Favorites from Artw

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Y'all mind hanging back? You're jamming my frequency.

Inversion [more pics] [text] "This house has many hearts."
posted to MetaFilter by moonbird at 7:39 AM on June 30, 2007 (31 comments)

Charlie Wilson's War

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip ends tonight, and Aaron Sorkin will be leaving television production for a while. His current project is Charlie Wilson's War, a movie starring Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman, based on the late George Crile's excellent, funny nonfic book of the same name. The movie will trace "party animal" Congressman Charles "Good Time Charlie" Wilson's (D, TX) rise from a scandal (he was caught in "a hot tub tryst with two cocaine-sniffing showgirls in Las Vegas",) to his role in the 1980's covertly funding Afghanistan guerrillas so they could expand their war with the Soviet Union. Wilson's actions would eventually help collapse the Afghan PDPA government, a power vacuum which would be filled by the Taliban. Who would have thought ending the Cold War would be so easy?
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 8:04 AM on June 28, 2007 (59 comments)

In Space no-one wants to hear you.

"Should we ever hear the space-phone ringing, for God's sake let us not answer". First we are told Space Colonisation is a stupid and expensive idea. Then that contact with space aliens is inadvisable. Maybe David Bowie was right, the government would just ruin it anyway. That's why we can't have nice things.
posted to MetaFilter by takeyourmedicine at 10:32 AM on June 28, 2007 (89 comments)

Civilization and Anarchy

John Hodgman [fantastic youtubed interview], author, expert, oathster and yes, electronics impersonator, blogs jury duty. Amusement ensues.
posted to MetaFilter by doift at 9:04 AM on June 19, 2007 (26 comments)

That's Hot

TV actress and hotel heiress Paris Hilton, infamous for her inadvertent comedic stylings on reality show "The Simple Life", was ordered to return to serve her incarceration sentence today. The order comes fast on the heels of an evacuation from her correctional facility in Lynwood due to supposed health problems(nsfw).
posted to MetaFilter by Stynxno at 12:43 PM on June 8, 2007 (283 comments)

How can I quickly browse media rich RSS feeds?

Is there some format more suitable for quick scanning of image dense feeds than your standard RSS reader?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by stuart_s at 11:38 AM on May 28, 2007 (1 comment)

None if by land, two if....oh, it's all so depressing.

The Emos are coming! The Utah ABC affiliate has the skinny on the newest thing that's killing today's children. Emo. (No, not THAT Emo.)
posted to MetaFilter by nevercalm at 3:50 PM on May 22, 2007 (134 comments)

Suggestions for the Super Canon?

[Comic Filter] I was recently offered a job that requires a working knowledge of popular American superheroes from the 1930's onward. I've always been a fan of the darker comics (Hellboy, Sandman); now I need to know the difference between Green Lantern and Green Arrow. What should I be reading?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by roger ackroyd at 4:21 PM on May 18, 2007 (19 comments)

SecondLife presence for nonprofits -- Yay or Nay?

My overlord has fallen in love with SecondLife, and wants our organization to build a presence there. How can I convince her that this is a dumb idea? Or is it not a dumb idea?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 12:50 PM on May 15, 2007 (34 comments)

King me

Like checkers meets Blade Runner , Quadradius is draughts with powerups Well, with no diagonal motion or jumping, but they're checker-shaped and "Parcheesi meets Neuromancer" didn't have that ring. Pretty sure it's flash.
posted to MetaFilter by klangklangston at 5:36 PM on May 10, 2007 (27 comments)

Face the telescreen

Nineteen Eighty-Four (YouTube) Nigel Kneale's BBC adaptation of the Orwell classic; made in 1954, with Peter Cushing as Winston Smith.
posted to MetaFilter by Abiezer at 6:03 AM on May 6, 2007 (18 comments)

Will USCIS visit us at home?

I'm a 2 Year Green Card holder married to a US citizen (I came on a K1 Visa). Now we're filing I-751 - Removal of conditions on permanent residency. Will USCIS visit us at home to see if there's
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 4:43 PM on May 4, 2007 (10 comments)

wedding officiant needed

Need recomendations for a good, non-religious wedding officiant in Seattle, Wa.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jeffamaphone at 10:48 AM on April 30, 2007 (9 comments)

How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran

How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran by Joshuah Bearman. As history keeps on happening, all people and events are becoming linked to each other in strange and inexplicable ways. Once in a while those links surface into view. Here, then, is the key event that connects Jack Kirby and Roger Zelazny to the CIA's handling of the Iranian hostage crisis. Via Wired Magazine and good evening.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:17 PM on April 26, 2007 (36 comments)

The labyrinth made simple

Getting around underground in NYC is no longer only for people who already know how to get around underground in NYC. Graphic Designer Eric Jabbour has been spending his free time obsessively redesigning MTA transit maps. And the results are striking. Non-New Yorkers will undoubtedly be able to figure out what's what. Cleaner lines and neighborhood boundaries are just a few features. Also, one can clearly see and understand transfer points and more street names.
posted to MetaFilter by sneakin at 2:07 PM on April 26, 2007 (89 comments)

I suddenly have an intense desire to watch a Jimmy Stewart film. And take a shower.

"It wasn't scary, it was just gratuitous, as if they thought, 'I know, let's have a rape,' and that made me quite angry." The question will be asked often in the coming weeks, as "Vacancy" and "Hostel 2" approach: Do modern horror films ("gorno," or gore pornography) go too far, particularly when it comes to women? Who said violent misogyny was entertaining? Is this just a retread of the exploitation wave of the 1970s/80s? (Most links NSFW, sensitive souls, people who detest violence)
posted to MetaFilter by jbickers at 9:09 AM on April 11, 2007 (198 comments)

Nitpick: It's "Lego" not "Legos", kthx

Why We Banned Legos - Exploring power, ownership, and equity in an early childhood classroom. National Review response. (via this post on Salon Broadsheet)
posted to MetaFilter by Melinika at 2:26 PM on April 3, 2007 (219 comments)

The Eldritch Dark: The Sanctum of Clark Ashton Smith

The Eldritch Dark. No, not about Mr. Lovecraft, but a sprawling site dedicated to Clark Ashton Smith, a friend and frequent correspondent. Along with Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, Smith is an early contributor to Weird Tales whose stories stand the test of time (his work directly inspired Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison). He thought of himself primarily as a poet.
posted to MetaFilter by mediareport at 9:05 PM on April 2, 2007 (10 comments)

What else can I do with Windows Vista Media Center?

I just got a new PC with Windows Vista and have been exposed to Windows Media Center for the first time. What neat things can I do with it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Servo5678 at 9:16 AM on March 26, 2007 (4 comments)

Snip snip snip

What are great resources for cutting apart a photoshop file into a standards-compliant webpage?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dentata at 4:13 PM on March 23, 2007 (4 comments)

Software Reccomendations: Writing a Paper While Keeping An Outline

Need toms help finding a good program or method for maintaining an outline structure within an essay. As you can tell, I'm having a hard time describing my problem.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by rossination at 12:19 PM on March 9, 2007 (9 comments)

Welcome to the world of ancient, eldritch creatures that will haunt your nightmares!

Welcome to the world of giant Cambrian predators! The anomalocaris is one of the ancient creatures found fossilized in the Burgess Shale in British Columbia, a particularly rich trove of fossils from the Cambrian period (543 to 490 million years ago), in which one finds not only the hard parts of animals, but also the soft, squishy bits. Some of the finds were so weird, that they got names like hallucigenia and odontogriphus ("toothed riddle"). Other sites for finding fossils of equal quality from that era are Chengjiang in China and the House Range in Utah.
posted to MetaFilter by Kattullus at 4:51 PM on February 25, 2007 (18 comments)

Under the Hood

Resonance FM gives you an interview with writer Alan Moore in three parts. I,II & III [.mp3]
posted to MetaFilter by oh pollo! at 6:48 AM on February 16, 2007 (5 comments)

SF cinema sans CGI

The Fountain "No matter how good CGI looks at first, it dates quickly...So I set the ridiculous goal of making a film that would reinvent space without using CGI." Director Aronofsky tapped into the microphotography work of Parks and Parks to bring a new look to special effects in science fiction cinema.
posted to MetaFilter by dhruva at 9:10 PM on February 13, 2007 (94 comments)

Shouldn't he have eaten a placenta by now?

The Beginner's Guide to L Ron Hubbard. A surprisingly sympathetic look at the cultists everyone loves to hate. Or more specifically their slightly less crazy splinter church.
posted to MetaFilter by mock at 4:44 AM on February 11, 2007 (147 comments)

Fairy Tales For Grown-Ups

Pan's Labyrinth the new movie by director Guillermo del Toro (Devil's Backbone) is a fairy tale for grownups. Certainly not a new idea, stories like Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia have elements that appeal to adults, but Pan's Labyrinth is perhaps unique in that it's not at all suitable for children.
posted to MetaFilter by grapefruitmoon at 7:13 PM on January 28, 2007 (160 comments)

Hindi cinema

Bollywood Dreams. Bollywood in a nutshell: Bollywood is the name given to the Bombay (Mumbai)-based Hindi-language film industry in India. Bollywood films are colorful, crammed with singing, dancing, loads of costume changes. In the past there were often absurd and hilarious take-offs on Western films or superstars, such as the Beatles, Michael Jackson , Elvis,70's music and hair styles. Spectacular collection of Bollywood posters and vintage original poster art for sale and t-shirts. Stats and faqs. The history of Bollywood, brief chronology [pdf]. The main actors, images. The main actresses, images. Some of the renowned songs and the singers who sang them. Bollywood song lyrics and audio at the excellent Music India Online. [more inside]
posted to MetaFilter by nickyskye at 1:13 PM on January 27, 2007 (73 comments)

101 Free Games

101 free games for Windows. Computer Gaming World (now called Games For Windows) lists some excellent downloads. Some standouts: Penumbra, a physics-based horror adventure; now-free classics like Star Control 2, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Maniac Mansion; remakes of other classics like the Star Wars arcade game; addictive action title Every Extend; Asteroids-meets-RTS Base Invaders, and many, many more. Are they missing anything (besides TrackMania, ADOM, and Cave Story)?
posted to MetaFilter by blahblahblah at 7:08 PM on January 21, 2007 (27 comments)

Things My Boyfriend Says.

Things My Boyfriend Says. Not my boyfriend, mind you. I'm just posting it.
posted to MetaFilter by maryh at 12:07 PM on January 20, 2007 (85 comments)

Worldwide GDP per Sq. Kilometer

GDP per square kilometer (jpg), via.
posted to MetaFilter by jonson at 7:33 PM on January 13, 2007 (31 comments)

Graphics in Word

Help me place graphics in a Word document, pretty please.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by MarshallPoe at 4:36 PM on January 4, 2007 (6 comments)

A Modern Take On "Spiders On Drugs"

Web-Building Is For Suckas (YouTube, approx. 2 mins.)... A bit of an update on Peter Witt's famous 1960s experiments on the effects of various drugs on spiders' web-building abilities (previously featured on Metafilter here and here)
posted to MetaFilter by amyms at 7:18 AM on January 3, 2007 (56 comments)


PARO: Seal Type Mental Commit Robot for Psychological Enrichment.
posted to MetaFilter by gottabefunky at 8:30 PM on December 28, 2006 (18 comments)


Threads (Google Video, 1hr 50min). Classic Reagan/Thatcher era nuclear war film that scared the bejeezus out of everyone in 1984 (including my 14-year-old self). [good background previously]
posted to MetaFilter by schoolgirl report at 6:59 PM on December 21, 2006 (91 comments)

Ye Largishe List ov Gods & Spirits

I want to love the Table of Gods, a list of "4862 gods, godesses, deities, avatars, incarnations, angels, demons and various spirits, and 520 aliases, mispronounciations and generally confusing name variations." There isn't much more than a list of names with short descriptions, but you can search by keyword (say, chthonic), by origin (e.g., Canaan), and by name. The information and presentation are not in the same league as Encyclopedia Mythica, or even Godchecker, but it does list Hanuman.

The listings invite you to add keywords and comments, but unfortunately the feature is broken. You can add either, but they are appended unmoderated to the record for "A", which is consequently a mess. If I've been a good boy this year, this feature will work and be gleaning meaningful user contributions on Christmas morning, and I will get to love the Table of Gods.
posted to MetaFilter by owhydididoit at 7:43 PM on December 20, 2006 (15 comments)

"The Free Woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar."

Goreans are inspired by the sci-fi works of Gor, by John Norman, whose turgid prose lays out a way of life for male masters and female slaves...but also Free Women. So why not meet one? Or at least say hello. And don't forget their humor! It sure is something. It just isn't BDSM.
posted to MetaFilter by Sticherbeast at 7:47 PM on December 20, 2006 (62 comments)

Simple and direct.

The Stick and the Stack may be stuck. NASA's Project Constellation is the effort to rebuild the manned spacecraft program after nearly thirty years of flying the Shuttle. While the mighty Ares V, the big brother of the pair, seems to be working out on paper, the stick, Ares 1 is running into real trouble, as even with a longer first stage booster, it may not be able to loft the new Orion Crew Vehicle. Now, a group of NASA engineers, with one private person acting as the public face, say that there's a simpler, more DIRECT way.
posted to MetaFilter by eriko at 6:00 PM on December 19, 2006 (46 comments)

We are the 801, We are the central shaft

Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy), the cover version.
Two San Francisco musicians cover all of Brian Eno's pre-ambient album - the one loosely inspired by a Maoist opera. Eno likes it.
posted to MetaFilter by thatwhichfalls at 5:15 AM on December 12, 2006 (20 comments)

Grob spike-attack, Santasiere's folly, and the vulture defense

Chess has a long, if somewhat shrouded, history, with beautiful chess pieces found dating from the 5th century. It has spawned hundreds of fascinating stories, and many interesting names for moves. For the last five decades, the history of chess and computers have been intertwined in many ways. Chess continues to adapt to a new age, with controversies around computer-assisted cheating, attempts to sex-up chess books, thousands of variants, and an amazing online database that can search through recorded games for the last 200 years.
posted to MetaFilter by blahblahblah at 10:43 AM on December 4, 2006 (5 comments)

Military Weaponry for Kids

Military Weaponry for Kids Is a Flickr photoset of scans from a Chinese children's coloring (and character art practice) book.
posted to MetaFilter by jonson at 10:56 AM on November 30, 2006 (36 comments)

The 2000AD Generation.

Comics creator and Alan Moore collaborator Eddie Campbell is blogging. He joins fellow UK artists Sean Phillips, Chris Weston, Colin Wilson, Frazer Irving, and Dave Taylor in offering glimpses behind the creative process.
posted to MetaFilter by beaucoupkevin at 9:27 AM on November 27, 2006 (10 comments)

I'll be needing a body for this!

"It's as I always say... all really intelligent people should be cremated for reasons of public safety!"
Hot on the tail of the forthcoming Hellboy animated series, the Sci-Fi Channel has adapted Mike Mignola's marvellous, absurd Eisner-Award-winning comic The Amazing Screw-On Head into a 22-minute animated pilot. The episode is available for viewing on Sci-Fi's site right now.
posted to MetaFilter by terpsichoria at 6:10 AM on July 14, 2006 (33 comments)

No more spandex, please.

Goodbye to comics. One woman's story of a busted vagina, a syzygy, rape pages and why she is no longer working in comics.
posted to MetaFilter by Brandon Blatcher at 7:31 PM on November 25, 2006 (64 comments)

Eagle 5 to immediate launch! Take it, Alan!

Look-in was a British TV and comics magazine that featured interviews, crosswords, etc. Of interest to those of us raised raised on 70s and 80s television, there was a wealth of gorgeously-rendered licensed comics material inside. These strips included Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Space: 1999, and Terrahawks. (Via)
posted to MetaFilter by beaucoupkevin at 11:12 PM on November 24, 2006 (18 comments)


This is what the end of the world looks like. Photos of ballistic missiles, especially reentry vehicle tests. (Sound on last link.)
posted to MetaFilter by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:09 PM on October 21, 2006 (69 comments)

Another WWII tank pulled from the mud

WWII STUG Not sure how many people saw the post about the T34 pulled out of a peat bog a couple of weekends ago, but here is another story about German tank this time. Pulled out of the mud in the Czeck Republic. Decent amount of pictures with this one too.
posted to MetaFilter by a3matrix at 6:52 AM on September 23, 2006 (23 comments)

Take the U.S. citizenship test

Take the U.S. citizenship test
posted to MetaFilter by PenguinBukkake at 1:04 PM on September 22, 2006 (63 comments)

Onwards Falcons!

Johnny Red was a story appearing in Battle and Battle Action magazine back in the late 70's and early 80's. Telling the story of a young British fighter pilot serving with the Falcons; a Russian squadron in World War II; Johnny Red was remarkable for it's time (in the midst of the Cold War) giving a positive image of Soviet Russian heroism in the fight against Nazi Germany. Scans of almost every issue are contained within - enjoy!
posted to MetaFilter by longbaugh at 11:45 AM on September 2, 2006 (12 comments)

Starship Dimensions

Starship Dimensions: A Museum of Speculative Fiction inspired Spaceships - Click in the different zoom levels to compare starships.
posted to MetaFilter by bob sarabia at 9:42 PM on August 29, 2006 (30 comments)
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