be given unfettered access to Zuckerberg's bank accounts. Then he'd be dismissed by the board.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 48 times

I sold my daughter on a trip to London Jesus Christ that is expensive [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 46 times

It's short, and who knows all the things behind it, but I'm glad to hear someone in a position of authority speak plainly, hopefully and with gratitude.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 46 times

I don't tell people about this normally, but I sometimes buy a gift card at a local coffee place on my commute route, and leave it for the staff to use for subsequent customers. It felt like the right time to do it this morning. This morning the... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 42 times

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