Rev. Syung Myung Me's profile (website)


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Name: Rev. Syung Myung Me
Joined: July 13, 2005
Also On: Flickr LiveJournal Wikipedia YouTube
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MeFi: 44 posts , 768 comments
MetaTalk: 0 posts , 6 comments
Ask MeFi: 5 questions , 68 answers
Music: 0 posts , 0 comments, 0 playlists
Music Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments
Projects: 2 posts, 1 comment, 8 votes
Jobs: 0 posts
IRL: 0 posts, 1 comment
FanFare: 2 posts, 1 comment
FanFare Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments

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Favorites: 15312
Favorited by others: 1999


Links to: 18 users
Linked by: 11 users
MeFi tags: music (10) television (5) audio (4) tv (4) video (4) avant-garde (3) awesome (3) comics (3) humor (3) noise (3)
Ask MeFi tags: identify (2) film (1) fiction (1) etymology (1) conlang (1) colors (1) cartoon (1) carcassone (1) borges (1) boardgame (1)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Matt is an “indoor kid” from Seattle with a BA in communications. He’s been fascinated by media since he was 5, recording his own homemade radio shows, and he’s spent very little of his professional life outside that umbrella, with most of his career spent in the radio industry. In 2007, Matt founded the pop culture site Kittysneezes and he's contributed to sites like Popshifter, Popdose and, for over two years, was the Managing Editor of Hornet Stories (See his posts for that site here). His main interests include music, comics, animation (especially anime) and documentaries. He's also appeared on the podcasts Crush on Radio and The Painful Threshold, which he also created and produces.


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