Activity from Ghidorah

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How to cook a pony.
I'd love a cookme page. I'm sure there's a large number of mefites with good recipes to share. While there are indeed other sites out there, this is the community I've chosen to join, and if at all possible, you folks are the people I'd like to see recipes from.

And the pony? Well, obviously there'd be some delicious tender bits, sauteed as medalions, probably with garlic and red wine. I'm sure a stew could be made. Some of it could be served nice and raw with soy sauce… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 10:48 PM on November 13, 2008

I wanna play. My computer sucks. My Xbox rules.
Uh, I think I signed up at mefight, but I wasn't sure if (PROUD CONSOLE GAMER/owner of an older laptop that can barely play GTA san andreas) anyone out there uses their mighty PS3 to play online. It's mighty, I tell you. And essentially free, with purchase of large tv. And I'm finding Call of Duty 4 to be giggles of fun. I'd be Ghidorah5000 (someone beat me to it) on the PS3 thing.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 7:54 AM on September 24, 2008

The nutty bar, oh, my long lost friend...

The secret is to pry the layers of wafer apart, eating them one at a time, savoring the chocolate and peanut butter gobbed onto a single, ever-so-crispy wafer. The answer to all of life's problems, really. They even come in packs of two, so you can share them...

So, scody, bring that cream filled gauntlet. My hands are covered in warm, gooey chocolate, and that stuff stains.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 1:47 AM on September 14, 2008

What's in a name?
I've been away for a week, and wonder if I've missed the boat. My first choice was a great name, going back to college, when I had back surgery and walked with a lurch/limp for a week or so, and was called Torgo by pretty much all of my friends. Sadly, someone nabbed that, so I went with the best Giant Monster EVER.

Also, my beany baby King Ghidorah was sitting on my desk when I was trying to think up a name after finding my first choice taken.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 2:29 AM on September 3, 2008

Tokyo meetup?
Lovely Chiba? I know a bar that has a free time nomi-hodai from 5pm until 11pm, under 2000 yen.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 6:16 AM on July 31, 2008
Sorry, guys, I kind of forgot about the thread, and, well, it's tonight, in 8 minutes, and I think I might miss it.

For the record, I'm in Chiba City (which, yeah, is about an hour from Tokyo/Akihabara), but that bar, seriously, the beer is fine. Plus, if you drink enough, it's quite tasty. Have a good time, and I'll try to join in the next one.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 2:53 AM on August 16, 2008

Fantasy football, anyone?
Never played, and would love to join, but I'll be unable to get online for the draft. My smack talking, though, is prime stuff.
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 8:02 AM on August 9, 2008
Thanks, reenum, but having my picks made automatically would take all of the fun out of the trashtalking portion of the game.

"Hah, look at that! My arbitrarily chosen team, comprised of random players Yahoo! thought I would like, is mightier than those which have been labored over and agonized about!"

While that would indeed be funny, it would just be the wrong kind of funny. Have a good time, and savor your victory, whoever wins,… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 2:35 PM on August 9, 2008
misskaz, thanks for the info. This technology you speak of confuses and frightens me, speaking as someone who has to either pray that the Bears are actually on TV in Japan (it happens, say, twice a season, sometimes up to a week late) or wait to, uh, acquire the game through other means. Having a dog in a fantasy game might cause me to break my weekly "until I see the game" sports moratorium.

Shockingly, things like bittorrent have dramatically increased my… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Ghidorah at 3:38 PM on August 10, 2008

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