Activity from Fiasco da Gama

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Everybody, eventually, will become Generation X [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 106 times

Do it the old fashioned way like I do. Every morning at 7.30am, my assistant runs a script which sends every unread blue, green and grey thread to the laser colour printer. He collates them, punches holes in them, and puts them in three folders, one... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 86 times

'She's sideways', the captain said, shrugging 'wedged in with containers we're lugging, but we all understand that relief is at hand we'll get off with some vigorous... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 86 times

This is one of the most Engineer Mentality articles I've ever read. 'Engineer Mentality' I've come to believe, is always looking at machines, systems, cultures, as problems that are amenable to solutions (if we just applied thinking and process),... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 86 times

After Greek we go to Cyrillic, then Hebrew, and then we challenge western readers with kanji. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 85 times

henry kissinger lived just long enough to see a socialist take power in chile again. [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 83 times

Also if he’s behaving like this to you, there’s a good chance he behaves like that with other patients [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 82 times

Hi, I'm a volunteer with my State's emergency response agency for storms and floods. These are a) incredibly satisfying to watch and b) about as hazardous to life as you can get when it comes to flood water, maybe only exceeded by driving a car into... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 81 times

Math is the purest subject This idea was why I was so bad at it. Mathematics was taught to me as a set of rote-memorisable formulae, without context or meaning; and those of us in my classes who were good at memorising—say—the quadratic... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 79 times

Gen X was just waiting for all the gerontocrats to die and leave us spaces to be promoted up into, joke’s on us [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 78 times

This is a great article, but some of it is only partly true: A practical theory of kitchen design didn’t emerge until the 20th century. Until then, kitchens were just random bits of furniture and a stove shoved in attics, basements and poorly... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 78 times

This question, when I get it, still makes me twitch a little bit, even though I have a perfectly good answer and can hold an interesting conversation about it if I need to. What makes it unpleasant is how difficult it was to answer while I was... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 75 times

DISNEY: ‘I am altering our deal. Pray I do not alter it any further’ [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 74 times

‘Don’t let them pay you in flattery’ is a solid lesson every young person should receive when they start work [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 74 times

Just for a moment, I urge those of you who are prison abolitionists, and who maintain a position against those disciplinary institutions of the State which serve a personal and general deterrent function, to hear me out on... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 71 times

When he toured Australia, the Canberra Times asked him some interview questions about the then proposed light rail, and urban planning, and he came up with what (as a planner) I think is a timeless line about anxiety over urban change: “It's a... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 71 times

this generation’s tulip mania I have been fascinated for a long time about how fundamentally confusing it is to think about any of this stuff, because it's so obvious everyone who disagrees, disagrees about what the basics of reality are. I don't... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 68 times

I also know what it feels like to allow a robot into my life and into the fundamental practices of everyday dealing with the world, to let it intermediate the way I engaged with other people, and to be a framework and a prop for daily habits. I too... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 67 times

Consider the characteristics of the Royal Family. They're they're to talk about, and for people to tell tall stories about, they're very famous but essentially local symbols (to the UK, and to England more specifically), they straddle the line... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 66 times

she said her car would not go in reverse This car and driver shouldn't be on the road, and you should follow it up through your insurance company. [more]
Ask MeFi comment - favorited 66 times

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