mlis' profile


Joined: January 1, 2005


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.


truck > engine

Hi there! If I added you as a contact it is because I liked a comment/answer/post you made, or you may have an interesting profile page (have you seen deezil, samsara or robocop is bleeding’s page?), or an interesting username (did you know there is a tilde?) or I may have clicked on your profile and thought, “Wait – I thought this person was already a contact! Time to add them!”, or I may have met you.

Some of my interests: interesting people, libraries, books, books about books, antiques, decorative arts, firefighting, freedom of information act requests, the sea, woodworking, old tools.

Oh, and if you are not using Plutor's Metafilter mark librarian contributions you should be. You should be using several of his scripts, they make the Metafilter experience much more enjoyable.

A few of my favorite MetaFilter things:

Most ponies, when they reach the Island, disappear to the interior where they are eaten by grease monkeys. The 3-minute editing window pony, however, likes to stay near the docks, looking hopefully at passing ships, remembering the time when it seemed like it was going to make it. . .

MetaFilter: Jawdropping stress and exasperation over tiny, tiny details, massive drama over the misunderstanding of completely artificial rules and a complete inability to find someone interested in it outside of the community.

It is a Mystery

“In Sweden I am on the right,” Mr. Westerberg said, “but in the United States, I’m considered a Communist.”

That's because you've never looked for a Tamper-Resistant Torx Plus bit—a genuinely difficult to obtain screwdriver.

Gaffer tape is not Duct tape is not Duck tape is not 600mph tape.


BASIC Comment Report Card

The desks of Metafilter

Metafilter: Join the debate!

Ask Culture meets Guess Culture

The shadowy back alleys of MetaFilter...

The Sailor's Life

What if there was a Metatalk post and no one showed up? A lone voice cries out in the darkness

For the record, I bet my right hand against quonsar's lies.

Imagine a world where. . .male sexuality has been a tool for females to consolidate their own power

Don't you feel kind of dorky when you flag something, though?

Or we can rig the netting and sharpen the boarding axes and cutlasses. . .

If you were there, you know. If you weren't, my god, I wish I could show you what it was like

Metachat is down. Can I post pictures of my cats here?

What experience most shaped who you are?

Miko on breaking up: "I was once on the receiving end of a similar 'just not that into you' one-sided breakup, and to this day I still say it was the best breakup I ever had."

jonmc on Miko on breaking up

These were the questions of the users who always had dozens of posts queued up, who even in life had sometimes forgotten what was to be asked next. . .

You know you're a mefite if. . .

F***, I should have just asked MetaFilter

How's that old Mel Brooks line go? "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. And comedy gold is when Dick Cheney has kidney failure and they pack him into an armoured personnel carrier. . .

Mefi Miscellaneous:

Combustible Edison Lighthouse's mefi infodumpster

MeFi Social Explorer

How to Explain MeFi?

Favorite MeFi Greasemonkey scripts?

Where can I find a list of all the HTML-ish things I can do on MetaFilter?


What books are in the "MeFi Canon"?

A book everyone should read?

Books About Work.

What are your top five favorite hidden gem books?

Big, important, instructive, informative books


It doesn't work that way

Tell me the most counterintuitive or surprising fact from your field or hobby.

Unusual things for work

Insanely overbuilt, reasonably-priced consumer goods; Cheap and bombproof


BUZZFLASH: You've written in your columns that after September 11th, your publisher was going to deep-six the book unless you took out critical comments on Bush. You held firm. Is it true that the librarians of America came to your defense and saved the day?

MICHAEL MOORE: That's what it looks like. I mean, I didn't know who any of these people were. They -- this one librarian found out about it, and she got in a, I don't know, library chat room. Or she sent a letter out to a list of librarians, and they sent it out to a bunch of people, and the thing kind of mushroomed from there. . .and Harper-Collins saw that it wasn't gonna be a good thing to ban the book. But I'm really happy about it. I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous group.

BUZZFLASH: Subversive.

MICHAEL MOORE: They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them.


Ask Metafilter Annotated Bibliography

Pomerantz, J. & Stutzman, F. (2006). Collaborative reference work in the blogosphere. Reference Services Review, 34(2), 200-212.

McDermott, I. E. (2006). Gadgets and Geezers: The Tao of Technology. Searcher, 14(9), 18.

West, J. (2006). MetaFilter: Going Your Way. Library Journal, 131(17), 88.


best usernames: nebulawindphone, WaspEnterprises, i_am_a_fiesta, beryllium, Intaglio a go-go, NapAdvocacy