Favorites from Rhaomi

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Hempuli, the brilliant designer behind the rule-modification puzzle game Baba Is You ($15 for Windows, Mac and Linux, previously, again), hasn't rested since that came out. (Everything mentioned is free and for Windows unless otherwise noted.) Baba Is You was so successful that now we have to help Baba File Taxes! Covemount (Web) is a simple Sokoban clone with an interesting numeric gimmick. Baba Is You XTREME adds an extra feature to Baba for reasons of "fun." And there's a collection of 16 Solitaire games! And a little Neko-like Baba friend/desktop toy! And... Mobile Suit Baba, a mashup of Baba Is You and Into The Breach?! ($4, Windows) There's lots more i left out only for brevity's sake: the rest is on Hempuli's itch.io page.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 2:15 AM on January 7, 2024 (16 comments)

Five Facts About the Cassowary

Five Facts About the Cassowary.
posted to MetaFilter by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 10:14 PM on January 6, 2024 (34 comments)

Paku Paku - 1D Pacman

Silly, and highly addictive. Tap anywhere to turn Pacman. [Warning music is loud]
posted to MetaFilter by Faintdreams at 3:52 AM on January 3, 2024 (21 comments)

The timeline coming together

as someone who is Extremely Online™️ and a self proclaimed meme connoisseur here is a ranking of my top internet moments / memes of 2023 by Annie Wu [X; nitter]
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 12:24 PM on December 31, 2023 (21 comments)

Yes, citing these in an argument will annoy everyone. But what fun!

100 Little Ideas that Explain how the Human World works. "Bizarreness Effect: Crazy things are easier to remember than common things, providing a distorted sense of “normal.” Nonlinearity: Outputs aren’t always proportional to inputs, so the world is a barrage of massive wins and horrible losses that surprise people. Moderating Relationship: The correlation between two variables depends on a third, seemingly unrelated variable. The quality of a marriage may be dependent on a spouse’s work project that’s causing stress. Denomination Effect: One hundred $1 bills feels like less money than one $100 bill. Also explains stock splits – buying 10 shares for $10 each feels cheaper than one share for $100. Woozle Effect: “A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth.” - Daniel Kahneman."
posted to MetaFilter by storybored at 11:53 AM on December 31, 2023 (35 comments)

I'm okay with my tax dollars paying for this

The website fatherhood.gov maintains a database of Dad Jokes.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 3:36 PM on December 29, 2023 (84 comments)

Zelda Day 2023

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, like Breath of the Wild, has a secret experience system that doesn't make your character stronger, it makes the enemies harder. Here's 102 ways to kill a bokoblin in that game. If you got it for the holidays and want some tips, here's 10. How to send Link waaaaay up into the sky with just a fan and a plank, using Oriented Carryable Objects (OCOs). And here's TerminalMontage's speedrun cartoon, featuring Cucuí Ganon.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 4:04 PM on December 26, 2023 (15 comments)

“I love you, but you are not serious people.”

There’s no better way to emphasize this general feeling than to break down the most important events of 2023 to their molecular level. (Although, as you’re about to see, “important” is a relative term; the word “most” is far more key here.) To recap the language that this year gave us—the seemingly ranch, the rizz, the ice cream yes yes yes—so that we can truly see just how constant, how compelling, and how bizarre our current existence is. Without further ado, these are the 84 sentences that defined 2023. [CW: almost entirely US-focused]
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 12:38 PM on December 26, 2023 (63 comments)

Et tu, Gretchen?

It’s the Ides of March! You know what that means - everybody should totally just stab Caes- I mean, link to your favorite Ides of March memes.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by panther of the pyrenees at 9:00 AM on March 15, 2024 (13 comments)

Seeking fiction books with labyrinths and other interminable buildings

I've realised I love fiction where a labyrinth or other extremely complicated and large structure is an integral part of the story. Think the House in Piranesi, the castle of Gormenghast, or the ship in Rendezvous with Rama. What other books might I enjoy?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by underclocked at 3:28 AM on February 4, 2024 (43 comments)

The Curse: Green Queen

Months later...
posted to FanFare by Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted at 12:31 PM on January 12, 2024 (18 comments)

Show the ferret to the egg

New Zealand musician Aldous Harding has released a new song The Barrel, from the forthcoming album 'Designer', due on 26th April. The accompanying video (directed by Martin Sagadin & Aldous Harding) is typically off-kilter. Interview on NPR.
posted to MetaFilter by pipeski at 4:09 PM on March 31, 2019 (14 comments)

Welcome Kirkaracha: Our New Web Development Team Member

Hello MetaFilter!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our team, a hire that has been highly anticipated - Kirkaracha!

posted to MetaTalk by loup at 12:32 PM on February 9, 2024 (60 comments)

It's not all gloom and doom

66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023 [FutureCrunch]
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 3:28 PM on December 20, 2023 (31 comments)

Power (Plough, Sword & Book) and Progress (Exit, Voice & Loyalty)

Justice by Means of Democracy [archive|transcript] - "[T]he work of democracy is to continuously resist capture. There is no end of history. There is no state of rest for democracy. Democracy is the work of resisting capture by powerful interests and restoring power-sharing just over and over and over again. So we have to do work to introduce new governance mechanisms in the place of those that are not working."[1,2; link-heavy post!]
posted to MetaFilter by kliuless at 12:12 AM on December 12, 2023 (20 comments)

Stamps Back

Wired called it the 'The Shadow Internet'. Inverse Phase (Previously) talked about 'How Software Piracy Birthed an Underground Art Scene' at HOPE 2018. A recently released full-length documentary (website) details how teenagers ignited a computing revolution in the 1980s with illegally copied video games.
posted to MetaFilter by Z303 at 9:11 AM on December 10, 2023 (14 comments)

The Eternal Jukebox

This web app lets you search a song on Spotify and will then generate a never-ending and ever changing version of the song.
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 12:52 PM on December 8, 2023 (72 comments)

If you can ask for help, do.

Most of us will experience the death of a parent. That experience is unique for everyone, yet there is so much we can learn from each other. Sumana Harihareswara has created an extraordinary collection of resources about Eldercare, Family Caretaking, and End-of-life Logistics: Stuff I Learned. It is full of detailed advice, good sense, and compassion. (created by brainwane, found at MeFi Projects)
posted to MetaFilter by kristi at 11:11 AM on December 7, 2023 (20 comments)

The Language of the Third Reich

Victor Klemperer's The Language of the Third Reich (1947) describes how the Nazis manipulated the German language in order to get the general population using extreme right-wing words and phrases in their everyday discourse without them even noticing.
posted to MetaFilter by Cardinal Fang at 1:02 AM on December 4, 2023 (17 comments)

Have A Very Muzak Christmas

Okay, yes, I know... Muzak is a brand name and this is actually Customusic.. but here are 8 hours of vintage department store Christmas music Customusic tapes, which as far as I can tell are not repeated [Wikipedia], but also are I am assured in a musical style that nobody under 30 has any experience with.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 8:05 PM on December 3, 2023 (54 comments)

Finding weird, fun, cutting-edge internet culture in a post-SEO world

Most of us would probably agree that the internet now sucks. Is there a practical way to reframe my approach to how I use the internet so that I can still discover cool, new, interesting people and ideas, without wading through sixteen tons of angry garbage? (I'm seeking problem-solving strategies to make lemonade from lemons, not "just give up" cynicism, thanks!) What are the best punk rock, fuck-this approaches for discovering and enjoying the best and weirdest things that the internet still has to offer?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by nightrecordings at 10:07 AM on November 25, 2023 (14 comments)


Dancing with the Stairs is an interactive and joyful visual of exactly that. Poetry in motion as they say....
posted to MetaFilter by storybored at 9:01 AM on December 2, 2023 (13 comments)

The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards

that's it, that's the post.
posted to MetaFilter by wowenthusiast at 11:35 AM on November 23, 2023 (19 comments)

Movie: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people.
posted to FanFare by Fleebnork at 6:32 AM on March 31, 2023 (64 comments)

the penguins are gathering in a circle

Vaporwave goodbye to the waking world in dreamcore95.exe, a chill, short idle game with impeccable vibes and, if that's not enough inducement, also a defragging widget.
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 8:59 AM on November 21, 2023 (13 comments)

When Fantasia Meets Documentary

Continuing on with his line of documentaries on the history of the Disney parks and their operations, Kevin Perjurer of Defunctland (previously) has released an ambitious new piece - a history of the tumultuous history of EPCOT Center from Walt's death to the park's opening, done through a synesthesic presentation built on music, visuals, and historical footage. (SLYT)
posted to MetaFilter by NoxAeternum at 5:57 PM on November 19, 2023 (7 comments)

This is why I love Naomi Kritzer

The Year Without Sunshine is a new story by Naomi Kritzer. It's about what happens after the really big disaster. Kritzer is perhaps best known for Cat Pictures Please, but her other works have been lauded on MetaFilter previously (previously; previously; previously - So Much Cooking; previously - Better Living Through Algorithms, plus her election guide); previously - Paradox; previously; all the previouslies).
posted to MetaFilter by kristi at 12:49 PM on November 10, 2023 (20 comments)

Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?

More than 400 years ago, Galileo showed that many everyday phenomena—such as a ball rolling down an incline or a chandelier gently swinging from a church ceiling—obey precise mathematical laws. For this insight, he is often hailed as the founder of modern science. But Galileo recognized that not everything was amenable to a quantitative approach. Such things as colors, tastes and smells “are no more than mere names,” Galileo declared, for “they reside only in consciousness.”
Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe? [Archive]

posted to MetaFilter by y2karl at 12:42 PM on November 9, 2023 (100 comments)

We're all tryin' to tell you something about our lives

Indigo Girls' recording of Closer To Fine is not on Barbie: The Album. Given its prominence in the plot of the film, this is odd. Included as a bonus track on a special version of Barbie is Closer To Fine by Brandi & Catherine Carlile. And I will say, I was not expecting to be moved to tears by a song I've known for nearly 40 years. But here we are.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 2:26 PM on November 8, 2023 (17 comments)

Dame Judi Dench, Sonnet 29, Graham Norton, and... Schwarzenegger

posted to MetaFilter by dfm500 at 10:10 AM on November 7, 2023 (25 comments)

Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie

Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie [via mefi projects] Do you feel like most movies have a serious lack of explosions? A troubling shortage of Blackhawk helicopters? Who among us hasn't watched Titanic and thought, "What this movie really needs is a mechanical shark with a machine gun on it"? Don't worry, we got you. Just enter your favorite movie scene and our team of tiny transformers will re-direct it like Michael Bay.
posted to MetaFilter by ShooBoo at 8:54 PM on November 6, 2023 (78 comments)

What is the Web Revival?

"The Web Revival is about reclaiming the technology in our lives and asking what we really want from the tools we use, and the digital experiences we share....The goal is to find what was best about the early web and what is best about new technologies and merge the two into a model for tomorrow; while kicking all the Zuckerberg's and Musk's to the curb so we can get on with our lives. The citizens of the web deserve more respect than to be boxed into cubicles, limited to 280 characters, studied and rebranded." (Melon's Thoughts, on melonking.net, via Web Curios.)
posted to MetaFilter by MonkeyToes at 3:32 PM on November 6, 2023 (34 comments)

We interrupt this broadcast

CBN, RBS, and not really the BBC Mockumentary or pseudodocumentary Nuclear Confrontation between Russia and NATO (2018) uses fake/semiplausible BBC news programs and archival footage to tell the story of how such a conflict might occur.

It's the latest example of the genre.
posted to MetaFilter by doctornemo at 10:50 AM on November 5, 2023 (35 comments)

Now And Then... Things Come To An End

The Beatles have released their final single, Now And Then [4m]. With posthumous contributions from two departed members, the surviving duo got together with AI-based audio processing technology to bring out this final track from The Fab Four, only a few months shy of the 60th anniversary of their appearances on Ed Sullivan. Here's a short film from The Beatles about how this track was created. [12m30s] Previously.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 2:51 PM on November 2, 2023 (76 comments)

Blank Space (Johnny's Version)

Blank Space (Johnny's Version) [SLTikTok]
posted to MetaFilter by mhum at 11:06 AM on October 31, 2023 (9 comments)

Rick and Morty: Unmortricken

We get a bit more of insight into the origins of Evil Morty.
posted to FanFare by onya at 10:26 PM on November 15, 2023 (10 comments)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Israel-Hamas War

This week... the main story is about the Israel-Hamas war, specifically about their leaders, "how they came to power, whose interests they do and don't represent, and what role they played in bringing us to this current conflict." Hamas undermined the efforts of the previous poltical party Fatah, which had been pursuing peace; and Netanhayu is currently widely reviled within Israel by those who blame him for the security lapses that allowed Hamas to attack, but has long had other very troubling issues, and currently presides over the most right-wing government in Israel's history. (On Youtube, 32 minutes) And Now: Rachel Campos-Duffy Really, Really Needs You To Know That Her Husband Was Once In Congress. Concluding the episode is an update over the New Zealand Bird of the Century election.
posted to FanFare by JHarris at 4:45 AM on November 14, 2023 (3 comments)

MeFi Business/Legal Update Follow-Up

Hi folks -- here's a thread to talk about constructive next steps after this thread from two weeks ago.
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 9:20 AM on October 18, 2023 (123 comments)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison Health Care

This week... the writer's strike is over, and it was successful! The show's been off for five months, and a number of things happened during that time (see inside). And Now: Local News Is Very Excited About What Week It Is (Fat Bear Week). Main story is about the woeful health care in US prisons, a shameful condition often belittled by the media. Yep, Last Week Tonight is back! (On Youtube, 19 minutes) And Now: Fall Is Here, And So Is Something Else (Pumpkin Spice Lattes).
posted to FanFare by JHarris at 12:43 AM on October 2, 2023 (13 comments)

MeFi Business/Legal Update

Thanks for your patience as I have worked through talking with lawyers who talk with their experts. This is a substantive update with some news and some questions for the community. The short form is: everyone on the team of people I spoke with agrees that MeFi could potentially be a non-profit organization (with the ultimate determination being made by the IRS). Now we need to decide how to move forward and make MeFi into a community-run organization. I'll give some backstory and a "where we are with this" situation inside.
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 7:52 AM on October 3, 2023 (181 comments)

Weird podcasts are the best.

Sleep With Me has put me to sleep for 10 years and 1200 episodes, entertaining me and helping me feel better about the brain bots that keep my mind busy at night. Northwoods Baseball announces games for a made-up league in northern Michigan. Everything Is Alive is back for another season, this time exclusively interviewing animals. And EIA's sister-show In The Scenes Behind Plain Sight rewatches a fictional show about a nudist colony, as an homage to rewatch podcasts (and it drives my husband up the walls).
posted to MetaFilter by rebent at 2:40 PM on October 4, 2023 (47 comments)

Light verse, free to read

Light is an online poetry magazine that's been going since 1992. If you often think of poems as stodgy and hard to understand, you might want to give the sparkling light verse produced by their stable of poets a chance -- archives include work by Wendy Cope, frequent higgledy-piggledy (double dactyl) appearances, an "impossible rhymes" compilation including Tom Lehrer, Ogden Nash, and Roy Blount, Jr., and more. Poems reacting to current events, large and small, appear in the magazine's long-running Poems of the Week feature.
posted to MetaFilter by brainwane at 10:51 AM on September 18, 2023 (12 comments)

It started out with a kiss

Happy 20th anniversary to the unofficial British National Anthem (now over 380 weeks on the charts!) How The Killers made Mr Brightside, one of the most enduring rock songs of all time - The Independent (more links below the cut)
posted to MetaFilter by Pachylad at 8:03 AM on October 2, 2023 (53 comments)

"this language will never hurt you as much as it has hurt me"

Agma Schwa's second Cursed Conlang Circus is on YouTube! For those who enjoy a good conlang, these are bad ones -- or rather, fantastically difficult and strange ones -- to enjoy even more. Although the links are to YT videos that take some time to watch, you can consult the transcripts or use chapters for quick looks.
Check out the marvelously alien Gurgle, created for a race of hexapods with a central orifice and beak. Or the ridiculous Douleur ("ultraFrench") with its six genders, including insectile and piratical. Tired of noise? Say it with rocks instead, using Geolaŋ, one of the few languages that requires knowledge of local land use regulations.

posted to MetaFilter by Countess Elena at 12:09 PM on September 30, 2023 (7 comments)

Separating hyperplanes with Shoggoth Shalmaneser

A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work - "Want to really understand large language models? Here's a gentle primer." [link-heavy FPP!]
posted to MetaFilter by kliuless at 11:59 PM on September 26, 2023 (28 comments)

Futurama: All the Way Down

The crew investigates whether the universe is a simulation.
posted to FanFare by Marticus at 2:35 AM on September 25, 2023 (7 comments)

Modern Art in Midcentury Comics

For a while I've been collecting examples of 20th century comic strips and newspaper cartoons which include parodies of Modern Art. (I got some help from ask.meta last year!) I've now posted my collection on cohost, and I will add new ones as I find them.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by moonmilk at 10:27 PM on September 10, 2023 (5 comments)

Unsung Heroes of Illustration

Pete Beard is a British historian of illustration and illustrators. In an age of clipart and ML-generated content, it is worthwhile to look back and celebrate the forgotten artists of the past. Pete Beard has just published his 100th episode of 'Unsung Heroes of Illustration', a series which covers illustrators born between 1850 and 1910. CW: Whilst all the illustrations are skilfully rendered, there might be the odd one that does not conform to modern sensibilities.
posted to MetaFilter by bouvin at 7:13 AM on September 5, 2023 (9 comments)
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