3 posts tagged with espionage by Sleeper.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

From Russia, with love.

The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened to help Trump win the US election. It's part of a long game. [more inside]
posted by Sleeper on Dec 10, 2016 - 821 comments

Mikhail Lesin was bludgeoned to death.

Four months after Lesin's death, a US coroner reports that former Russian media oligarch Mikhail Lesin died of blunt trauma to the head, neck, torso, arms, and legs--not a heart attack. At the time of his death in a Washington, D.C. hotel, it was reported that there was "no evidence of foul play". [more inside]
posted by Sleeper on Mar 11, 2016 - 70 comments

Stop the killer robots before it's too late!

Nobel laureate's campaign calls for pre-emptive ban on autonomous weapons. As our technology advances, it becomes more and more feasible to give more and more autonomy to our drones. A new campaign led by 1997 Nobel laureate Jody Williams calls for an international ban on the design of autonomous weaponized drones. [more inside]
posted by Sleeper on Apr 27, 2013 - 122 comments

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