11 posts tagged with cthulu.
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Obviously a Metaphor For Something

Octopus and eagle square off at Canadian fish farm [SL BBC]
posted by chavenet on Dec 14, 2019 - 26 comments

This Guy Paints Pop-Culture Characters Into Old Thrift-Store Paintings

Dave Pollot buys thrift store paintings and enhances them with pop culture symbols. "Most are prints or lithographs," he told Bored Panda. "Any scratches or marks are carefully touched up and then my own visions are added." Before focusing on repurposing discarded thrift art, Dave painted more ‘serious’ architectural paintings and landscapes. Now, however, he's completely devoted to his new passion.
posted by philip-random on Mar 10, 2018 - 20 comments

Goodbye Turducken

The Nameless Turkey from a dimension beyond that which mortals can comprehend, which brings madness to all who gaze upon its unholy visage.
posted by Tell Me No Lies on Nov 27, 2014 - 31 comments

34 Panoramic Shots gone disturbingly wrong, wrong, wrong.

34 Panoramic Shots which illustrate why leaving all the photography decisions to your phone software, is not always the best decision Do not click link if you don't want to see images which simulate bodyhorror. Think videodrome-esque. As per usual YMMV. [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Aug 18, 2014 - 36 comments

But I pity the guy that looks like Carrot Top

Along the lines of celebrity/muppet vein, I give you Totally Looks Like: Famous People and Celebs that Totally Look Like Animals and Other Things. Some are weak, but others are surprisingly close. Mefites will especially enjoy the Nick Nolte and Cthulu comparison.
posted by bwg on Jul 16, 2008 - 18 comments

Nightmare In A Jar

Alex cf is a young British artist, fresh off of a series of extremely creepy visualizations of Alice in Wonderland characters. His current project is creating amazing looking HP Lovecraft inspired nightmares in specimen jars, which he is more than happy to build on commission.
posted by jonson on Jun 1, 2007 - 9 comments


I understand The Elder Ones are quite tasty on saltines with a dash of Tabasco.
posted by sourwookie on Mar 21, 2007 - 87 comments

Hello caller, you're on with Cthulu

Cthulu hosts a dial in show
posted by lilbrudder on Oct 1, 2006 - 15 comments

ph'nglui mglw"nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

"When the stars are right, R'lyeh will rise from the sea, never to sink again, and Cthulhu will awaken and revel across the world... ravening for delight." This must undoubtedly be Russian President Vladimir Putin's answer when (or indeed, if) he is asked, among other things, what he thinks about the re-awakening of Cthulhu. On July 6, Mr Putin will respond via the Internet in his first-ever webcast to some of the questions posted through the BBC Online and Yandex sites, where queries can also be voted on, as part of a Kremlin media charm offensive ahead of the G8 Summit in Saint Petersburg on July 15-17. Some of the most popular questions being put by Russian web surfers to their President so far include; when he lost his virginity, when he will legalise marijuana and, as previously mentioned, when a giant fictional octopus sleeping at the bottom of the ocean will awaken. Oh, and why he kissed a young boy on the stomach. Not that any of that matters in comparison to the awesome power of Cthulu!
posted by Effigy2000 on Jul 4, 2006 - 10 comments

Nature is creepy

A cuddly new species! Severe neuro-trauma wound is plainly visible, as is the foreign tentacle, which was found to be grasping the mid-brain area.
posted by kenko on Jun 9, 2005 - 68 comments


Bloop! Scientists have revealed a mysterious recording that they say could be the sound of a giant beast lurking in the depths of the ocean. Researchers have nicknamed the strange unidentified sound picked up by undersea microphones "Bloop."
Is it Cthulu? Communist robot sea monsters [pdf]?
posted by badstone on Jun 13, 2002 - 24 comments

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