6 posts tagged with uspolitics by toastyk.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.

Gaza & University Protest

There has been 1 arrest since counterprotesters violently attacked the UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment on April 30. Archive.is. UCLA Chancellor Gene Block testified before the House committee on the protests, where he admitted that he thought he should have removed the encampment sooner to prevent violence. Other universities also participated in the hearing, where the focus was mostly on how/whether the protests were antisemitic and should have been shut down earlier. Over 1000 people walked out of the Harvard commencement to protest Harvard denying 13 student protesters from participating. Encampments and student protests have spread to Australia, England, Germany, Italy, and more. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on May 25, 2024 - 43 comments

Protesting for Gaza on US universities

Pro-Palestinian orgs at universities across the world protest in support of "Columbia Gaza Solidarity Encampment" Columbia Spectator, the newspaper run by undergrad Columbia University students, published an editorial asking if Columbia University is in crisis, stating: Columbia’s crisis is not as the committee has attempted to define it—a characterization stemming from the belief that the University has become a hotbed of antisemitic thought and behavior. Rather, the crisis is rooted in a lack of genuine community engagement on the part of the administration, as well as a failure to fulfill its duty of care to all affiliates. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Apr 22, 2024 - 736 comments

Palestinians & Palestinian-Americans in the USA

Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans continue to face censorship, backlash, and dehumanization by parties in all sectors of American life. [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Feb 23, 2024 - 13 comments

Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

What is the difference, conceptually, between a state deploying its power to protect its population’s health and a state using it to protect its population’s democratic rights? This is not the first time Gavin Newsom has referred to California as a "nation-state". [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Apr 12, 2020 - 109 comments

Hmong & Lao Americans Face Deportation

Trump administration proposal to deport thousands of Hmong and Lao Americans back to Laos could be detrimental to families in Minnesota. It's only the latest attack on immigrants and their children: Cambodian Americans have already been deported back to Cambodia. The Deported Americans. When de facto Americans are deported.
posted by toastyk on Feb 8, 2020 - 23 comments

Elizabeth Warren proposes how she will pay for Medicare for All

She has a plan to pay for Medicare for All, with no new taxes on the middle-class. Elizabeth Warren plans to pay for Medicare for All with a mix of taxes on the rich, and having corporations/businesses switch over the premiums they're paying now for health insurance to funding Medicare. Do the numbers add up? [more inside]
posted by toastyk on Nov 1, 2019 - 154 comments

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