ifjuly's profile (website)


profile photo
Name: m
Joined: November 2, 2002


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I like lifting heavy things and music that's either a) sad b) noisy c) full of bass synth. Oh, and cats. And critical theory. And traveling. And running fast (speed and strength and feisty sparring with worthy romantic partners, that's my thing; as archetypes go, Atalanta works for me). And the history of tea and cocktails (drinking them too). And being unabashedly feminist with a focus on sexual liberation and genderqueer identity. And drawing, painting, sculpting, and noodling around with mixed media. And cooking as well as good classic food writing (lotsa emphasis on writing as opposed to photoblogging). And sad, slow movies. And niche-y perfume that smells weird (smoke and leather and old paper, shit like that). And incisive writing on trash culture (TV mostly), where it finds the diamond-in-the-rough broader meaning (esp. if we're talking Chinese pop culture, present and past). And out-there writing (anything from Zizek to Diane Williams).

I'm also a math groupie. Statistics and topology get me going, but frankly I am not smart enough anymore to really walk the walk. I could listen to people who are all day though, makes my heart flutter. Yep.

I can tell I'm getting old 'cause stuff I would've thought was exciting a few years ago now often just seems gimmicky to me (food world, I'm looking at you).

I don't care for bullies (even if we're on the same side politically) or people who think they've got it all figured out. On a lighter note, some more casual stuff I don't personally care for and often feel left out of the loop for not liking: yoga, taking good photographs, fancypants dining, distance running, high heels, American Apparel and Urban Outfitters, crafting cute stuff (don't have the patience), most fashion (there's exceptions for Alien-level cool-odd stuff like McQueen hooves), Food Network and HGTV, America's Next Top Model, The New York Times, sporty cycling. Oh, and sundried tomatoes, yeccch.

People who care more about what food looks like than how it tastes and smells are not people I understand. And I could never date a picky eater.

I get excited at the prospect of a knife sharpening appointment as opposed to say, a pedicure. There is often toothpaste in my hair.


old profile crap (yes I'm a digital hoarder):

Where I Can Be Found:

-Electrical Audio
-Bust Lounge
-Animal Crossing Community

-Advanced Book Exchange


-The Economist
-Financial Times
-Le Monde Diplomatique
-New York Review of Books
-London Review of Books
-The New York Times Book Review

randomly, some of my favorite words

newnews: getting married (fall 2009)! to the cutest most steadfast boy i could ever have hoped to meet. my luck stuns me sometimes...

i like to eat ice cream cones and read plays while in the bath. breyer's coffee with stoppard's arcadia has been the best combination so far.

oh, handle...in eleventh grade, i spent far too much time listening to his name is alive's compilation album always stay sweet. "if july" always was the group's "single." must be those buried vocals and camera shutter noises in the beginning...

july also happens to be the month i was born and one of my favorite words (along with "balcony" and "skein").

want me to lay a couple of cards out on the table? okay, let's do this: i'm a pro-market (my most intensive study has been in economics and quite frankly i wish everyone who felt entitled to debate was required to take stats 101 and any intro course introducing them to notions of scarcity and choice as defined in economic terms), pretty-damn-pomo/crittheory functionalist at heart (marxian modes of criticism run on criteria any economist would find relevent) and a feminist to boot. the basic tenets of microeconomic theory are a breath of fresh air to me, but i combine them with an interest in and acknowledgment of the fact that psychology, consumer myopia, access to information and power/cultural and political currency affect greatly the decisions of individuals and are not studied or appreciated enough in most market analysis (hence my interest in experimental economics and combining econ with crit theory).

whenever i'm tempted to write all of humanity off in frustration, i remind myself that it is humans who stumbled upon and revel in music, writing, and that seemingly crosscultural, glorious ritual of mid-afternoon rejuvenation (comes in the form of siestas, tea time, and cocktail hour, among others). it helps a lot to remind myself of these things.

some of my major "dabbler" interests include LANGUAGE (theory and analysis of; specifically, socioling, communication theory and rhetoric, break down and analysis of political discourse, law and the ramifications of), religion (social function of), historiography, writing, and art. i'm also obsessed with food/regional cooking and music/going to shows (yay indie rock and shoegaze in particular). i have a rarely used and somewhat outdated plastic account--but wait, i'm not supposed to admit that here right? ah well. i heart carl--he's great in an entirely different way from how matt is great.


my favorite mefi personalities are RJ Reynolds and Stan Chin. languagehat contributes a lot to my mefi reading experience too, though he seems cranky much of the time. a linguist (not to mention a bibliophile)'s perspective is always useful! and props to monju_bosatsu for adding a sharp edge to conversations with his her (:D) economics- and law-informed perspective.

a minor collection of threads (some stumbled upon from other profiles):
.a quick rundown of the topic of simulacra
.torture: an issue of deontology versus utilitarianism
.administrator!!! please hope me!
.mefi parody
.That said: Screw it. I withdraw all my criticisms in this thread. MetaFilter has a civility problem, and that isn't going to change, because the old guard likes it that way. The newer MeFites, the ones who like respectful and intelligent discussion, will eventually be driven away just like the older MeFites were, because people who are here for the fight have a higher tolerance for crap than people who are here for civil discussion. Konolia (and I) need to realize that MetaFilter is a free-for-all; and if we don't like it like that, then we should leave, because it will not change. posted by gd779 at 7:29 AM PST on December 13. so true and spot-on that it burns!
.discrimination and insurance companies
.stan chin's parody of miguel
.desert island reading list
.gary becker gives props to matt!!
.professor kiesling's research on establishing heterosexual male bonding space through language gets publicized.
.the best poetry of the last 25 years, typically an oh so subjective discussion
.free online texts
.time systems
.poets reading their work
.sexual harrassment: quonsar proves one of the only people i've ever read who completely understands
.annual literary bad sex prizes
.the worst book you've ever read: interesting discussion question, but then i got around to actually reading the comments and i was totally horrified, ha. but in a fascinated car-crash sort of way, i suppose.
.tv nostalgia
.high versus low literary art: the never-ending debate because it has the best comment about harold bloom EVER: Harold Bloom is a jealous windbag who needs to climb out of Shakespeare's decaying ass. god bless you, mefi.
.indian food
.poetry international
.nobel prize in literature 2002: OH my god, Doris Lessing. That would make me HOT!
.best characters in literature
.obscenity wringer: Tiger, tiger, burning bright, / In the fucking forest of the fucking night, / Fuckin' what immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry? That's the fucking question.
.last lines: a great question, but the responses (imho) fell really short
.sonnet central
.taskbar favorites
.car culture looks out at you...
.mefi cliches
.love and poetry
.sexual awakening
.the simple pleasures in life
.regional dialects: i couldn't converse with someone who said 'the car needs washed.'
.i feel, therefore i am
.feelings and intelligence part the first
.john rawls passes away
.the mother load: philosophy radio
.hell, probability, and kafka eh?


why i (still) read metafilter:
the occasional insightful go-out-there-on-a-limb comment that expands your understanding or that serves as the lone voice in the wilderness that matches your own (especially striking when in contrast to a pile of the same old same old smug stagnant knee jerk responses).