Wordshore's profile


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Name: Wordshore
Joined: May 29, 2012


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I'm not on MetaFilter regularly, being more active on Bluesky. If you're on there, you can find me (I'm Silversprite).

Pictures of (mainly) places I've lived in or visited, or foods eaten, between 2005 and recently are on Flickr. This album has the better pictures, though if you want more geographically-oriented snapshots, best go through the ordered collections.

+ + + + +

A few of the comments, posts, and general unedited ramblings I've made since joining MetaFilter...

Pick of the barrel
:: Question, and explanations revealed some way down the comments: 18 pounds of stolen cheese.
:: Comment: A eulogy for Nutkins.
:: Post: One sandwich to rule them all.
:: NSFW comment: The vicar who loved horses.
:: Post (mod deleted): Minimalist - note you can still 'favorite' Huffy Puffy's comment.
:: Audio project: Wordshore speaks some words.
:: Nocturnal trauma: Owl problem.
:: Sexy posts: Penis beaker for the comments, and “Eichhörnchen!”

I gotta mention on the podcast!
Words were written or spoken which, for whatever reason, made podcast number 177, 166, 146, 145, 136, 132, 131, 126, 125, 124, 120, 115, and 93 (twice).

June: I return to rural Worcestershire, for a while, and enjoy a different life here.
May: Perseverance.
March: Progress is slow.
February: The good start continues.
January: A good start to a new year.
December: Moving honey across Worcesteshire because, and the swans of Christmas Day.
June: My role model is Sunbathing Cone Cat.
May: It is Oak Apple Day, I have been a member of MetaFilter for exactly a decade, and there is a lot of writing to be, um, written. And, apart from writing content of variable quality, this is the other thing which has occupied me for much of those ten years.
November: Back in the Shire, but looking at the possibilities of being further afield.
October: And everything goes back to the beginning as I aspire to return north.
September: Why I don't like zebras, and the school trip where we didn't really do the school proud, a formative influence, and a ferry ride on the Sabbath, and looking back and looking forwards.
August: On nearly killing a Royal corgi, a previous purchase, and being critiqued in Dublin.
December: The magic of Avebury.
October: Drinking tea with another MeFite, and the endurance of cricket.
September: More on the late summer / early autumn road trip.
August: How to get cheese, for free, in rural England, on rescuing cats, and the road trip begins.
September: A cake picture roundup.
August: Still here, alas.
June: There were stones and stoners.
April: "This, in a way, is similar to the prisoner's dilemma, but with cock." and I wandered and ate cake.
March: I went on a date and MeFites helped in a way and the date has been immortalised in a blockchain, a new bakery for a new day, and books > lies, the worst person to solve relationship problems, and my explanation for the current state of England.
February: Totoro the robin and hygienic toilet use and I gave a speech at a wedding.
January: Milk and wassailing and it is perhaps time to travel to the gray havens...
December: Ash and stiricide, preparations are done and Christmas day foods, and it is time to go outside and celebrate.
November: I was Santa but then I wasn't.
October: The bluebell service (from last May).
September: The first village show of the autumn, noticing things, some questionable judging, my "local" village pub, two pumpkins, and the month of cake.
August: With the local Druids, eating and celebrating, remembering the uses of a flask of tea and more detail, and cakes at the end of summer.
July: Some church cake and an associated sudden storage predicament, and potatoes, the annual church fete was caketastic but evensong was too loud, the vicar who liked horses (and basic education), when Heathens squabble, and more rural foods of which George is a fan.
June: An afternoon of stained glass windows and cake, a summer fete at a cricket club, and the Summer Solstice.
March: Some local women, and another with a poker.
February: My vicar is cold, and badger problems and the AskMeFi behind it, resulting in patrols.
January: Stumpy from back in the day, thrice bitten and a further explanation. Also, melon.
November: "Would you like some cake?", a chocolate sponge cake supplier and some further detail.
October: Autumn, and some random notes.
September: The Autumnal Equinox, some rural village marrow entendres, scrumpy from back in the day, and the poo in the pencilcase.
August: My favorite walk, an unhygienic rural-dwelling friend and a neighbour, the chip van cometh, a post about rural English pastimes that are not The Hunting of the Earl of Rone, and forever cheese.
July: An owl theft and how it will be solved, the tediousness of the streaker, and Gerald and the cream scone. Also, 45 bars of Cadbury chocolate suddenly appear.
June: A strange village fete, some cow sitting, and a few facts.
May: A busy Sunday morning.
April: Nutkins the squirrel and the end times of same and an observation, and some Maypole dancing and villager observations.
February: In the woods with Druids and in a church on a hill.
January: The uses of a goldfish bowl.
December: Some Christmas Day port.
November: I won the tombola and everyone hated me, and afterwards, and a free mince pie.
October: A regretful purchase..
September: Listening to a description of cheese while eating cheese, and a post about rural English shows.
August: What has become known as the cheese heist. Friend acquires a lot of cheese - what to do with it, why Andy had the cheese, more on Fred, a photograph, and an associated MetaTalk. Also, the local church organist went rogue, and a typical week.
March: It is Spring.
October: Proper cider.
April: A post about the eeriness of the English countryside.
September: Rural island life.
May: A post about the cheese rolling on Cooper's Hill.
November: One sauce to rule them all.

Some posts, grouped by theme
"Ooo, I say, matron!"
* Penis Beaker.
* Hedge Fucking.
* Lick your own cat and how to say the instructions.
* Sweatily working hard on his balls.
* The Great British Dildo Heist.
* Something is longer in the state of Denmark.
* “Soon, you can log in to MetaFilter using your analprint.”
* “Bonjour! Mon anus est plein d'artillerie.”

Cakes and desserts
* Soon, a plate of beans will be created by a 3D printer.
* Christmas Cake.
* The Tunnocks Tea Cake.
* Chocolate latest.
* “Turn it upside down after baking so the lard can soak through.”
* Cake update.
* Look, it's just a vicar eating cake. What could go wrong?
* Carb loading day is here!
* All the cake news that's fit to eat.
* The great British Jaffa Cake bait and switch.
* There is cake. And there is Victoria sponge cake.
* The contrition and shame of inappropriately creaming your scone.
* No finer tart. (Bakewell tarts)
* I am sick of half-hearted desserts. Bring me a proper pudding.
* Cake village.

* A splendidly meat-free upgrade to the boringly traditional cheeseburger.
* “CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE!” (the annual cheese rolling races)
* “The fatty cream is its secret....”
* Mascarpone Monday.
* “The cake to cheese ratio is all important....”
* My cheese toastie brings all the boys to the park.
* One sandwich to rule them all.
* People often ask me, ‘Do you like cheese?’
* “Grated cheese to be renamed Pulled Cheddar.” (2017 British cheese news)
* Edible uses of cheese.
* I should have just eaten the 18 pounds of Red Leicester. (cheese is allegedly good for you)
* I want to make cheese.
* Scrape it off, I scrape it off... (Raclette, or roasted cheese)
* Maybe we need to find more non-edible uses for it. (cheese mountain)
* The librarians are freaking out about this.
* ...and a comment.

Other foods and drinks
* Man steals 200,000 eggs, is caught.
* Linda Skeens is too busy WINNING, for all your social media nonsense
* “Earth people peeled their own potatoes with their metal knives...”
* The Diablo sandwich.
* “This is their best? Oh.”
* The Green Nectar of the Gods.
* "Like a greasy chip butty, oh Sheffield United, come thrill me again"
* Biscuit news.
* Consider the potato.
* Carb loading day is here!
* “Ribbed with bacon.”
* Tea. Noises occurring from the drinking of. Especially slurping.
* “I have no compunction about filling my pockets with croissants.”
* Smörgåstårta.
* “I bloody love a pork pie.”
* “...and something called coconut bacon, which you just know isn’t.”
* Its fans call themselves "potheads" and accessorise their pots. (Instant Pots)
* Drunk for a penny, dead drunk for twopence. (gin-flavoured foods)
* A little piece of toast.
* The Food of the (Northern) Gods. (cuisine of Northern England)
* Bring Your Own Pie.
* My lips purse, like a cat’s arse that’s brushed against nettles. (fine dining, that was not, review)
* Tea comes out of a teapot.
* Turkey Twizzlers, cornflake tart, jam roly-poly, and spotted dick. (British school dinners)
* Decline and Fall of the British Empire, Episode 7,219 - the Walnut Whip.
* Beyond the cheesy fried enchilada funnel cake: 2017 state fair foods.
* Blimey! Beyond Buckinghamshire bacon badgers: British bites... (British cuisine in 2017)
* Let's talk about pies.
* One herring to bring them all, and in the darkness fry them. (fish and chips)
* Deep-fat fryers and dunking Jaffa Cakes: a nation further divided.
* Step aside Nutella; there's a new spread in town.
* End of Empire. End of Days. End of Everything. (Cadbury Creme Egg recipe changes)
* Cookware does not emit sounds or illuminate.

* Advanced Lawn Mower Simulator, and other deliberately crap games.
* Now how will we explore the Internet?
* Exit through the gif shop.
* Apollo 11.
* “Sega Dreamcast at 20: the futuristic games console that came too soon.”
* 10 PRINT "Hello MetaFilter" ..... 20 GOTO 10 .... RUN.
* "Um..." {taps chunky BBC Micro keys} "180 ... GOTO 30 ... and ... RUN!" (the Computer Literacy Project)
* Online communities reach middle age. (the CBBS: Computerized Bulletin Board System)
* Internet -> internet. (capitalisation)
* How to use a modem.
* Ello is soooo summer of 2014. Autumn is tilde.club

* “Ich lieb dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht.” (Da Da Da, by Trio)
* “You're all corrupt, you're all depraved...” (Einstein a Go Go, by Landscape)
* A badminton rally.
* “Should Christian Women Be Allowed to Have Butts?”
* “Excuse moi? Quoi? Excuse moi? Quoi?” (the French version of Chaise Longue by Wet Leg)
* “Boogie with a suitcase.” (Pop Muzik by M)
* “In England, no-one can hear you scream.” (Sleaford Mods)
* “If they fail to see it, are they even human?”
* Boards of Canada vs Deforum Stable Diffusion.
* “Honda Honda Honda Honda.” (Madness advertise the Honda City in the 1980s)
* Daisy Boo Biscuit Potter (cat obituary by Ned Potter)
* Everything happens so much. (10th anniversary of this @horse_ebooks tweet)
* Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush.
* “Just like you have a lot of different you's.”
* Struggle for Pleasure / Café del Mar.
* “Distant sound of thunder, moving out on the moor.”
* Together in Electric Dreams.
* “So jump in the river and learn to swim...”
* Squid Game.
* From Shitterton to Bell End, via Titty Ho.
* Make your cat the centre of attention during family meals.
* "God only knows what I'd be without ewe"
* “Wonder what's cooking at the house tonight; stew and beans”. (Waiting for a Train, by Flash and the Pan)
* "Quiet, seething resentment, dressed up in a cheap paper hat"
* “Stick that gorgeous vaccine in my eyes and up my arse...”
* I should buy Björk a boat.
* Getting it Hobbit-on.
* The Clangers.
* Hoo-rah hoo-rah hoo-rah-yay...
* Bobby Banas and The Nitty Gritty.
* The sweaters, the dancing in socks, the keyboard guitar...
* The conviviality of niche Twitter.
* Thorin sits down and starts singing about gold.
* Lies your parents told you.
* “He’s probably in his room right now, stuffing Lego in the hole.”
* ♪ ♫ “This means nothing to me...” ♬♪ (Vienna, by Ultravox)
* Wings Of A Dove. (by Madness)
* Stop and be friendly. (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
* Wave your hands in the air like you don't care (Word Up!, by Cameo)
* When Scottish islands blogged.
* The arsonists who stare at goats (the annual goat at Gävle, which may or may not be burned to the ground).

* Big numbers and the ulterior motive for this post.
* The correct way to wash the dishes is
* MetaClean: “How often should you...”
* “Dominic Cummings ... has the air of a startled testicle ...”
* Saying it as it is.
* Not a West Country furniture guide.
* Silenced all my life, and an explanation stretched over several comments.
* “I went in for a chicken. Came out with a bench grinder.”
* Ten years ago today. (on the election of Barack Obama on November 4th 2008)
* Psithurism is the best ism. (the sound of wind in the trees)
* Should you wash your pyjamas every day?
* The UK and USA: two proud nations divided by damp, grey underwear. (the inadequacies of British combo washer-dryers)
* God's Own Country: the nation of Yorkshire.
* The Typewriter at the Gates of Dawn.
* The wheels on the bus go meow meow meow... (Cat Bus)
* “A bath is not an alternative to a shower: it is a hot lie-down.”

* Wordshore speaks some words - where I recite some short texts and messages submitted by MeFites, as well as some popular MetaFilter culture phrases and a few usernames.

A sample of AskMeFi questions
* “Y'know, this stuff is kinda wasted on just ponies...”
* Best (UK) lard to give as a present.
* What is cake?
* A bit of Oooo, Matron? Bedroom gymnastics? Rumpy van Humpy? (Fetch the smelling salts! Features a few off-question replies from horrified, pearl-clutching MeFites.)
* Is/can a cinnamon roll also/also be a donut?
* Do you let your cat see you naked?
* How do you make a splendid cup of tea?
* Can blockchain improve my sex life?
* Poo vs Gravity.
* Owl problem.
* Things you were never told about approaching 50.
* Is Suet not a major ingredient in US cooking?
* The outcome of a few previous AskMeFi questions, and a further update.

A few random comments
November: Clav Divs.
December: The end of the Internet.
November: Cricket!
October: Future travels.
August: MeFites who only want serious things on here are a drain, and some more.
January: The drudgery of MeFites who derail threads and diminish this place.
October: Movie time and assisting MeFites.
September: One's buttocks and negotiating with Hollywood.
April: I miss Grinnell and Iowa.
March: What was what, and Listening to music is better than listening to angry people.
February: Love and poo.
January: An old anecdote by Mr Carrot of Birmingham, and some obsessions.
December: How best to improve MetaFilter, and resolutions are made.
November: I want these foods on subscription, the glasses of our childhood, the horror of our childhood, being thankful, and giving thanks, the best sled, and to Ye Olde MetaFiltere.
October: Reminiscing about Christmas smells.
August: The insanity of this island, please keep the noise down, and not a dating website.
July: When I steal toilet paper, and I am civilised, except when in a shower.
June: An idiot relative.
May: Attractive.
March: On where not to fly a drone, extracting yourself from situations, not all donors are good donors, the charts when I were a lad, Wordshore is prepared, and explaining English etiquette to Americans. Also, the best sign ever.
February: "Ooooooh..." and strange royal incidents.
January: Boob coffee, the side effects of cheese, the rule of life, and suet.
November: On MeFite Fizz, getting Kinder Eggs into the USA, and acquiring jam.
October: On units of measurement, and my ideal house.
September: How to order food, the birds, and MetaFilter:
August: The Great Outdoors, when otters build ladders and more about otters, some exciting times, and what induces the most rage.
July: I was rude to the Queen, I ate the chocolate, and I expect citations.
June: Urine over iced tea, advice on safe posting, and observations. Plus, the UK general election results. and the Queen's speech is delivered.
May: The Zelda talk on the podcast cracked me up, UK pensioner talk: a guide, and how to spend a Sunday morning.
April: Listening to Cortex, why the public library is essential, the iPhone in the restaurant, Iowa pizza memories, and presidential betting odds.
March: Thailand stole my picture.
February: On academic peer review, getting a good night of sleep, and a polite request.
January: On being wrong, why I can't be a MetaFilter moderator and why I fear Jessamyn, and use your library.
December: An app idea, and Star Wars = US politics.
November: How one bathes, and an unpopular US presidential prediction.
October: Driving a combine harvester can be fun as well as thought provoking, but only if you stay focused.
September: How to prepare for political debates and how to endure them. Also, go to the library.
May: Remembering to emigrate.
April: Movie ratings are useful.
March: The trauma of the cinema, and an early morning diary, though on more formal days.... Also, an Englishman in America.
February: An Internet address from back in the day.
October: I am old - very old, and Christmas Day Skyping.
September: I have questions, my song of the summer, and thirty years ago.
July: Flotation tanks are not very good and how to be safe in one, and a DildoGate suspect.
April: In an alternate timeline, they ran and won, and Dubya tales.
January: Blogging on a Scottish Island, on the speed of MetaFilter mod actions, and never quibble with a nation of tea drinkers.
December: Goodbye, Yahoo directories.
November: The most honest way to find your income source.
October: On ethics (context missing), and how MetaFilter truly operates.
September: Losing it, and should have dug a tunnel.
August: I am old, but still childish.
July: Things that interest me, and the impatience of MeFites.
June: Awkward, and some life recommendations, and she who built this house.
May: On this place being a mirror (still very true), on going outside, and welcoming America back.
April: On the best/worst conference, and how to make a pancake.
March: Feelings about MetaFilter.
February: Jesus the cat, and trying to hack MetaFilter, and Cortex answers my needlessly obscure questions.
December: An official motto for MetaFilter, bad people I have previously lived with, and Iowa memories.
October: MetaFilter in the physical world, where to find real news, some Franglais, and selling Canada to the USA.
July: The truth about user one.
June: Feeling old, getting the last word, MeFites owe me tea, and a cat.
May: Dear AskMiffy, and Clippy on AskMeFi.
April: One kipper down.
January: Internet culture, points in a Gamified MetaFilter and some more, and more.
December: I am marking student papers.
October: An ideal Halloween, MeFeline, binders, help writing code, what to do at job interviews, the MetaFilter front page and occasionally we rock.
September: The key advice to all MeFites, and some to specifically Americans.

* Some reasons for using libraries.
* Librarians are organized.
* "I couldn't afford to go to film school; I learned from the library".
* No matter where I am, the public libraries belong to me. I’m the public.
* OCLC consciously uncouples from catalog cards.
* A new library for an old city.
* The challenges facing today's libraries and librarians (a fifty minute interview with Jessamyn)

A sample of MetaTalk posts
* What is the MeFite meeting signal?
* Four MetaTalk posts about aspects of writing FPPs (Front Page Posts): The Joy of FPPing, Insert Title Here, Getting good at writing FPPs, and How do you decide which tags to include?
* Were you the nearly megafamous MeFite?
* Sock sock shoe shoe versus sock shoe sock shoe (the order in which MeFites put them on)
* This needs to be a ten hour YouTube video loop (deeply satisfying art)
* Is masturbation allowed on MetaFilter? (about being King of your Internet Domain)
* Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins.

Proudest MetaFilter moment
* Having the last word in this comment thread was satisfying...