Favorites from forbiddencabinet

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Displaying comments 1 to 50 of 158
MeFi post: Ever wondered what Isaac Asimov would sound like beatboxing?
oh, i just saw today an article on steve parker, who's arranged a bunch of musical instruments hooked up to an eeg for a single-member audience

posted to MetaFilter by Clowder of bats at 10:37 PM on April 24, 2024
I love NASA's work on sonifying data collected by experiments looking at our galaxy's black hole and around the universe.
posted to MetaFilter by They sucked his brains out! at 9:44 PM on April 24, 2024
MeFi post: when a disney adult learns about capitalism
Except enshittification isn't a critique of capitalism at all. I'm not even sure it's a critique of anything. It's a label for the strategic choice to degrade goods and services without reducing their price, when the investor subsidy that had permitted them to be offered at negative margin is taken away. The vast majority of capitalist activity abjures investor-subsidized-negative-margin sales and so never reaches this inflection point.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by MattD at 7:29 AM on December 10, 2023
MeFi post: The Puritanical Eye
Sex is an integral part of life, and has much more to do with our human experience than does any CG-y hallway fight. As the superhero genre fades away, it will be interesting to see whether adult concerns become prominent in films again.
posted to MetaFilter by kittens for breakfast at 4:14 AM on November 27, 2023
MeFi post: Protecting a town with a living shoreline of saltmarsh and oyster beds
In Boston, there's a group experimenting with lining the shores of Boston Harbor with thousands of floating mats of vegetation to achieve the same goal (so far, they've only released a handful of the mats, to see if they will, in fact, thrive). It's called the Emerald Tutu because the researchers love a good local in joke (the Emerald Necklace is Boston's large connected park system, designed by Olmsted). Video of some floating mats, well, floating.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by adamg at 6:50 PM on November 20, 2023
MeFi post: It's about to become easier to die
I have to echo the concerns voiced here about non-Canadian coverage of medically-assisted dying policy in my country. The vast majority of it has been hand-wringing, fear-mongering, "it starts with this and it ends with your children!" scare-coverage that reveals far more about the perspective of the reporting outlet than it does how this policy integrates into and is perceived by Canadian society.

David Brooks' coverage in The Atlantic has been particularly... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by jordantwodelta at 7:59 AM on October 20, 2023
This is clickbait; this feels like reading the Toronto Sun or similar.

MAID is controversial all around. No one is marching people to death camps. I doubt it will even get passed because there is just too much controversy about its application.

Clickbait like this only serves to further the Cons and PPC.
posted to MetaFilter by Kitteh at 4:38 AM on October 20, 2023
Yeah, this is clickbait. Speaking as someone who has a mental illness that is known to get both worse and more drug-resistant as I get older I would be very glad to live somewhere that has a social construct for me exiting rather than having to leave a surprise corpse for someone.

The framing of the article as being directed at drug addiction is rather pathetic. They could just as well called out anorexics or people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. "Canada... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Tell Me No Lies at 9:50 PM on October 19, 2023
MetaTalk post: Testing out a new FanFare front page
Thanks frimble, cortex, et. al. for taking the time to work on improving the FanFare experience.
This image shows my humble suggestion for an alternate approach at achieving the core goal.
I focused on the TV section, since those entries tend to have more info at the top level. But the principles would be essentially the same for the other media types.

The key ideas:
• Rename “TV” to “TV Series,” per others' suggestions
•... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by D.Billy at 10:54 PM on June 14, 2019
MeFi post: It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
I am shocked, shocked! To find that the Fraser Institute in Canada is part of this.
posted to MetaFilter by fimbulvetr at 6:55 PM on September 12, 2023
MeFi post: A place for images of John Oliver looking sexy.
but how long will r/pics users be content to repost the same handful of images?
posted to MetaFilter by ryanrs at 9:17 PM on June 17, 2023
MeFi post: Slappy the Shoe Frog
I wonder if Slappy got tips from Frodrick?
posted to MetaFilter by magstheaxe at 8:12 AM on March 27, 2023
MetaTalk post: Too Many Links
Annnnnd, once again, the reason I don’t post on the Blue. If a well-researched, perfectly cited deep dive post not only can’t pass muster, but also receives a written complaint, what reason is there for folks to even participate? It’s so utterly demoralizing and draining.

Since this isn’t school or a job, why are there rubrics and performance appraisals? Why can’t people just make the posts they want to make?
posted to MetaTalk by WaspEnterprises at 8:40 PM on March 21, 2023
MeFi post: I refuse to believe that I'm making up nice things about Mike

We drink gin and tonic when watching TNG. We call it TNGNT.

I love this, but I'm sober, so if I ever come over maybe you can offer me a Snapple and we can all enjoy an ST:TNGNT/Ice Tea.
posted to MetaFilter by Shepherd at 11:06 AM on February 22, 2023
MeFi post: Code you can dance to
FWIW, I've posted a few sonic pi things to music, most with code.
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 2:39 PM on January 5, 2023
MeFi post: Misogynist Monster Fucks Around, Finds Out
I have no clue why I am hearing about it everywhere I go on the internet

You're hearing about it everywhere because a 36 year old man made a completely unprovoked tweet AT a 19 year old climate activist bragging about his many gas guzzling cars, the 19 year old dismissively replied like a 19 year old, and the 36 year old man proceeded to have an absolute meltdown, engaging his many shitty followers into that meltdown with him, culminating in his... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by phunniemee at 9:13 PM on December 29, 2022
MeFi post: The Lavender Scare and James Web
David K. Johnson, a history professor at the University of South Florida and author of The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government argues that continuing to judge Webb by modern standards are wrong, saying "The activists who say that James Webb should have stood up and spoken against the purges are anachronistic."

I'm sure this is a reasonable position for a professional historian, at least in... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by atrazine at 4:27 PM on December 19, 2022
MeFi post: Show me on a map where it's safe for trans kids.
Writing a long essay about how you're using your career to justify leaving your kid in peril is.... I dunno, I think I'm reacting to this very differently than the rest of you.

There's no place that's fully free of transphobia, and it's wildly unfair that this family might need to pull up their roots and sacrifice their careers to protect their child. Leaving will be incredibly, unfairly painful. But, leaving your kid in harm's way is absolutely... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by schmod at 5:09 AM on December 14, 2022
MeFi post: Au revoir Mutable Instruments!
I got my start in Eurorack because Émilie donated several modules to a charity auction in 2016. I won Rings (which I still have and love), and also bought Tides and Peaks to start. I was blown away by the possibilities and it wound up reforming my whole musical... career-ish thing.

I've been privileged to have been a beta tester for several of her later modules, too.

I've been a bit sad that we won't have any more of her designs in the future...... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Foosnark at 1:27 PM on December 12, 2022
Èmilie has been so generous with her designs, and she also interacted fairly frequently with the various modular communities. Always happy to help, though definitely with some wry snark at times.

It is also so wonderful to see someone take charge of their destiny. She decided she was done, finished out her last designs and saw them through their runs (she would typically do two runs of the modules and then open source them), and then closed the door, "leaving a lot... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Barking Frog at 8:11 PM on December 12, 2022
MeFi post: You got to vaccinate people against the hate.
I've always made an association between the rise of fascism and new communication technologies. With new communication comes an audience who is more susceptible (less immunized) to propaganda: for example, radio in the 1920s used effectively by Mussolini and then Hitler (or Father Coughlin and others).
The KKK in 1910s took advantage of the new storytelling method of film (Birth of a Nation).
In the 2010s, the weaponization of social media is part of the subject of the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by dances_with_sneetches at 3:30 AM on November 30, 2022
Ask MeFi post: More books please!
Dangit, autocorrect turned Emma Bull into Bill above. Anyway, another two authors I love who do magic in this world (which is sometimes called urban fantasy and then that kind of got taken over by werewolf detectives in love with vampires or vice versa (no shade, I read some of these too). Anyway, look into Tim Powers (pick the one that strikes your fancy) and Sean Stewart ( Mockingbird or Perfect Circle or whatever strikes your fancy.) Also depending on your tastes you may like Charles de Lint.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by PussKillian at 4:07 PM on November 22, 2022
MeFi post: Meta falter
Are you posting from the future, forbiddencabinet? That sounds entirely too plausible.
posted to MetaFilter by TurnKey at 11:12 PM on October 31, 2022
MeFi post: Tuna, And The People Who Will Get Rich When There Are No More.
There is an absolutely incredible sci-fi manga from a decade ago or so about the kid who eats the very last piece of tuna sushi, and his quest for absolution.
posted to MetaFilter by phooky at 2:24 PM on October 25, 2022
Eating one billionaire will do more to offset your carbon footprint than a lifetime of veganism.
posted to MetaFilter by AlSweigart at 3:44 PM on October 25, 2022
Ask MeFi post: Recommendations for psychotherapy office panic button
Thank you for the feedback. I’ll call a security company today!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Jandasmo at 3:46 AM on October 17, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: Don't Worry Darling
tomorrowromance, are you saying that Don't Worry Darling is this generation's Donnie Darko or is that too generous?

I think that's not too far off as far as how many younger viewers might see this at exactly the right time in their development of cinematic interests, but the movie is much less opaque than Donnie Darko. I can't see much in the way of discussion about what happened in DWD as it's all laid out fairly plainly.
posted to FanFare by tomorrowromance at 1:42 PM on September 25, 2022
Ask MeFi post: Medalert devices for falls in home -- anything new?
The smallest (current) Apple Watch model is 41mm and weighs 32g, assuming you pick the aluminum one which is the lightest.

Apple altered its lineup with this week's release of their new watches. Their lightest model is now the 40mm SE at 26.4g.

It is also their cheapest at $249 (USD).

Last year, their cheapest model was the troubled Series 3 - - this year's SE has the latest Apple S8 chip (same as... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by fairmettle at 1:07 AM on September 14, 2022
FanFare post: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Is This Not Real Magic?
This suit wouldn't have been out of place out in Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. Which is great, because I loved that show. DidyagetthatthingIsentya?

The hot doctor is a cliche, but the way he dismissed Jen immediately hurt. And she had orange juice and everything!

Also Wongers and Madisynn's Excellent Adventure needs to be greenlit immediately.
posted to FanFare by fifteen schnitzengruben is my limit at 10:42 PM on September 10, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: Lifechanger
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this movie yet. I need to think on it a bit more, but I know I was totally engaged the entire time yet the ending felt...underwhelming I guess? As I said maybe as I reflect on it a bit, I'll have more coherent thoughts.

I will say the fx in the climax were great. Very visceral.
posted to FanFare by miss-lapin at 1:52 PM on September 6, 2022
MetaTalk post: MetaFilter Usage Statistics
When I look at a lot of the curves in wesleyac's charts which have either a peak or an inflection point around 2010--2012, I interpret it as a broader shift of internet use (in the USA and worldwide) toward social media, and away from websites/blogs. posted by Fiasco da Gama at 6:32 PM

I completely agree with this. To me, there are two sides: internal "Metafilter" factors, and external "Internet" trends.
Re the... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by 15L06 at 2:01 AM on August 18, 2022
MeFi post: First, they came for the boomers. (The boomers came for the silents.)
99.9% of what is put on the internet about "generational divides," a dubious and hazy concept to begin with, is lazy ugly bullshit. It's all heat and no light. You're supposed to feel attacked, you're supposed to feel misunderstood, you're supposed to feel mischaracterized, you're supposed to feel self pity, you're supposed to feel self righteous indignation, you're supposed to feel sanctimonious, you're supposed to feel angry at THEM for how WRONG they are and how UNFAIR it is that... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by cubeb at 10:17 AM on August 9, 2022
MeFi post: Not a star, a chorizo
This is just to say

I have eaten
the chorizo
that was mistaken
for Proxima Centauri

And which
you were probably
on twitter

Forgive me
it was delicious
so spicy
and so misleading
posted to MetaFilter by mmoncur at 6:32 AM on August 5, 2022
MeFi post: Scientists : Ditch table manners and eat with your mouth open
What I was saying was that to me, as someone who grew up in part in places where it was not frowned upon, the level of vitriol on display in this thread from so many people is hard to understand, and absolutely a product of culture - you do not see that kind of reaction to eating with your mouth open in cultures where it is not despised to anything like the extent you apparently do in the US. That is what I was saying, nothing more or less.

But since you ask: As a person... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Dysk at 5:33 AM on July 26, 2022
It's not that one's personal initial psychological reaction (of rage, disgust, etc.) to the sounds of other people eating is purely cultural. What is definitely cultural, however, is how a person contextualizes their own feelings of discomfort after the fact, how they express their discomfort, and what actions they are socially permitted (or not) to take as a result of those feelings. The ways in which mental disorders are socially contextualized is different across cultures and it has nothing... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by cultanthropologist at 5:32 AM on July 26, 2022
I doubt it is a cultural thing, I have never encountered anything else that gives me this kind of reaction.

See, I have a hard time believing it isn't cultural. There are parts of the world where you'd have a very hard time surviving with that kind of reaction to something so commonplace.

...which is why I think the reaction is an odd one.
posted to MetaFilter by Dysk at 4:59 AM on July 26, 2022
I was brought up with open mouthed chewing not being considered a particularly big deal. It was commonplace where I lived in general, and it's never bothered me (though I don't think I do it myself?) It is so weird to see this much vitriol and anger at a simple, harmless sign of enjoying food.
posted to MetaFilter by Dysk at 12:52 AM on July 26, 2022
MetaTalk post: Transition Team Post #3
I think a request for feedback on this proposed change is a banner and/or sidebar contender. Perhaps another AskMe, too, especially if there was an uptick in survey submissions as readers were reminded of the deadline? MetaTalk is well-nigh invisible to many. Would like to ward off a lot of hollerin' over transparency later, if folks miss this particular post.

Well, I'll start hollerin' - or at least beanplating - now.

From... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by googly at 6:33 PM on June 29, 2022
Ask MeFi post: What to do about 10% loss in RRIF and TFSA investments (Canada)?
RRIFs and TFSAs are not types of investments; they are types of investment accounts with special tax benefits. Think of them as special boxes in which any earnings aren't taxed, that you can keep many different types of investments in (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, cash, etc).

In the case of RRIFs, you pay taxes on withdrawals, so it's generally not a good idea to withdraw any more than is needed (or the minimum required withdrawal) as that will increase your tax bill and... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ssg at 5:10 PM on June 12, 2022 marked best answer
Ask MeFi post: Cheap Coffee Beans and Grinder Static
The so-called Ross Droplet Technique (or RDT) is a somewhat silly way of saying "spray your beans with a little water before grinding." Because water is a polar substance, this will bind to extra electrons and prevent static. I use a tiny little misting bottle and find that about one spray per 10g of beans eliminates static altogether.

As to what's causing it: generally, darker roasts are more prone to static, because they've had more moisture driven off of... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by kdar at 6:57 PM on May 23, 2022
MeFi post: It is the strongest oxygen; it speaks directly to the soul.
Immense musician. Great loss.
Few people are aware of Papathanasiou's "symphonic poem", "Fais que ton rêve soit plus long que la nuit" (part 2) [YT], an early overlooked masterpiece consisting of an etheral musical soundtrack overlain on sounds from the May 1968 student revolt in Paris, and released only in France and Greece. Wiki:
...Recorded in 1971 and released in 1972 with the subtitle Poeme Symphonique, the entire theme of the record focuses on... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by talos at 12:27 PM on May 19, 2022
MeFi post: Well you know what they say about great artists
It's plagiarism all the way down.
posted to MetaFilter by nightcoast at 9:46 PM on May 11, 2022
MeFi post: Pro Nouns Keygenderator
In any case you'd probably want to compile from source, rather than depending on binaries.
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 6:36 PM on April 12, 2022
FanFare post: Moon Knight: Summon the Suit
Well, Marc is the main character of the series. Steven is one of his alters, though it remains to be seen if the MCU version is going to be confirmed as having DID or OSDD or if they'll keep side-stepping it as a side effect of magic Egyptian nonsense. I think it's clear this series is borrowing mostly from Lemire's run and the current MacKay run. My money is on things ending with Marc in NYC running the Midnight Mission, leaving him open to become a side character in other MCU things going... [more]
posted to FanFare by fight or flight at 5:06 AM on April 7, 2022
MeFi post: Investigating Three Indie Superstars Accused of Emotional Abuse
At least on mobile, YouTube provides a transcript.
posted to MetaFilter by NoxAeternum at 4:40 PM on March 18, 2022
MeFi post: Pre-Surrealist Games
Some background details / footnotes:

Huvier des Fontenelles's 1788 text is the oldest manual here describing games in this family (even if his version of Secretary isn't randomized / pseudonymized), but see also the dozens of games in Girolamo Bargagli's 1572 parlor game book Dialogo de' giuochi che nelle vegghie sanesi si usano di fare or sources discussing it (e.g. Elena Brizio's "Il Dialogo de' giuochi by Girolamo... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Wobbuffet at 5:05 PM on March 15, 2022
MeFi post: Canada's Protest on Wheels
For Canadians, like myself, it means that our nation's capital has been tied up for nearly three weeks with white privilege and courtesy that would never be--and will never be--extended to the minority groups who have legit crises and beefs with the federal government. It's the clearest example I have ever seen where the treatment is absolutely different due to the convoy being majority white.

It has encouraged absolute shitty behaviour because apparently white people... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Kitteh at 4:53 AM on February 15, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: Clearcut
I watched the fist half of this, slapped my forehead, then rewound and watched it again

Ha - I was going to say that the description in the header wasn't entirely accurate.

I have lot of goodwill towards this film for a few reasons and I was really glad to see Kier-La Janisse had included this and other Canadian folk horror in her documentary. While we often don't think of ourselves as having the same kind of antiquity that... [more]
posted to FanFare by Ashwagandha at 10:09 PM on January 28, 2022
MeFi post: Screenings for Canadian Values
I'm always a bit torn about Canadian Film Day. On the one hand it is great to celebrate our rich cultural history in movie making (Mary Pickford was Canadian! One of Buster Keaton's last films was made in Canada!) especially in our 150th year. But as I've moaned about before on the Blue, the reason we have a Canadian Film Day is because we ignore our films. There's nothing wrong with that list of movies above its just that it is the same handful of people who get funding, who get the marketing,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Ashwagandha at 6:27 PM on April 19, 2017
FanFare post: Movie: 2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus
Communism is all over the place. A global state developed, meetings are illegal, travelling is illegal, and Christianity is illegal.

Don't threaten me with a good time.
posted to FanFare by dumbland at 7:56 PM on January 24, 2022
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