2 posts tagged with prowrestling by Ghidorah.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

It's still an important shared experience to me, damn it!

When news broke that WWE would be bringing back the Starrcade name, a lot of people took notice. When it turned out it was going to be only for a house show (i.e. not televised), there was more than a little grumbling and head scratching. Uproxx writer Brandon Stroud wrote about Starrcade, what it meant to him and his family growing up, and what it meant to see the revival of the show with his parents. [more inside]
posted by Ghidorah on Feb 10, 2018 - 3 comments

RIP Stone Crusher

1-0 lifetime record, defeated Daniel Bryan, all around badass Connor "Stone Crusher" Michalek, has passed away. Connor met Bryan around Christmas last year, where he put Bryan into the "No" Lock and made him tap out.
posted by Ghidorah on Apr 26, 2014 - 12 comments

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