stefnet's profile (website)


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Name: Stefanie Noble
Joined: sometime in 1999


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I wrote this a long time ago when MeFi was born:

My nickname is also my main website, I've used it pretty much everywhere I've posted anything publically.

Anyway, the first time I ever used the internet was at a friend's house. They had just gotten Prodigy and we looked at cool cars online and I got my first pieces of spam (via snail mail) due to that excursion. After that, we got CompuServe (the thinking person's AOL... hooha!) and I found a bunch of cool people on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Forum. This was umm... umm... like 1995-6ish, I think? Maybe before that because by the time I graduated high school in 1997, I had long since left CompuServe and was now connecting via a local ISP.

Email was a godsend to me. I honestly think I'm closer to my family because of email since we usually send a note once a day or so instead of infrequent phone calls. I'm glad that my dad and I got to "bond" by making websites and figuring things out and discovering things on the internet before he passed away in November of 1997. I'm almost positive that I was the last person to communicate to him that night as I sent him an email pointing out something funny I had found while doing some work.

Before the summer of 1998, I had done the typical surfing and chatting, but by that time, I felt like I was missing out. I had made many "homepages" but it wasn't until that summer that I made my own journal page which eventually evolved into the journal/weblog/personal pages I have now. It wasn't until I read other people's personal writings that I found "REAL" people. The only other "REAL" person I had met was an email pal from England who traded music and newspaper clippings and airplane socks with me.

Now, I look forward to meeting many of the people I've gotten to know through this medium. I look at people just venturing on like my grandparents and my sister and it's hard for me to imagine how different my life would be without the internet. Very weird indeed.