2 posts tagged with brewing by drewbage1847.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Anchor's Away

Shockwaves in US Craft Brewing as Sapporo, the current owners of San Francisco's Anchor Brewery, have announced they're closing the industry stalwart. This comes after last month's announcement of reduced distribution footprint and the discontinuation of their traditional holiday beer "Our Special Ale". The brewery was one of America's oldest, founded in 1896 and a staple of San Francisco. [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Jul 12, 2023 - 91 comments

Remember - Good Satire Punches Up Like The Bubbles in Beer

In a time of a worrisome craft beer market, a worse niche beer publication market and the recent accusations of sexual assault against the CEO of Ohio's Actual Brewing, Bill Metzger, the longtime owner and publisher of the Buffalo based Brewing News chain of monthly brewing newspapers wrote an article on Scottish Cask Ale for the Great Lake's Brewing News (not to be confused with Great Lakes Brewing and their flagship Edmund Fitzgerald Porter ). After "promotion" from Worst Beer Blog (dedicated to calling out asinine and crappy behavior in the brewing world), the article was not well received to say the least even by the Scottish (with many advertisers/breweries pulling ads and at least one employee resigning in protest) . With cries of satire being rejected after an "apology" (and some questionable history being dug up), papers in the chain are going independent and Metzger is divesting himself of the remaining properties. (And the annual IPA Competition is cancelled because of breweries pulling entries) Is this another step for a maturing industry to move away from it's troubling past, even for a field that's been said to be 99% asshole free? (and don't look now - unionization, too!)
posted by drewbage1847 on Feb 17, 2019 - 29 comments

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