7 posts tagged with recipefilter by drewbage1847.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.

The Pharmacy in the Cupboard

It's cold and flu season - buckle up and watch yourself on trains and subways, because if you get what I've had, it's a doozy!. Let's bone up on how to make yourself (or your loved ones) feel better when you/they feel terrible. And by all means, share your favorite remedies! [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Oct 23, 2023 - 55 comments

A Tasty Long Con

As the year turns to fall, (it'll be a chilly 85°F for me tomorrow) it's time to think about preserving a larder for the long cold winter. And while you can think about your pickles, your preserves and canned goods for days, let's look instead at the French technique of "confit". [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Sep 25, 2023 - 27 comments

Chicken And Rice - Oh So Nice

Rice is one of the world's most important crops. Chicken is one of the world's most consumed meats. (In the US to the tune of 100 pounds per person per year). Naturally, there's an large variety of combinations of the two across the world, so let's try a few! Again, as with all things culinary, this is woefully incomplete, short sighted and missing a bunch of other combinations (plus some of these combinations are seen with different meats! [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Sep 18, 2023 - 35 comments

Honey, Honey, How You Thrill Me

Thanks to it's long storage life and medicinal properties, honey has long been a staple "luxury" for humanity featuring in countless recipes across the globe. Again, as with all things culinary, this is woefully incomplete, short sighted and missing a bunch of other uses for the wonder product! [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Sep 11, 2023 - 9 comments

Salad Solidarity

Across the course of the modern foodscape, there have been countless labor strikes at all levels of the food industry particularly with the hard working men and women harvesting crops from the fields. Big California examples include the Delano Grape Picker Strike and the largest farm worker strike in US history - The Salad Bowl Strike. In the spirit of Salad for Lettuce Boycotters, how about some salads without lettuce. We'll come back to the world of "salads" later when we look at things like Snicker Salad Again, as with all things culinarily inclined, this list is short sighted, full of gaps, holes, glaring errors and misconceptions, etc. Feel free to toss your ideas to cover the bare spots! (And yes, cabbage and spinach are lettuce adjacent, but....) [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Sep 4, 2023 - 13 comments

Egg Man

The Incredible Edible Egg, the symbol of life. There's been a long debate about the health benefits and negative effects of the humble egg, but for many, the scrambled egg is the go to breakfast choice. The real question is which scrambled egg? Milk? Cream? Nothing? Salt? No Salt? Again, as with all things culinarily inclined, this list is short sighted, full of gaps, holes, glaring errors and misconceptions, etc. Feel free to scramble over any and all bare spots! [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Aug 28, 2023 - 92 comments

It's Tasty Being Green

While hunger may be the best sauce in the world, most prefer something with a bit more taste. And since it's summer and beautiful herbs abound, let's look at many ways of bringing a "green" zip to the plate. (Plus it's Hatch Chile season!) As with all things culinary, this will be woefully incomplete, short sighted, lacking the complete picture and not the way your nana made it and that's great - more green sauces! [more inside]
posted by drewbage1847 on Aug 21, 2023 - 40 comments

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