MexicanYenta's profile (website)


Joined: March 10, 2010


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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I'm bored.

Henri, my semi-famous rescued Ragdoll kitty. Here he is all growed up.

Here is everything a lot of what I know about men and boobs.

If you have a new baby, or are about to have a baby, and you are despairing of ever having any kind of life again, this might help.

My semi-famous Smoked Salmon and Roasted Red Pepper Soup recipe:

Roasted red peppers - 2 cans 28oz, 17 3/4 oz drained weight.

Tomato puree (about 1/4 as much as the peppers - I used Pomi sauce that comes in a box, and I used the whole box)

Two cans of pink salmon - (the size of campbell's soup cans)

Mushrooms (I used one large can of mushroom pieces)

Shallots [or onions and garlic] (maybe 1/2 cup? chopped up.)

Tablespoon or two of fresh lime juice

Hickory smoke flavoring sauce - to taste. Probably a couple of tablespoons

Red pepper flakes - to taste (I don't make this particular soup very spicy. Maybe a teaspoon?)

Black pepper - to taste

A bit of sweetener - I used stevia. It's not a sweet soup, I use the sweetener to take the edge off the bitterness of the peppers. I used yellow peppers this time, but other peppers may not require sweetener

1/2 stick of butter

1/4 cup olive oil

Sea salt to taste. (Since I used canned peppers and they were packed in salt water, I didn't add any salt. I did drain off as much of the liquid as I could.)

I run the peppers through my food processor until almost liquefied, then put everything in my crock pot and let it cook overnight. You're supposed to use smoked salmon, but that's so expensive that I made it with canned salmon instead, and frankly it came out better with the smoke flavoring than it did with actual smoked salmon last time.

FYI - I originally had this at Landlocked restaurant, in Ruidoso, New Mexico, and this is my best effort at duplicating it.