6 posts tagged with anheuserbusch.
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Stonewall Inn to pour Bud Light down the drain in Anheuser-Busch protest

Anheuser-Busch contributed more than $35,000 to 29 legislators it described as anti-LGBTQ+ between 2015 and 2020. “You can’t turn your logo rainbow on social media, call yourself an ally, and then turn around and make donations that fuel hate,” Lentz said in a statement. “There are really no excuses, and companies like Anheuser-Busch need to own up to what they’ve done.”
posted by folklore724 on Jun 22, 2021 - 33 comments

Megabeer is almost here

SABMiller may have rejected Anheuser-Busch InBev's latest offer, but some analysts think an eventual merger is inevitable. [more inside]
posted by dis_integration on Oct 7, 2015 - 45 comments

"Let them sip their pumpkin peach ale."

Budweiser's Superbowl commercial Brewed The Hard Way proclaimed itself "PROUD TO BE A MACRO BEER". Carla Jean Lauter, writing at The Beer Babe: Why the pro-macro beer Budweiser ad is so dangerous.
Instead of changing the conversation with horses and puppies, it’s stared directly into the camera and declared itself. These are their terms. This is Budweisers’ manifesto – and despite the details that make it hypocritical, it’s a very powerful ad, and craft brewers are going to be feeling the repercussions for a while.
[more inside] posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Feb 2, 2015 - 272 comments

How Anheuser Busch is stopping the craft beer revolution

Both Anheuser-Busch InBev and MillerCoors employ "category space analysts," whose job is to visit a store like 7-Eleven and consult them on the optimal placements of beer on the shelves.
"They are doing the sets, they [say to a store]: 'We can do that for you,'" says Koch. "And then they can take my beer from eye level to the top shelf, which drops my sales rate in half." -- Elizabeth Flock at US News reports on the increasingly dirty struggle between craft beer brewers and the big brewing companies in the US.
posted by MartinWisse on Feb 12, 2013 - 171 comments

Cette bud n'est pas pour vous

Save Budweiser! – An American beer titan may be bought up by evil Europeans, only you can save it!
posted by Artw on Jun 12, 2008 - 126 comments

What would Spuds think?

Moveon ads aren't the only things the networks won't allow, Miller has had beer ads pulled after Anheuser-Busch complained that the ads "went beyond the substantiation and communicated taste superiority and/or preference." So the ads were pulled. Oddly enough, AB is the company consumers demanded stop their current ad campaign.
posted by drezdn on Dec 22, 2004 - 17 comments

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