Activity from Shepherd

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In 1993, I was in my second year of university in Toronto, living in the Ryerson residence on the 10th floor; one of those apartment-style spaces where five bedrooms shared a kitchenette, two bathrooms, and a living space. There was a federal... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 321 times

Hello! I am your husband. I bought the black bean flour with the idiotic idea that I could use it to make tortillas, so I could have black bean tortillas with black beans as filling, and just black bean black bean black bean. This was ill-advised and... [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 258 times

I've been frankly just kind of avoiding the subject since the election, and continue to be completely dispirited. And I'm in Canada. This is what has me stuck: way back when, Colbert famously said that "reality has a liberal bias."... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 204 times

Totally justifiable. Just like Fox and talk radio form a beleaguered bastion of otherwise totally unavailable conservative reporting against a literal ocean of misinformation in the liberal MSM, this kind of effort barely begins to balance the... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 194 times

[me] Say, artist, can I commission you to do this piece of art for me? [artist] No, I choose not to do that particular piece of art. [me] FUUUUCK YOOOUUUUU {writes 5,000 words on the Internet} You can't be both "tattoos are... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 181 times

[picture of Sealand] Freenet means controversial information does not need to be stored in physical data havens such as this one, Sealand. I think all Guardian stories should now feature photos of things that the stories are not about.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 161 times

I saw a stellar interview with Ozzy on I think MuchMusic at the tail end of the '80s; he was obviously addled, and the interviewer asked him about Satanism and satanic lyrics and hidden messages. Ozzy was bemused, baffled, and stoned off... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 161 times

As somebody that works in pharma marketing (mostly for the "good" drugs, the ones that treat cancer and heart failure, etc.) I feel I can say with some authority that the Holy Grail for a drug is to make it into recognized practice... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 151 times

Things that have resulted in my cat deciding he is Just Not Having It: • Talking like Billy Bob Thornton in "Sling Blade" • Jazz hands • Frankenstein walk • The Hand Jive, accompanied by "Born to Hand Jive" from... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 131 times

There's a point at which even my schadenfreude is exhausted and I just need to rest my forehead on the desk and have a little nap. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 129 times

Here's the thing, though: she really thinks she's owning it. Look at her: totally confident that she is doing it justice, delivering a balls-out blistering slab of rock n' roll to her tweentastic fans. She believes. That’s' what freaks... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 120 times

As a professional I of course have my evenings, weekends and holidays to myself. I never bring work home or work during my two hour a day commute. My company has never asked me to be away from home for multiple days at a time or cut my weekend... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 112 times

New rule: if you're going to portmanteau man- or bro- into something to preserve the fragilest of masculinities, I believe the word you are searching for is portmanbro.... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 111 times

I, a Canadian, tried to honour my wife's Americanness by serenading her this morning. Observations: • that is a hella hard song to sing. • the lyrics are also really difficult to recall, especially when you're in the middle part... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 105 times

Normally I'd adhere to "don't read the comments" but there is this magical confluence of everybody literally hating everything in every direction simultaneously happening, where it's like Racists For Hilary and Anti-Racists For Hillary and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 101 times

Also, if John Doe and Richard Roe are both cardinals they are John Richard Cardinals Doe Roe. And if they had a pet cardinal named Joe Blow it would be John Richard Cardinals Doe Roe's cardinal Joe Blow; if that cardinal were made a cardinal,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 100 times

Making Olbermann an anchor is as legit as making O'Reilly an anchor. There seems to be an innate desire among people to "weight" people on the left side of the spectrum to people on the right side. This leads to weird math, like... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 91 times

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