Effigy2000's profile (website)


Joined: July 18, 2005


MeFi: 218 posts , 1868 comments
MetaTalk: 39 posts , 727 comments
Ask MeFi: 118 questions , 826 answers
Music: 2 posts , 118 comments, 2 playlists
Music Talk: 1 post, 2 comments
Projects: 3 posts, 67 comments, 40 votes
Jobs: 1 post
IRL: 0 posts, 0 comments
FanFare: 9 posts, 14 comments
FanFare Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments

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Favorites: 1572
Favorited by others: 7815


Links to: 57 users
Linked by: 58 users
MeFi tags: australia (23) freestuff (22) politics (14) nintendo (13) mefiprojects (12) history (11) art (10) johnhoward (8) music (8) language (7)
Ask MeFi tags: ps3 (6) apple (5) computers (5) money (5) internet (4) nintendo (4) tv (4) usb (4) windows (4) work (4)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.



When I wrote these, I liked to think that they're all small excerpts from a larger book that may have been written detailing Agent Howie's exploits. There have been thirteen of these 'excerpts' detailing a moment in time of who is unarguably The Agency's greatest, most dedicated Agent. Want to read them? Well OK... here's some links;

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

There are also two 'very special' episodes of Agent Howie floating out there around Metafilter. The first is this, a repeat of #2 (my personal fave) but all in CAPS LOCK, to celeberate CAPS LOCK DAY.

The other is a 'prequel', located here, which tells the story of Agent Howie's first ever mission. This was done because I promised I'd do it if 20 people added me as a contact, which happened (at time of writing 43 people have me as a contact). If 27 people more add me as a contact, I'll write the story of Imperator Howie's death. Deal? Deal.

Naturally it goes without saying that I don't think Matt is anything like Agent Howie or that other characters, such as The Librarian, bear anything more than a passing resemblance to real Metafilter users such as Jessamyn. And of course it also goes without saying that when a character gets killed or something like that, it's not meant to be a snark or what-not against the person; it's all just to service the story. Ultimately however, it's all meant to be in good fun and I'm just really happy that no-one depicted in the stories yet has taken umbrage to them and, I assume, taken it in a negative sort of context. It's one of the many things that makes Metafilter great, I think.

It was all meant to end with Part 12 but as I said earlier, there were some instances which just demanded Agent Howie be pulled from retirement. In the meantime however, it's all over. Done. Fini. Though I wouldn't object if someone ever wanted to do a story set in the Agent Howie universe of their own (infact I'd love it if someone did it!). But I must say it was fun writing these, sort of, and I hope some of you at least enjoyed it. And to Matt, cortex and jessamyn, I thankyou for letting me use your names to do this without ever getting angry at me for doing so. In the words of Rodney Dangerfield (sort of) "How about a round of applause for these guys. They're all right!"

Finally, yes, the inspiration for these stories was that excellent Maothowie 'Brand New Day' image. I loved that image so much the first time I saw it, and wanted to give it a backstory of sorts. And now I have. It probably wasn't anywhere near as good as the actual image itself, but dammit, I tried.

And that's that. Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed the stories. It was my pleasure writing them. No really, it was. Peace out.



If you're interested, here's the three FPPs I am most proud of during my time here at MetaFilter.

1) The Evolution of the German Language: My first post to be largely well recieved, it became something of a template for future posts to the Blue.

2) Auf Der Walz: Continuing the German theme, I won a Wii and a shiny golden star because of this one, so how could I not be proud of it? Also, I think this photo by Muckster at a meetup in Berlin is really kinda neat, and makes me even prouder of the post.

3) The Dreaming: Posted on Christmas Eve 2006, most people were probably too busy drinking and spending time with familiy to see this one. I'm rather proud of it though, and if this section of my profile exists for any reason at all, it is to draw attention to this one post. It deserves your favorite vote, so if you check it out, give it the favoriting it so richly deserves!



This happened. Harrowing, harrowing stuff, told in four comments.


I created the nickname in the year 2000, a time in my life when I felt alot worse about myself. I had some pretty bad depression, and I often felt that I was being beaten on by the world, like an effigy. Together, the year of its birth and this sentiment created the screen name of 'Effigy2000'. At the time, the idea was to change it every year (so for instance, this year I'd have been 'Effigy2009'), but I got lazy, and that ended up not happening.

And now you know.


A lot of people have commented on my shiny gold star that shows up in my comments on MetaTalk. This is the FAQ. There are only two questions though, so thankfully, indeed by the grace of God, it is not too long.

Q1) How did you get the Star? It was either because I won a Wii for posting this post to the Blue, or because I gave Matt a blowjob. Either/or, really.

Q2) I thought you had lost the star, but now I see you have it again. WTF? You are MISTAKEN. I have the star permanently (at the discretion of our gracious host, Mathowie, natch) but it will only show up in my MeTa comments. So it won't show up anywhere in AskMe, MeFi, MeFi Music or my MeTa FPPs. Just my MeTa comments.

Thank you, come again.

Matt has removed all stars. This part of my profile will once again become active once I win another competition. Which you just know is gonna happen.

Other Pertinent information

I got engaged on January 26th 2007 to an amazing woman who I love with all my heart. She's everything I never knew I wanted in a woman and she continues to surprise me every day. Just when I think I can't fall any more in love with her she goes and does the cutest thing and boom! More in love.

We've set a date, finally! October 3rd, 2009. Mark it in your calenders people! I fully expect a MetaTalk thread.


My Wii code is 3173 0802 4440 8098. Send me a message!