panoptican's profile (website)


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Name: Jason Spidle
Joined: January 21, 2005
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MeFi: 34 posts , 236 comments
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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

First a confession: my username is spelled panoptican because that's how I mispelled the word when I was on the high school debate team. Afterward, it bacame a debate joke in the style of the following.

I went panopticamping last weekend. I thought about sleeping in a tent, but ultimately stayed in a panopticabin. Good times were had, though panopticabbage was not. I thought about it actually, and you either panoptican or panoptican't have a good time camping. There is no middle ground. After I returned home, I panopticalled my buddy Gus. He panopticartwheeled at the mention of the enjoyable time I had. That's a pretty ridiculous thing to do though, so I hung up the phone and hailed a panopticab (standard procedure). I told the driver, "Take me to the panopicaca!" He complied and I was there. But I forgot why I was there and decided I'd rather go back home and watch some panopticable. But before I could get back in the yellow panopticadillac... well, it left. At this point, with no reason for being here and no ride home, the only thing I could think to do was drugs. So I did drugs. It made me all panoticaddywhompus. Plus, I had already shot up some panopticaffeiene. Tomorrow, I will declare my night a bad one. But right now, it kicks some major panopticake.

I write stuff on a LiveJournal thing and a WordPress thing.


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