88 posts tagged with video by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 88.

Tom Driveimpossiblyquicklyer

Tom Walker tries desperately, with halting success, to complete some very basic missions in Grand Theft Auto 4 while all the cars on the map lose their fucking minds. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Come for the comedy car deaths, stay for the slow evolution of a "this is a horror stealth game" playstyle that makes it at all possible to make progress.
posted by cortex on May 6, 2024 - 26 comments

i've heard of chiptunes but

Warning: sharp, startling static sounds

Turns out if you crash a GBA game and wait a couple hours, it will start singing the entire content of its memory to you: Dumping the ROM of a GBA game by crashing it
posted by cortex on Jan 17, 2024 - 19 comments

the penguins are gathering in a circle

Vaporwave goodbye to the waking world in dreamcore95.exe, a chill, short idle game with impeccable vibes and, if that's not enough inducement, also a defragging widget.
posted by cortex on Nov 21, 2023 - 13 comments

i've heard of marble madness but

Ivan Miranda decides to use a lot of 3D printing and a lot of hand tooling to, both figuratively and literally, roll his own seven-segment digital clock: Building a Marble Clock - part 1 and part 2.
posted by cortex on Nov 16, 2023 - 12 comments

WAH WAH WAH! [wah wah wah wah waaaaaaah]

Bring Me To Life but it's Otamatones
posted by cortex on Jul 19, 2023 - 35 comments

finally something involving billions that isn't late capitalism

Got some legos, need to do some long-term planning? Guess you could make a billion-year clock.
posted by cortex on Jun 1, 2023 - 22 comments

i reckon it looks amazing

Pask Makes A Mid-Century Table: a chill and genial Aussie woodworker narrates his way start to finish through a very pretty one-off dining table project that I absolutely did not start watching just because of the tiling table top pattern. Includes a brief cameo by a placid, sleepy surprise python, because Australia.
posted by cortex on May 13, 2023 - 24 comments

the most exciting bank switching story since SVB got shut down

How did the graphics on NES' Punch Out work? It's a little complicated!
posted by cortex on Mar 20, 2023 - 12 comments

i'm in a pipe / i cannot gripe

Nirvana's Nevermind but with the Super Mario 64 soundfont
posted by cortex on Mar 17, 2023 - 8 comments

playing a 2x4 through a tacklebox head into a foamcore cabinet

About a year ago, Nashville musician Jim Lill asked: where does an electric guitar's tone come from? Lill has since asked a few more questions and done his best to document some answers in additional short entertaining videos:
- where does sustain come from?
- where does guitar string tone come from?
- does scale length affect the tone?
- where does speaker cabinet tone come from?
- where does amplifier head tone come from?
posted by cortex on Feb 23, 2023 - 35 comments

ah yes, the deadly jumbotron

Using only a pixel baseball bat and one (or possibly more) balls, can you fend off an ever-increasing swarm of abstract dots? Find out in the delightful Vampire Survivors-alike Bases Loaded.
posted by cortex on Feb 19, 2023 - 23 comments

2008 Roofball World Championships

Throw the ball on the roof. 1. If you catch it when it comes down, that's a point. 2. If it hits the big chimney pipe, that's five points for a Ping. 3. If it goes up on one side of the ping pipe and down on the other, that's an Around for ten points. 4. If it hits the the small chimney pipe, that's a five point multiplier for the catch itself. 5. If it hits the grey Volvo on the way down, that's minus one point. 6. If it goes over the house, that's minus five points and you have to go get the ball.

Got it? Good. Let's play Roofball.
posted by cortex on Feb 17, 2023 - 17 comments

secrets of the abyss

A short surreal animated film by Felix Colgrave: DONKS.
posted by cortex on Feb 2, 2023 - 14 comments

lost your keys in the spacetime curvature again

Woodworker Olivier Gomis builds a wormhole-themed coffee table.
posted by cortex on Jan 12, 2023 - 37 comments

So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. It's time. It's time to be green.

Kermit the Frog in Half-Life 2
posted by cortex on Dec 28, 2022 - 7 comments

you're a rich_lord, but you've gone too far

Black Growth, Green Growth, and Creepy Eyes: three of a number of fascinating and unsettling procedural animations by rich_lord.
posted by cortex on Dec 5, 2022 - 13 comments

it's kind of like Suspiria but for synth nerds with perms

The year is very very definitely 1971, and these are Rare Moog Dancers.
posted by cortex on Dec 3, 2022 - 18 comments

if Tetris were Thanksgiving dinner with your shittiest uncle

Want to hate Tetris, or for Tetris to hate you? The answer may be Hatetris (which you can play here), an adversarial Tetris game (by MeFi's Own qntm) that tries to serve you the worst possible pieces you could ever not hope for. Here's a detailed writeup of understanding and breaking the high score record by David & Filipe, who just shattered their previous record with 148 whole points.
posted by cortex on Nov 6, 2022 - 22 comments

We got blood red martinis / We got Christina Ricci

Come and find me / at the Goth Beach
posted by cortex on Oct 22, 2022 - 30 comments

taking Silent Hill cosplay in a different direction

Hey, kid, wanna make an air raid siren? Further details on the process.
posted by cortex on Aug 8, 2022 - 12 comments

I! Love! My! Mom! [gutteral screaming]

Youtube music types Adam Neely and Rob Scallon give each other crash courses in writing and playing songs in their respective genres in: Metal Musician Sucks At Jazz and its companion piece Jazz Musician Sucks At Metal.
posted by cortex on Jun 25, 2022 - 14 comments

I think that I think therefore I am, or do I and am I? Also: a montage.

Here's an interesting 25-minute video essay from Mike Rugnetta on dirt on camera lenses, questioning the principle of suspension of disbelief, Descartes vs. Spinoza on evaluating truth, and the nature of our internal engagement with fiction.
posted by cortex on Jun 12, 2022 - 5 comments

*pulls out acoustic guitar* anyway, here's Redwall

You ever wish you were an adventurous pixel-art mouse doing inventory tetris while exploring a randomly-generated dungeon and engaging in turn-based combat with wee slimes and hostile rodentia? Great, you should play Backpack Hero. You should also play it if you haven't specifically wished for that previously, because it's delightful and charming and good.
posted by cortex on Apr 27, 2022 - 37 comments

Beastly AIs known to let the piece, mmm...drop

In his blog post "Can you be sure to clear a line at Tetris?", theoretical computer science researcher Antoine Amarilli asks: can you be sure to clear a line at Tetris? Specifically, even if the computer hates you and doesn't want to let you? [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 26, 2022 - 14 comments

Gonna go down to Black Mesa and get myself a BajaaAAaaAa Blast

The opening tram ride of classic 1998 first person shooter Half-Life except the tram guide uses the TikTok text-to-speech voice.
posted by cortex on Apr 25, 2022 - 24 comments

Try pinky, but hole

Tiny Elden Ring: Elden Ring, but zoomed out and tilt-shifted and everything moving in a low-framerate Harryhausen stutter.
posted by cortex on Apr 12, 2022 - 47 comments

I bless the rains down in Kokiri

Africa, by Toto, played entirely on in-game instruments in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
posted by cortex on Feb 10, 2022 - 26 comments

Into the thick of it, into the thick of it

Long-time very-online creative inter alia video type person Hank Green discusses how fucked TikTok's revenue-sharing is and why that's fine for TikTok-the-cash-cow but a bad long-term investment in TikTok-the-creative-hub.
posted by cortex on Jan 20, 2022 - 7 comments

street fighter, more like, uh, sheet...highlighter

Fabien Sanglard looks into when Capcom stopped laying out CPS-1 arcade sprite sheets by hand with scissors.
posted by cortex on Dec 23, 2021 - 11 comments

Frasier looking at videogames

I hope you like Frasier looking at video games, because all you'll find at this link is Frasier looking at video games.
posted by cortex on Sep 8, 2021 - 15 comments

you take your car to work, i'll elaborately detail a longboard

Can I interest you in a wordless 14-minute timelapse video of making a fancy surfboard?
posted by cortex on Jul 26, 2021 - 9 comments

Niftski and 420 blazeit, when the frame rule fell

Everybody knows that improving the 2016 Super Mario Bros. non-tool-assisted speedrun record was physically impossible. What this documentary breakdown of SMB speedrun progress since then presupposes is: maybe it wasn't? [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 10, 2021 - 11 comments

don't say it yet

Musical force of nature Tom Cardy has a helpful suggestion for finding that thing you can't find. [Note: a bit sweary.]
posted by cortex on Jul 4, 2021 - 14 comments

really tied the level geometry together

RugsInGames is a twitter account that documents the appearance of at least one rug in a given video game.
posted by cortex on May 28, 2021 - 29 comments

quadtree quarterpounders

Low Poly Videogame Foods is a twitter account that aggregates images of low polygon-count food objects in videogames.
posted by cortex on Apr 13, 2021 - 14 comments

technically this is the opposite of a walkthrough

How to beat The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, a game in which you walk all over a sprawling world and through the dungeons and houses therein, but without ever actually walking anywhere. A whirlwind (see what I did there) 50 minute annotated tour through alternate forms of locomotion in the classic RPG adventure.
posted by cortex on Mar 22, 2021 - 9 comments

But, wait, are these toys circular? Neigh.

Here's a five minute German-language video about making, inter alia, little wooden horses with a lathe.
posted by cortex on Feb 26, 2021 - 43 comments

you mean to tell me a stick did this walking

Mike Stinnett carves a walking stick with a lizard and rattlesnake elements. Including some absolutely St. Francis-ass shit with a western fence lizard at one point.
posted by cortex on Jan 29, 2021 - 7 comments

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a violin.

Nicolas Bras builds a sympathetic nail violin.
posted by cortex on Jan 27, 2021 - 12 comments

Whosever pulleth this splinter from this pebble

BobbyDuke makes a very small sword out of an old rusty nail.
posted by cortex on Jan 14, 2021 - 13 comments

Into The Wood

Chill out to some stunning Japenese wood joinery videos from Dylan Iwakuni:
- Shihou Kama Tsugi (four-way goose neck joint)
- Kane Tsugi
- Ari Shiguchi
- Sumidome Hozo Sashi
- Kanawa Tsugi
posted by cortex on Dec 7, 2020 - 11 comments

Respawn of the Dead (or: Cookie Crypter)

Incremancer: it's like an ant farm except the ants all get out and also the ants are zombies and also this is a good thing. Idly grow yourself an army of adorable tiny undead brain-hungry zombos and consume increasingly large and dangerous groups of humans, one overflowing graveyard at a time.
posted by cortex on Dec 6, 2020 - 116 comments

Cookie Flipper

Pincremental is a free online idle game that starts as a janky pinball sim and turns into a janky pinball automation sim.
posted by cortex on Sep 15, 2020 - 32 comments

the red drapes honestly feel a little more Lynch tho

A shot-for-shot remake of the final sequence of Kubrick's opus magnum, within the confines of a Brooklyn apartment, starring and directed and etc by artist Lydia Cambron: 2020: An Isolation Odyssey
posted by cortex on Aug 12, 2020 - 11 comments

come for the SNES sprite art, stay for The Baby Agitator

An engineer, in fine engineer fashion, decides to save time making perler bead sprite art by hand by spending nine months iterating on a modified perler bead 3D printer.
posted by cortex on Jul 24, 2020 - 25 comments

"so, i just want to emphasize that what i'm doing here is BAD"

Spend a pleasant ninety minutes watching beardy, distractible Irish sword-maker Michael Cthulhu build a massive slab of sword called The Wrektangle.
posted by cortex on Jul 6, 2020 - 29 comments

Hello, Gordon! Hello, Gordon! Hello, Gor--

Half-Life 1, in VR, except it's absurdist improv comedy. Act I, part 1 in a continuing series.
posted by cortex on Apr 24, 2020 - 15 comments

Take a break and watch some chill linocut TV

Maarit Hänninen is a Finnish artist who makes linocut work, and sometimes creates short montage videos documenting the process:
- Tomorrow, Tomorrow
- Nymph
- Eden
posted by cortex on Mar 16, 2020 - 11 comments

intersection of cyriak and that Going To The Store guy

This music video for Very Noise by Igorrr is a hell of a thing.
posted by cortex on Jan 18, 2020 - 21 comments

never bet on the bard

Try and figure out what the hell is happening in FFT Battleground, a twitch stream that's a cross between the classic generative beat-em-up sports betting hijinks of Salty Bet and the turn-based chocobo-adjacent combat of PS1 classic Final Fantasy Tactics.
posted by cortex on Jan 15, 2020 - 10 comments

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