.kobayashi.'s profile


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Joined: November 6, 2002


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I had an idea that I liked for a MetaTalk form. I'm going to develop it here. Feel free to copy, fill out, and use in MeTa whenever it may help you.

what is the problem? check all that apply:

[ ] I am a new member
[ ] I am a longtime member
[ ] One of my comments was deleted
[ ] One of my posts was deleted
[ ] I've spotted a particularly egregious use of "special snowflake"
[ ] I've spotted a particularly egregious use of "hamburger"
[ ] I've spotted a use of "hamburger"
[ ] Ooooh, those mods, they make me so angry
[ ] There are too many posts here that don't reflect my interests
[ ] The posts here don't reflect the possibly-apocryphal higher quality that I remember MetaFilter once having
[ ] This thing I'm reading here now seems an awful lot like something I saw elsewhere; I can't be reading things twice
[ ] We're limited to one AskMe question per week, but I got lots of questions
[ ] Everyone here is an unthinking uncaring jerk except me
[ ] Someone is trying to use guilt, ethics, or logic to make me behave more politely on the Internet
[ ] Nobody here has a sense of humor
[ ] I've just discovered that not everyone has the same standards for taking offense as I do
[ ] People seem to be ignoring me
[ ] Everyone seems to be piling on to me
[ ] I saw someone who I suspect to be an American using the word "we", yet I myself am not American
[ ] A conversation I started tacked in ways I both didn't expect and do not like
[ ] Yes, I flagged it, but I find that I can't move on
[ ] People are talking about grilled cheese
[ ] My canary will die if it gets the slightest whiff of the chatfilter, and its starting to look woozy in it's cage
[ ] Other people misspell words to taunt me, I am certain of it
[ ] Somebody has accurately pointed out something awful I said or did
[ ] I miss all the recipes that used to be posted in MetaTalk
[ ] Someone referred to favorites as likes, but I use them as bookmarks.
[ ] The rules of this place aren't consistently applied in the manner I feel they should be
[ ] The rules of the universe aren't consistently applied in the manner I feel they should be
[ ] The titles. The titles! Dear god! The TITLES!!!
[ ] Look, it comes down to this: I hate fun.
[ ] I suspect the [[AND I AM OUTRAGED!]] button does nothing



Or did you want to know about me?

Well, I know what you're thinking. It's "What's the deal with the periods?" Right? No?

Very well then. Here's a quick word on who I am and how I got here, complete with pop-culture references:

"'I am not the Dread Pirate Roberts,' he said, 'my name is Ryan. I inherited this ship from the previous Dread Pirate Roberts, just as you will inherit it from me. The man I inherited it from was not the real Dread Pirate Roberts either - his name was Cumberbun.'"

I joined Metafilter on 12 November 2003. The .kobayashi. account previously belonged to monju_bosatsu, who gave it to me during that period when new sign-ups were closed. Those of you who knew me before that time most likely knew me as the lurker that yhbc quotes in this MeTa thread, which pretty much covers my entry into Metafilter, and summarizes that whole era of MeFi fairly well.

The first 2 chronological comments to MeFi, and 1 to MeTa by .kobayashi. were not by me; they're monju's. After that, I'm to blame.

When I arrived, people asked me what I would have chosen as a nickname, if I had the choice. I wasn't entirely sure then. Now that sign-ups are open, I find that I've really come to like the .kobayashi. handle, dots and all, and couldn't imagine switching.

(I'd probably have picked "sad trombone," if you really need to know. That sound cracks me up every time. Every. Time.)


8 July 2010: Wow! I've been sidebarred! If you told me that I'd someday have valuable dissertation advice back when I was wrestling with my beastie, I'd have laughed at you. Anyway, good luck, dissertators! You'll get through it. Now get back to work!