5733 posts tagged with politics.
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'Notes Torwards A Supreme Fiction'

"In the life of a poet, of course, there is no Election Day to distinguish the visionaries from the also-rans. So Stevens’s response, when it came, trickled down in dribs and drabs. Scholars argue over this: some see him as returning, defensively, to conservatism, particularly since in a 1940 letter he declared that “Communism is just the new romanticism,” and referred to “my rightism.”" 'What Mitt Romney Might Learn From Wallace Stevens' [archive link]
posted by clavdivs on May 29, 2024 - 4 comments

"The radical, ravishing rebirth of Tracey Emin"

Interview with Tracey Emin in the Guardian. Emin talks about art, social class, cancer, her philanthropy, love, her film Why I never became a dancer (previously), politics, her stoma and urostomy, the establishment's unacceptable treatment of her as a younger woman, her exhibition at the Xavier Hufkens in Brussels, her cat Teacup, her work being dismissed as "moaning", the different phases of her life ...
posted by paduasoy on May 29, 2024 - 6 comments

A dying empire led by bad people.

Young voters despairing over US politics "49% agreed to some extent that elections in the country don’t represent people like them; 51% agreed to some extent that the political system in the US “doesn’t work for people like me;” and 64% backed the statement that “America is in decline.” A whopping 65% agreed either strongly or somewhat that “nearly all politicians are corrupt, and make money from their political power” — only 7% disagreed."
posted by mecran01 on May 29, 2024 - 262 comments

The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots

A Furious, Forgotten Slave Narrative Resurfaces (NYT gift link) John S. Jacobs was a fugitive, an abolitionist — and the brother of the canonical author Harriet Jacobs. Now, his own fierce autobiography has re-emerged. [more inside]
posted by praemunire on May 24, 2024 - 5 comments

Downing Street statement at 5pm

BBC News link Here we go - it's election time! [more inside]
posted by YoungStencil on May 22, 2024 - 124 comments

The School is doomed but the kids are alright

Inside New College of Florida’s Counter-Commencement
posted by Artw on May 21, 2024 - 11 comments

Hard landing

Reports hitting the wires of a ‘hard landing’ of helicopter involving Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
posted by numberstation on May 19, 2024 - 80 comments

‘He likes scaring people’

These details emerged in 2010, when the Central Bureau of Investigation, India’s equivalent of the FBI, was investigating the killings. The CBI charged Shah with kidnapping, extortion and murder. It alleged that the officers who killed Sheikh and his wife were working on Shah’s orders... Today, Amit Shah isn’t home minister for Gujarat, but all of India. From the heart of power in Delhi, he is in charge of domestic policy, commands the capital city’s police force, and oversees the Indian state’s intelligence apparatus. He is, simply put, the second-most powerful man in the country. How Modi’s right-hand man, Amit Shah, runs India.
posted by splitpeasoup on May 17, 2024 - 5 comments

You're not supposed to actually read it

A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids. Then she read the curriculum. The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized, and she could find no examples of critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that examines systemic racism. - Her fellow Republicans were not relieved to hear this news.
posted by Artw on May 15, 2024 - 57 comments

How to Talk about War Truthfully

Words About War. "From George Orwell’s critique of the language of totalitarian regimes to today, discussions of war and foreign policy have been full of dehumanizing euphemisms, bloodless jargon, little-known government acronyms, and troubling metaphors that hide warfare’s damage. This guide aims to help people write and talk about war and foreign policy more accurately, more honestly, and in ways people outside the elite Washington, DC foreign policy “blob” can understand." Link to the PDF. [more inside]
posted by Saxon Kane on May 14, 2024 - 28 comments

Jesus Xing Musk

Musk is not a tech visionary with a side interest in politics these days, nor is he just another bored billionaire with a nativist streak; the political activism and the technological ambitions are inseparable. He believes his work is part of a civilizational struggle in which woke progressives pose an existential threat to humanity. And he spends most of his days inside a feedback loop that’s radicalizing him even more. from I Read Everything Elon Musk Posted for a Week. Send Help. [Mother Jones; ungated] [CW: Elon Musk]
posted by chavenet on May 12, 2024 - 163 comments

Fear, Cynicism, Nihilism, and Apathy

Even in a state where surveillance is almost total, the experience of tyranny and injustice can radicalize people. Anger at arbitrary power will always lead someone to start thinking about another system, a better way to run society. [...] If people are naturally drawn to the image of human rights, to the language of democracy, to the dream of freedom, then those concepts have to be poisoned. [...] Here is a difficult truth: A part of the American political spectrum is not merely a passive recipient of the combined authoritarian narratives that come from Russia, China, and their ilk, but an active participant in creating and spreading them. Like the leaders of those countries, the American MAGA right also wants Americans to believe that their democracy is degenerate, their elections illegitimate, their civilization dying. The MAGA movement’s leaders also have an interest in pumping nihilism and cynicism into the brains of their fellow citizens, and in convincing them that nothing they see is true. Their goals are so similar that it is hard to distinguish between the online American alt-right and its foreign amplifiers, who have multiplied since the days when this was solely a Russian project. Tucker Carlson has even promoted the fear of a color revolution in America, lifting the phrase directly from Russian propaganda.
The New Propaganda War: Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world. [SLAtlantic]
posted by Rhaomi on May 9, 2024 - 171 comments

Is Cooking Classist? New video from Hoots

A solution that is only a solution for the people who can afford to be a part of the solution is not a solution A hour long video about cooking, food, race, gender, class and capitalism.
posted by Gorgik on May 8, 2024 - 33 comments

Send not to know for whom the bell tolls (but in this case.......)

What happens if a US presidential candidate dies? Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the two oldest candidates in US history. If either needs to be replaced, what next? from the Guardian [more inside]
posted by lalochezia on May 5, 2024 - 128 comments

Simply put, there is a *ton* of fascist-chic cosplay involved

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly strident neo-reactionary tech political movement that sees American democracy as an enemy. In 2013, a New York Times story headlined “Silicon Valley Roused by Secession Call” described a speech in which he “told a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become ‘the Microsoft of nations’: outdated and obsolescent.” [...] “What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said [last October], after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore). Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts.
TNR: The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco: "If Balaji Srinivasan is any guide, then the Silicon Valley plutocrats are definitely not okay." [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Apr 27, 2024 - 94 comments

How easily & cavalierly the works of decades & centuries are demolished

It seems there is only one model for today’s ‘man of action’, and that is Shock and Awe. Overwhelming force deployed suddenly and overwhelmingly. A theatrical performance with no audience as such, only a houseful of victims. The lions eat the circus and then tweet about it. Ask no questions, tell only lies, and double down, triple down, quadruple down. The ineffably stupid ‘move fast and break things’ that has so much to answer for in our time. Our new ‘Innovation Hub’ has an asinine three-word slogan: ‘Grow Ignite Disrupt’. It would make just as much sense to have ‘Paper Scissors Stone’ for a motto. And rather more to have ‘Smash Grab Run’. from In Florida by Michael Hofmann [London Review of Books] [CW: DeSantis]
posted by chavenet on Apr 18, 2024 - 53 comments


Landmark Vote for Trans Rights Law (Human Rights Watch) – "Germany’s parliament on April 12, 2024, passed a landmark law that allows transgender and non-binary people to modify their legal documents to reflect their gender identity through an administrative procedure based on self-identification …" [more inside]
posted by the_dreamwriter on Apr 13, 2024 - 3 comments

The Meltdown at a Middle School in a Liberal Town

A post-pandemic fight about racism, the respectful treatment of trans kids, and the role of teachers’ unions has divided Amherst, Massachusetts. [The New Yorker]
posted by riruro on Apr 9, 2024 - 28 comments

The Matrix Has You

In the film, one of the representatives of the AI, the villainous Agent Smith, played by Hugo Weaving, tells Morpheus that the false reality of the Matrix is set in 1999 because that year was “the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization.” Indeed, not long after “The Matrix” premiered, humanity hooked itself up to a matrix of its own. There is no denying that our lives have become better in many ways thanks to the internet and smartphones. But the epidemic of loneliness and depression that has swept society reveals that many of us are now walled off from one another in vats of our own making.
25 Years Later, We’re All Trapped in ‘The Matrix’ [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 24, 2024 - 58 comments

Mirror Universe Evil Katsucon

Trans Person Infiltrates CPAC 2024 Part 1, Part 2. Dead Domain, a nonbinary creator who often talks about game design and who you may have seen go undercover at a hate church, decided to create the persona of vaguely right-wing podcaster Keith to attend CPAC, and gifts us with three and a half hours of troubling content and commentary. [more inside]
posted by Mizu on Mar 15, 2024 - 7 comments

Magnets for fantasists, plutocrats, oddballs, and corrupt businesspeople

The society’s traditions extended to what historian Holger Hoock describes as “an elaborate set of pseudo-Masonic ceremonies and symbolism.” Membership, strictly capped at 24 men, was a coveted privilege, even for George IV, the Prince of Wales, who had to wait his turn. New members underwent highly theatrical initiations, pledging their oath with a kiss on the beef bone of the day, blindfolded and led by a mitre-wearing guide while other members, as Arnold describes in his account, were “all decked out in incongruous and absurd dresses.” from A Rare Look Inside Britain’s ‘Sublime Society of Beefsteaks’ [Atlas Obscura]
posted by chavenet on Mar 15, 2024 - 6 comments

Solidarity and strategy

In 1977 in San Francisco, about 150 disabled radicals occupied the fourth floor of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for 25 days. “Blind people, deaf people, wheelchair users, disabled veterans, people with developmental and psychiatric disabilities and many others, all came together,” leader Judith Heumann later recalled. “We overcame years of parochialism.” A long read published in The Guardian, adapted from Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea by Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Mar 14, 2024 - 5 comments

Conservatives, on average, trust everything less

What changed since 2008 is a vivid example of a larger upheaval in American politics. The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still say raw milk is dangerous and the state dairy lobby sent lobbyists to the Iowa Capitol to defeat Schultz’s bill. But Iowa has flipped — it’s a Republican state now, from the presidential vote to the governor’s office to the near-supermajority Legislature — and that flip has occurred alongside even larger shifts in national politics, spurred on by the rise of Donald Trump. With Trump has come a new GOP electorate, one more rural, more working class, less ideological and generally more distrustful of lobbyists, big business and “the experts.” And that has been a big help for a cause that is bucking just about every one of those groups. from How Raw Milk Went from a Whole Foods Staple to a Conservative Signal [Politico]
posted by chavenet on Mar 13, 2024 - 67 comments

Voter Fraud Disproven. Again.

Ken Block, a data expert hired by the Trump campaign in 2020, writes that he shot down false claim after false claim in an election that was not stolen. Block's account, “Disproven,” will be released Tuesday, and Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (recipient, along with his family, of death threats in the months following the election) provided the foreword. [more inside]
posted by Iris Gambol on Mar 10, 2024 - 26 comments

Ottawa Impact, you so crazy

You may remember Ottawa County for the national headlines it made when Jamestown Township defunded (and then re-funded its library.  or perhaps you remember reading about the takeover of the County Board by a slate of ultraconservative political newcomers.  Since they've come to power 'Ottawa Impact' has both flailed and failed, alienating community groups and provoking numerous lawsuits. See inside for the latest updates. [more inside]
posted by bq on Mar 5, 2024 - 16 comments

Officer-Involved Book Banning

Sheriff Robert Norris is speaking into his body camera. “Today’s date is April 20, approximately 7 a.m. Just want to document my visit to the Hayden Library. My attorney and I are just curious and would like to document this visit to see what kind of materials are on display here.” Norris, the sheriff of Kootenai County, Idaho, meets up outside the library with Marianna Cochran, the founder of CleanBooks4Kids, a “grassroots group of North Idaho citizens alarmed at the abundance of books sexualizing, grooming, and indoctrinating kids in our local libraries at taxpayer expense,” to search for the book Identical, which Norris says he had “seen an image [of] floating on social media.” [...]

They walk into the library, and for the next 45 minutes search for “obscene” books in the Young Adult section while Norris’s camera is rolling in one of the most bizarre police body camera videos I’ve ever seen.
404media: Police Bodycam Shows Sheriff Hunting for 'Obscene' Books at Library [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 28, 2024 - 60 comments

Step By Step Repair

What if we could extend those basic principles — that repair should be social, embodied, intuitive, accessible — beyond the device or object? Could we apply these logics at the scale of civic systems and public spaces?
posted by Fiasco da Gama on Feb 27, 2024 - 5 comments

Wide Awake

Donald Trump may be hoping to strike a knockout blow against Nikki Haley in today's South Carolina primary, but he spent the better part of the day up north in Maryland, as the keynote speaker at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). The annual right-wing gathering has declined in prestige, attendance, and relevance since its heyday in the Tea Party era, losing big corporate sponsors and seeing chairman Matt Schlapp slapped with a multi-million dollar sexual assault claim. But it still serves as a useful window into the pathology of the modern Trump-MAGA Republican Party: turning against Ukraine and towards Putin two years into the war, welcoming failed world leaders decrying the "deep state" (and current ones that are dictatorial or arguably insane), featuring Pizzagate boosters calling for the overthrow of democracy, and tolerating self-identified Nazis openly mingling with conservative influencers and spreading racist and anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Does anybody really know what time it is?
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 24, 2024 - 113 comments

Palestinians & Palestinian-Americans in the USA

Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans continue to face censorship, backlash, and dehumanization by parties in all sectors of American life. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Feb 23, 2024 - 13 comments

Smart Move(?)

Capital One announced this week that it intends to buy Discover in an all-stock deal valued at $35 billion, which would make it by some measures the largest credit card company in the U.S. While CEO Richard Fairbank covets Discover's independent payments network, consumer advocates fear a negative effect on its vaunted customer service, as well as a general trend of credit card companies squeezing customers more as they grow larger. Though there is an argument that the proposed deal will increase competition at the network level, it will still face heavy antitrust scrutiny from the Federal Reserve and Biden administration regulators. Meanwhile in Congress, criticism of the deal has already been aired by pro-regulation stalwarts, including Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, and... Josh Hawley?
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 22, 2024 - 18 comments

Like Roy Moore never left

The reproductive healthcare community of Alabama was thrown into turmoil this week following a shockingly theocratic state supreme court decision that defines frozen embryos as children under the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. Fearing prosecution, the influential UAB Health System has responded by officially suspending all in-vitro fertilization (IVF) services statewide. The controversial ruling puts Alabama at the forefront of the national fetal personhood movement, a key player in the push by conservative activists to institute unabashed Christian nationalism in a second Trump term. Unfortunately for Alabama voters, the state lacks a public referendum system, meaning any reforms must pass through the state legislature's Republican supermajorities.
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 21, 2024 - 93 comments

The underlying technocratic philosophy of inevitability

Silicon Valley still attracts many immensely talented people who strive to do good, and who are working to realize the best possible version of a more connected, data-rich global society. Even the most deleterious companies have built some wonderful tools. But these tools, at scale, are also systems of manipulation and control. They promise community but sow division; claim to champion truth but spread lies; wrap themselves in concepts such as empowerment and liberty but surveil us relentlessly. The values that win out tend to be the ones that rob us of agency and keep us addicted to our feeds. from The Rise of Techno-Authoritarianism by Adrienne LaFrance [The Atlantic; ungated]
posted by chavenet on Feb 21, 2024 - 23 comments

New York Times, Get out of My School

Politics this, plagiarism that. Harvard is in the limelight, which means that the student journalists of the Harvard Crimson have picked up some competition.
posted by Artw on Feb 16, 2024 - 23 comments

How Vince McMahon Explains the 21st Century

The Hideous Spectacle of Vince McMahon Tim Marchman and Tom Scocca discuss Vince McMahon + The WWE, what makes a scandal, and what it means that the ringleader of wrestling has been an absolute monster this whole time. (SL: The Indignity on Substack) [CW: sexual abuse]
posted by wowenthusiast on Feb 12, 2024 - 16 comments

a taxonomy of supremacist bad faith, and the margins of permission

Part 1: my Poochie who is sure to tell you that he only finds anti-woke rhetoric understandable. Part 2 : Charlie Kirk now believes that pretending to revere Dr. King is less useful. Part 3: the most insidious kind of bad faith—pretending to take an opposing position in order to create a normalizing debate for [white] supremacy. A.R. Moxon's Reframe, relocated off of substack! [more inside]
posted by spamandkimchi on Feb 12, 2024 - 15 comments

'Ut Sementem Feceris, Ita Metes'

Overlooked No More: Voltairine de Cleyre, America’s ‘Greatest Woman Anarchist’ (NYT-archive link) de Cleyre was a poet of merit as told by Elizabeth King's essay on her poetry, 'Pearl of Anarchy. Voltairine de Cleyre’s radical poetry is more timely than ever.' The anarchist library has a collection of her poetry on-line
posted by clavdivs on Feb 11, 2024 - 8 comments

One Weird Trick for keeping insurrectionists from running the government

SCOTUSblog: Supreme Court to decide whether insurrection provision keeps Trump off ballot
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Thursday in what is shaping up to be the biggest election case since its ruling nearly 25 years ago in Bush v. Gore. At issue is whether former President Donald Trump, who is once again the front runner for the Republican nomination for president, can be excluded from the ballot because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol. Although the question comes to the court in a case from Colorado, the impact of the court’s ruling could be much more far-reaching. Maine’s secretary of state ruled in December that Trump should be taken off the primary ballot there, and challenges to Trump’s eligibility are currently pending in 11 other states. Trump warns that the efforts to keep him off the ballot “threaten to disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans” and “promise to unleash chaos and bedlam if other state courts and state officials follow Colorado’s lead.” But the voters challenging Trump’s eligibility counter that “we already saw the ‘bedlam’ Trump unleashed when he was on the ballot and lost.”
Wikipedia: Trump v. Anderson and the 2024 presidential eligibility of Donald Trump - Politico: Who is Norma Anderson? The 91-year-old lawmaker who could have Trump disqualified - 6 key questions in Supreme Court fight over Trump’s ballot eligibility - ResetEra's annotated list of the many amicus briefs - Tune in to official live audio of oral arguments in about an hour (starting at 10 a.m. Eastern) [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 8, 2024 - 235 comments

...Ready for It (Football's Version)

Welcome to the fallow week between the final game of the Conference Championships and the Super Bowl between Kansas City and San Francisco. You could watch the Pro Bowl in Orlando, but filling the air with analysis, predictions and odds is an absolute must to keep the hype train rolling, but this year the Internet has stepped in to help keep the conversation going.... [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Jan 31, 2024 - 51 comments

The 50 Worst Decisions in the Past 50 Years of American Politics

The 50 Worst Decisions in the Past 50 Years of American Politics "...when politicians make dumb decisions, the results are quite a bit more serious. If the political ruling class had just a little more sense, we might live in a world where Al Gore was president, Sarah Palin never became a national figure, and Donald Trump remained nothing more than a crooked real estate developer and reality-show host." [more inside]
posted by kirkaracha on Jan 30, 2024 - 128 comments

Gen Z is two generations, not one

In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up. Germany also now shows a 30-point gap between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries, and in the UK the gap is 25 points. from A new global gender divide is emerging [Financial Times; ungated] [more inside]
posted by chavenet on Jan 27, 2024 - 137 comments

No big deal for someone worth $5 billion

Trump ordered to pay $83m for defamation of E. Jean Carroll. Is it too early to dance in the streets?
posted by mokey on Jan 27, 2024 - 82 comments

On "Likability"

Likability is charisma in a muzzle—its weakling little sibling, the tamed runt of the personality family. It helps the bitter pill of technocracy go down, providing just enough quasi-populist flair to prop up and lubricate broken social architecture that has left us at risk of full-blown fascism. from You Really Like Me! [The Baffler; ungated]
posted by chavenet on Jan 26, 2024 - 3 comments

Here it comes, your Monday of Zen

Jon Stewart Returns to ‘Daily Show’ as Monday Host, Executive Producer [Variety]
After scuttling a months-long search for a new host, the Paramount Global network said it has enlisted Jon Stewart, who presided over the late-night mainstay’s most popular era, to serve as its host on Monday nights throughout the 2024 election cycle and to run the program. He is expected to play an oversight role at “Daily” that could extend through 2025, and will start his on-air duties February 12. Various “Daily Show” correspondents will host the program Tuesday through Thursday nights, and Jen Flanz, the current executive producer, will continue her duties on the show.
This news comes on the heels of The Problem with Jon Stewart's unexpected Apple TV+ cancellation over "creative differences" after an incisive two-season run, following a hiatus Stewart spent pursuing filmmaking, animal rescue (and animal rescue), and fighting for first responders. Weekly guest hosts following the 2022 departure of Trevor Noah included Leslie Jones, Wanda Sykes, D.L. Hughley, Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, Hasan Minhaj, Marlon Wayans, Kal Penn, Al Franken, John Leguizamo, Roy Wood, Jr., Jordan Klepper, Desi Lydic, Dulcé Sloan, Michael Kosta, Ronny Chieng, Desus Nice, Charlamagne Tha God, and Michelle Wolf.
posted by Rhaomi on Jan 24, 2024 - 48 comments

"8 km away from the villa where the Wannsee Conference took place"

Secret plan against Germany is an investigative report by German magazine Correctiv about a meeting near Potsdam where Neo-Nazis and members of far-right political party Alternative für Deutschland met to talk about plans for mass deportations from Germany. These plans, and and other fascistic ideas discussed, have led to calls to ban the party altogether. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called these plans an attack on German democracy and this weekend around three hundred thousand people in Germany marched in protest.
posted by Kattullus on Jan 21, 2024 - 24 comments

SCOTUS takes aim at the government's regulatory shield

SCOTUSblog: Supreme Court to hear major case on power of federal agencies
The Supreme Court will hear oral argument on Wednesday in a case involving the deference that courts should give to federal agencies’ interpretations of the laws that they administer. From health care to finance to environmental pollutants, administrative agencies use highly trained experts to interpret and carry out federal laws. Although the case may sound technical, it is one of the most closely watched cases of the court’s current term [...] The doctrine at the center of the case is known as the Chevron doctrine. It is named after the Supreme Court’s 1984 opinion in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council [...] Justice John Paul Stevens set out a two-part test for courts to review an agency’s interpretation of a statute it administers. The court must first determine whether Congress has directly addressed the question at the center of the case. If it has not, the court must uphold the agency’s interpretation of the statute as long as it is reasonable. [...] it became one of the most significant rulings on federal administrative law, cited by federal courts more than 18,000 times. At the same time, Chevron has been a target for conservatives, who contend that courts – rather than federal agencies – should say what the law means.
Politico: Conservative justices seem poised to weaken power of federal agencies | NYT: A Potentially Huge Supreme Court Case Has a Hidden Conservative Backer | Vox: The Supreme Court's new “Chevron” case threatens to sow chaos throughout the government
posted by Rhaomi on Jan 17, 2024 - 44 comments

The Winter of Our Malcontents

The state of Iowa is in a state of emergency today, with candidates and voters alike beset by a bitterly cold winter storm bringing wind chills of 20-below to the pivotal first-in-the-nation caucuses. Former President Trump maintains his fanatical hold on the field, besting his nearest rivals by record margins despite (or perhaps because of) his multiple indictments and flirtations with fascism. In his wake, late-breaking establishment favorite Nikki Haley vies for second place with a floundering Ron DeSantis, who risks joining Pence, Christie, Ramaswamy, and various other also-rans. The Democrats, meanwhile, are largely sitting this one out -- thanks to the embarrassment of the 2020 contest (and a push from President Biden), their first primary will take place February 3rd -- in South Carolina. The caucusing starts tonight at 7 PM Central Time (1 AM UTC), with results about an hour later; follow the NPR live blog for the latest updates. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jan 15, 2024 - 72 comments

Chinese Democracy

Voting begins in Taiwan's critical elections watched closely by China - "Polls opened on Saturday in Taiwan's presidential and parliamentary elections which China has framed as a choice between war and peace and are happening as Beijing ramps up pressure to get the island to accept its sovereignty. Taiwan has been a democratic success story since holding its first direct presidential election in 1996, the culmination of decades of struggle against authoritarian rule and martial law."[1,2,3] [more inside]
posted by kliuless on Jan 12, 2024 - 13 comments

Can the exhausted, angry people of Ottawa County learn to live together?

All year, the new conservative Christian majority on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners had been searching for a way to get rid of Adeline Hambley They complained that they couldn’t trust Hambley. They accused her of supporting mask mandates and pushing coronavirus vaccines that they believed were unproven and possibly unsafe. They said her employees had encouraged dangerous, sexually perverse behavior by attending a local Pride festival, where they tested attendees for sexually transmitted diseases and administered the mpox vaccine. [more inside]
posted by bq on Dec 24, 2023 - 25 comments

Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot

In a stunning decision, the Court ruled that Trump isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s insurrectionist ban.
posted by Rykey on Dec 19, 2023 - 226 comments

Power (Plough, Sword & Book) and Progress (Exit, Voice & Loyalty)

Justice by Means of Democracy [archive|transcript] - "[T]he work of democracy is to continuously resist capture. There is no end of history. There is no state of rest for democracy. Democracy is the work of resisting capture by powerful interests and restoring power-sharing just over and over and over again. So we have to do work to introduce new governance mechanisms in the place of those that are not working."[1,2; link-heavy post!] [more inside]
posted by kliuless on Dec 12, 2023 - 20 comments

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