Activity from Ghidorah

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Apologies for missing the thread, and for not having read through. I'm a pretty deeply lapsed Jew, and the news, and the realization that this is Yom Hashoah shook something in me, jarred something loose, and while I'm not crazy about the "I... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 233 times

The end of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead has been running through my mind a lot recently. In the film, at least, they are standing, nooses around their necks, and one of them says something along the lines of "There must have been a... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 185 times

Because, just maybe, there've been several metas, and many long term members have left over the gradual erosion of hardfought standards on the site? That maybe a lot of members don't really relish the idea of waking up to jokes based on race, gender,... [more]
MetaTalk comment - favorited 150 times

This needs to be the next step. Bannon needs to be outed, his name needs to be a household name, like Spencer, like David Duke. He needs to be shown for the disgusting hatemongering troll he is, to the extent that the White House is forced to get rid... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 148 times

4 hours and 20 minutes later, I'm home, and mostly the house is in surprisingly good shape. The cat seems entirely unbothered. Mrs. Ghidorah is holed up at work for the evenly with coworkers, and the family is all okay. Sometime later, I'll try to... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 131 times

“just like life is kind of a mean game,” Burnett told CNN, in 2001. “Everyone’s out for themselves.” No, it’s not. Choosing to believe that, and to act on that, to willfully profit from it by assembling damaged people specifically chosen... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 131 times

Brain Sturgeon, aside from an astounding failure to read the room, your up-to-the-minute usage of "woke" misses the target by a couple years. Gawker is literally owned by a different company (bought for pennies on the dime, it was), and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 129 times

captain afab, the New York Times had a break down of his career, and it seems like by every account, he was an exceptional person, meeting and surpassing every challenge along his career, including required study and examinations in nuclear physics... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 128 times

I honestly feel terrible for Hillary Clinton. She’s not my ideal candidate, she does have baggage I’m not fond of. On the other hand, I don’t deny the comments running up to the election in 2016 that she was probably the most competent and... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 127 times

So, uh, let me try to understand the whole debacle. America (and several concerned parties) have essentially abandoned the idea of laws, and have just said "Wikilinks is bad, they must be stopped." And, uh, 4chan is saying, "no, no,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 122 times

There most certainly are young children riding trains, but children riding utterly alone are pretty rare. Very young children riding trains are heading to a private school, but for the most part, at least in the greater Tokyo area, kids are going to... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 118 times

I'm still trying to catch up with the Devos news, so please forgive a bit of a derail back to that. I don't talk about this a lot, but it took me five years to graduate from high school. I spent three years at Loy Norrix High School in Kalamazoo,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 111 times

This brought to mind some ugly childhood things, things I carry with me, and I’ve come to understand I’ll never really be rid of. For nearly all of my elementary school life, my best friends were the kids in my neighborhood. One kid in particular,... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 110 times

I haven't had a chance to check this today, and might have missed important events, but the thing that struck me when I saw his petulant attempt at rolling everything back because he's bad at words was something like this: For everyone rushing to... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 103 times

Fuck. Nothing like just giving in and going to sleep and missing the whole damn party. At least I’ll always remember where I was when I heard the news, waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stupidly checking my phone. I’m... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 103 times

The thing I saw floating around, that I really, really liked, was that if United (I think) is valued at $70 billion, and they’re asking for a $60 billion bailout, the country should just buy the airline outright. That, and cruise lines asking for... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 102 times

(I'm sorry, I didn't intend for this to end up so long, or so involved) My father died 12 years ago, and in a very strange turn, I was actually home. I'd come back, bringing my wife and her parents so that everyone could meet each other. My dad... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 102 times

Among my people (urban, lefty, low BMI) No, no, he's still got more room to go on the punchability scale! [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 99 times

Giuliani is trying to cling to relevance. I imagine not having a chair when the music stopped was crushing to him. Here he is, America's racist uncle, being out racisted, and trying to say, hey, remember me? I can be a total lack of human decency too!... [more]
MeFi comment - favorited 97 times

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