13 posts tagged with audi.
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It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed

The Mozilla Foundation has published a study on the data privacy of 25 major car brands. Highlights include Hyundai collecting olfactory data and Nissan collecting and sharing "sexual activity, health diagnosis data, and genetic information." [more inside]
posted by forbiddencabinet on Sep 6, 2023 - 64 comments

“absolutely feel that the Hungarian government is in their pockets”

In the autumn of 2019, the German Embassy in Budapest invited Hungarian journalists working for several independent outlets for an off-the-record discussion to talk honestly about the media situation in Hungary. After several journalists complained about the attitude of German corporations doing business with the government toward Hungarian media freedom, a high-ranking German diplomat reacted by saying that he is fully aware of this and ashamed of himself. “But please understand that this is Germany, which is a democracy where the Federal Foreign Office cannot put pressure on German companies[...]
posted by kmt on Sep 19, 2020 - 4 comments

The People's Car Gets PWNed

On the heels of reports of Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche models being outfitted with firmware designed to fool environmental emissions tests, there now comes news that a vulnerability in keyless entry mechanisms of 100 million VWs made within the last 21 years can permit the cars to be unlocked by intruders carrying an Arduino kit.
posted by Smart Dalek on Aug 11, 2016 - 42 comments

the mushroom-shaped shifter automatically returns to center

Here's The Problem With Jeep's Recalled Gear Shifter (David Tracy, Jalopnik). See also Consumer Reports' YT video (published May 19, 2016), Fiat Chrysler Recalls Confusing Shifters.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Jun 21, 2016 - 98 comments

Blue Crude

German car manufacturer Audi says it has created the "fuel of the future" made solely from water, carbon dioxide and renewable energy sources.
posted by showbiz_liz on Apr 27, 2015 - 81 comments

Spock vs. Spock

The greatest car commercial ever !! Old Spock (Nimoy) and New Spock (Quinto) come together (and battle it out) in what is likely the best car commercial that you ever saw (or will see). Chock full of Star Trek references there's even a scene with Nimoy humming along to "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" . Awesomeness follows ...
posted by Podkayne of Pasadena on May 7, 2013 - 108 comments

S4 from NY to Seattle

S4 from NY to Seattle.
posted by hama7 on Nov 25, 2006 - 52 comments

This is how you write a car review

"At freeway speeds, the Toyota [Prius] is a near silent and comfortable cruiser, whereas the Audi [RS4] sounds and feels like a volcano making love to an avalanche." ... "you would swear the Audi is being launched from a trebuchet." ... "Let's say you're cruising at 80mph in sixth-gear and the engine is doing 3,000rpm, the mechanical equivalent of sipping a latte." ... "RS4 can blast sideways with such force that you will swear you are piloting violence."

Whether you are into cars or not, TTAC's Lieberman entertains. Not entirely unlike Jeremy Clarkson, but without the formulaic, wishy-washy introductions. Read the whole thing here.
posted by SharQ on Nov 1, 2006 - 53 comments

But there are such sweet ass cars out there!

Audi released its new super-sportscar, the R8, at the Paris Autoshow today. With cars like the R8 and the Bugatti Veyron at the top end and the Toyota, Volkswagen or Lexus, there's lots of neat stuff going on in the automotive world...just not from GM, Ford or Chrysler. Maybe it's just me, but pumping out crap like this may be part of the reason. Just guessing.
posted by tgrundke on Sep 27, 2006 - 62 comments

Audi enters Diesel into Le Mans

When most of us think motorsports, we don't think Diesel. But the Vorsprung durch technik guys decided that a 5-liter V12 dual-turboed oil burner would be a good idea for the Le Mans and other racing series. The monstrosity is officially launched today (in English)
posted by SharQ on Dec 13, 2005 - 33 comments

The hatchback makes a comeback?

Admired from a distance, the almost mythical Audi A3 may come stateside Toyota and Hyundai have had great success as of late with the much maligned hatchback auto design here in the United States. Even Volkswagen's international best-selling Golf saw a double-digit sales spurt in 2002 in a country that looks down on hatchbacks. Now it appears that Audi North America is looking to bring over the wonderful next generation A3 to our side of the pond. Why has the hatch been so scorned (Chevette?) and would you be interested in one - or, why not?
posted by tgrundke on Feb 4, 2003 - 56 comments

If I ever get as good as Joakim and the Double You crew, I could die a very happy guy. These two new sites for Menta and the Audi A2 pretty much blow my mind.
posted by endquote on Oct 23, 2000 - 9 comments

Sylvia had an interesting exchange with an Audi dealer today.

Sylvia had an interesting exchange with an Audi dealer today. The situation kind of reminds me of the old "Chess for Girls" Saturday Night Live commerical (scroll down to see a summary of it). It's what, the year two thousand now? Can't women buy fast cars and enjoy driving them aggressively? By the way, that SNL commercial has prompted researchers to write books and papers about it, and quiz their students on the meanings.
posted by mathowie on Feb 2, 2000 - 6 comments

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