4 posts tagged with asianamericans by toastyk.
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There were 3800 anti-Asian racist incidents, mostly against women, in the past year. On Tuesday, 8 people were shot dead by a murderer who targeted Asian spa businesses and Asian women in Atlanta. On Wednesday, two elderly Asian people were attacked unprovoked in San Francisco; one of them went viral for turning the tables on her assailant. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Mar 18, 2021 - 49 comments

A Short History of Recent Anti-Asian Violence in the US

Anti-Asian violence in the US did not just start with the covid-19 pandemic, but it has escalated recently. In recent weeks, the Bay Area has gotten attention for many horrific, violent attacks on Asian elders in the community. It can be hard to separate the violence of anti-Asian racism from the violence of everyday poverty and neglect from the state. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Feb 20, 2021 - 32 comments

Asian Americans & Black Lives Matter

A new edition of Letters for Black Lives has been published. It is a letter translated into 26 languages, explaining and providing context of the Black Lives Matters movement for mostly Asian-Americans to give to their parents. 65 Harvard college graduates on the Chinese American site wrote a heartfelt open letter to their parents, explaining why standing up for the Black community is also their fight. Asian Americans need to go beyond apologizing for anti-black racism.
posted by toastyk on Jun 13, 2020 - 20 comments

Asian Americans and anti-blackness

Awkwafina's Past Makes Her a Complicated Icon of Asian American Representation. Who really owns the "Blaccent"? Awkwafina and the trend of Asian American creatives using anti-blackness to enter Hollywood. You can be both brown and anti-black: On Lilly Singh and modern day blackface . Eddie Huang's Misogynistic, Anti-Black Activism.
posted by toastyk on Jan 25, 2020 - 19 comments

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