2 posts tagged with apple by mephron.
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Microsoft and Amazon partner to integrate Alexa and Cortana digital assistants. At first, it will require explicit call-outs for one to access the other, with "Cortana, open Alexa" and "Alexa, open Cortana", showing that the initial work is them being skills of each other, but both companies expect the integration to become smoother over time. Jeff Bezos and Satya Nadella also say that Amazon and Microsoft would welcome Google and Apple joining in. “There are going to be multiple successful intelligent agents, each with access to different sets of data and with different specialized skill areas. Together, their strengths will complement each other and provide customers with a richer and even more helpful experience,” says Bezos in an Amazon press release.
posted by mephron on Aug 30, 2017 - 93 comments

AT&T redefines summer, releases iPhone feature finally

When it was released, the Apple iPhone 3GS advertised Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), but also noted "MMS support from AT&T coming in late summer." This has resulted in some legal issues such as a number of lawsuits. But now, AT&T has announced that MMS is coming to the iPhone on September 25, just a little past all defined ends of summer. [more inside]
posted by mephron on Sep 4, 2009 - 43 comments

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