XiBe's profile (website)


Name: Xavier Borderie
Joined: September 30, 2001
Also On: Flickr Last.fm LinkedIn


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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Well, it's pretty silly, really, but it's mine, so there goes...
I began my computer life with the Amstrad CPC 6128, back then. The eighties. Oh, yeah, I was born in 1977, by the way. I received disks and programs from other people, and (being the clever guy I am) noticed they mostly used nicknames instead of names.

So I decided to grow my own. My own nickname, that is.
I tried a few things, and as always, you stick with the most silly one. Mine is explained this way (try to focus, please) :

Name : Xavier Borderie (I didn't choose that!)
Initials : X B
Phonetic : iXBé (in french, that reads "ikssbay", sort of).
Random() : XiBé
unFrench() ! XiBe (that's "Gzeeb'" to you).

So there.
That was in the late 80's. Then I got an Atari 520 STf, then an Amiga 500, then Amiga 1200, then my Engineering School, where I really discovered the Internet.

That was something like 1995. My fingers are still heavily plugged into this place.


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