15 posts tagged with ncaa by NoxAeternum.
Displaying 1 through 15 of 15.

A House Falls On The NCAA

Facing the potential of a ruinous $20B decision against them in the House v. NCAA antitrust lawsuit, the NCAA and the major conferences are coming to a settlement that will see college athletes recieve revenue sharing, as well as former athletes being eligible to recieve damages for payments wrongly withheld. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on May 24, 2024 - 35 comments

A Very Black Monday

The Monday (and the week) after the last weekend of NFL regulation play is called Black Monday, as it is typically the day that head coaches around the league either get handed their pink slips or announce their departures. While a number of the dismissals were expected, such as Atlanta, Washington, and Tennessee dismissing their coaches, this year has seen a number of surprise departures in both the professional and college levels, with Pete Carroll, Bill Belichick, and Nick Saban all departing their head coach positions. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Jan 11, 2024 - 37 comments

Throwing The Transfer Portal Wide Open

A federal judge has issued a 14 day temporary injunction against the NCAA enforcing limitations on players transferring to other schools, as part of a lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of several states asserting that said rules are an unlawful restraint of trade against the players. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Dec 13, 2023 - 43 comments

Antitrust Law Comes For The NCAA

Today, Federal District Court Judge Claudia Wilken, who had overseen the initial O'Bannon and Alston trials, granted class action status to House vs. NCAA, in which the plaintiffs are arguing that the NCAA's remaining restrictions on name, image, and licensing rights prohibiting direct payment of players by schools and conferences represent an unlawful restraint of trade violating antitrust law. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Sep 22, 2023 - 10 comments

"It’s about truth...and holding the NCAA accountable."

In response to the NCAA saying he was punished for "pay to play" benefits, former USC running back Reggie Bush has sued the organization for defamation, as part of a push to have his Heisman Trophy reinstated. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Aug 28, 2023 - 13 comments

The Fight Over College Athletics Heats Up In South Central

Over the past few decades, there has been a fight over the legal status of college athletes, with many pointing out that for marquee athletics, they should be treated as employees. That fight took a step up as the National Labor Relations Board has announced that their Los Angeles office is directed to pursue unfair labor practices charges against the University of Southern California, the Pac-12 Conference, and the NCAA. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Dec 21, 2022 - 12 comments

A New Age Opens For College Athletes

July 1st, 2021 marks a sea change in college athletics, as the NCAA functionally removes their regulations on the exploitation of name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights, allowing players to finally make money on their own image without risking their eligibility. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Jul 1, 2021 - 9 comments

The End Of The NCAA

In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court has upheld the the Ninth Circuit's ruling that the NCAA's restrictions on paid educational benefits violate antitrust law. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Jun 21, 2021 - 95 comments

Are You Ready For Some (College) Football (Video Games)

In a Groundhog Day tweet, EA Sports announced that they were looking to revive the College Football franchise, almost a decade after the studio shuttered the title in response to a $60M name, image, and likeness (NIL) lawsuit settlement as part of the response to the O'Bannon lawsuit. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Feb 10, 2021 - 7 comments

CA SB 206, Mark Emmert's California Nightmare

California Senate Bill 206, better known as the Fair Pay To Play Act, is a proposed bill currently being pushed through the California legislature which would give players legal authority to use their name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights for their own benefit. The push to get the bill passed received a major push with basketball superstar LeBron James publicly supporting the bill, calling it a "game changer" for California college athletes. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Sep 6, 2019 - 34 comments

Madness, Inc.

The NCAA system extracts wealth from collegiate athletes, many of whom are minorities, enriching a few while refusing to allow the players whose labor the system is built on to profit. We had a recent demonstration of this with Zion Williamson's injury due to a failed Nike sneaker (which he was required to wear due to a contract between Nike and his school), which many feared would derail his chances at going pro (and set off speculation that he would sit out the NCAA Tournament to protect himself.) Now, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is presenting the case that it's time for this to end. (SLSports Illustrated) [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Mar 28, 2019 - 74 comments

The NCAA Is Gaslighting You

In a longform piece for Deadspin, Andy Schwarz talks about how the argument at the core of the NCAA's justification for not allowing players to be paid - "the fans demand it" - not only doesn't hold up to any sort of scrutiny, but also how the NCAA works to make people buy into their view even with all the evidence against it. (SLDeadspin)
posted by NoxAeternum on Oct 17, 2018 - 19 comments

Welcome to the Loser Factory

In the first Chart Party of 2018, SBNation editor Jon Bois dissects the inner workings of March Madness, and looks at how realistic the idea of Cinderella stories are in the system. (SLYT)
posted by NoxAeternum on Mar 12, 2018 - 18 comments

"So what is the best plan for paying players? No plan at all."

Deadspin writer Patrick Hruby lays out the case that the way we think about paying college athletes is in of itself fraudulent, and that we should start by rejecting the framing of the NCAA and instead look at players as being like anyone else. (SLDeadspin) [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Mar 6, 2018 - 57 comments

Another Nail In The NCAA's Coffin

After years of fighting over keeping the records sealed, the NCAA has finally released to the public their internal documents on the Reggie Bush investigation, as part of the defamation lawsuit filed against the NCAA by former USC RB coach Todd McNair. The NCAA had argued that allowing the records to be unsealed would hinder future investigations, but such arguments were dismissed by the California courts, leading to the release. [more inside]
posted by NoxAeternum on Mar 25, 2015 - 32 comments

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