2 posts tagged with film by goatdog.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Vulgar auteurism

Vulgar auteurism “is a loosely affiliated group of young cinephiles and critics. In Sarrisite terms, it’s more concerned with Expressive Esoterica than the Pantheon ... the bulk of VA activity actually focuses on directors like Paul W.S. Anderson, Jon M. Chu, John Hyams, Nimrod Antal, Isaac Florentine, Roel Reine, the Farrelly brothers, Neveldine & Taylor, and Russell Mulcahy. VA is also interested in performance, especially when it’s applied to action stars. VA has two missions. The first is to mount convincing arguments in favor of figures it sees at major but undervalued: John McTiernan, Abel Ferrara, Walter Hill, etc. The second, larger mission involves exploring and analyzing [these] directors" (Ignatiy Vishnevetsky). [more inside]
posted by goatdog on Sep 4, 2015 - 11 comments

Planetary Projection

Planetary Projection: a collaborative online history of the (perhaps) disappearing art of film projection.
posted by goatdog on Nov 17, 2013 - 4 comments

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