Slagman's profile (website)


Name: Left Blank
Joined: December 21, 2001


MeFi: 29 posts , 488 comments
MetaTalk: 2 posts , 44 comments
Ask MeFi: 0 questions , 21 answers
Music: 0 posts , 0 comments, 0 playlists
Music Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments
Projects: 0 posts, 0 comments, 0 votes
Jobs: 0 posts
IRL: 0 posts, 0 comments
FanFare: 0 posts, 0 comments
FanFare Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments

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Favorites: 1
Favorited by others: 10


Links to: 0 users
Linked by: 0 users
MeFi tags: politics (4) brokenlink (3) georgebush (2) georgewbush (2) johnkerry (2) journalism (2) Kerry (2) movies (2) news (2) apple (1)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I first got online in the 1970's when I was in high school. My father had a job that allowed him access to Arpanet. In the 80s, I was on BBS's. I was a Usenet junkie in the early 90's. Then we got the pretty pictures and the noises, and I said, wow. This is something. I am still here.

This nickname is something I picked at random one day and I made it kind of ridiculous so I would not be inclined to post so much, but lately that's not working. The more public the forum the more anonymous I tend to be, for various reasons.