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Joined: August 21, 2005
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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Hola Inquiring Mind!

Editor Note: Everything below this is rather dated. Like dried out, wrapped in linen, and buried beneath the sands of a distant desert dated.
I've really gotten back into Star Wars. As one can surmise by passing their cursor over the links below to reviews, I review and talk about Star Wars on my site: Brown's Review. If you're bored and at least mildly interested in Star Wars, please feel free to check it out.

My non-Brown's Review writings on Star Wars can be found at the following places:

Star Wars.Com

FANGirl Blog

Riffing on Star Wars
My weekly articles on random topics written off the top of the head. Feel free to check them out!

#1 - 10

Riffing on Star Wars: #1 - The Hutts

Riffing on Star Wars: #2 - R2-D2, the Fetish
Riffing on Star Wars: # 3 - Luke Skywalker and the Post-Jedi Expanded Universe
Riffing on Star Wars: #4 - Droids, Slaves or Machines?
Riffing on Star Wars: #5 - Thrawn, Rebels, and the Expanded Universe
Riffing on Star Wars: #6 - How the Millennium Falcon Got Its Groove
Riffing on Star Wars: #7 - The X-wings of Our Youth
Riffing on Star Wars: #8 - The Why of Tatooine
Riffing on Star Wars: # 9 - Humanizing the Enemy
Riffing on Star Wars: # 10 - The Fall of the Jedi

11 - 20

Riffing on Star Wars: #11 – The Sequels to Star Wars
Riffing on Star Wars: #12 – Why Water Matters in Star Wars
Riffing on Star Wars: #13 – Concealment in the Star Wars Universe
Riffing on Star Wars: #14 – The Sadness of The Force Awakens
Riffing on Star Wars: #15 – Chewbacca the Hero
Riffing on Star Wars: #16 – The Clash of Fantasy and Science Fiction in Star Wars
Riffing on Star Wars: #17 – The Aim of Stormtroopers
Riffing on Star Wars: #18 – The Necessity of Luke
Riffing on Star Wars: #19 – Rise of the Twi’leks
Riffing on Star Wars: #20 – Rebels Season Three, Etc.

21 - 30

Riffing on Star Wars: #21 - Parenting in the Star Wars Universe, Don't Do It.
Riffing on Star Wars: #22 - I am no Jedi.
Riffing on Star Wars: #23 - A Week for Women
Riffing on Star Wars: #24 - Rogue One is History
Riffing on Star Wars: #25 - Darth Vader, the Loser
Riffing on Star Wars: #26 - The Wars of Star Wars (Part 1)
Riffing on Star Wars: #27 - The Wars of Star Wars (Part 2)
Riffing on Star Wars: #28 - Why Star Wars Matters Now
Riffing on Star Wars: #29 - The Wars of Star Wars (Part 3)
Riffing on Star Wars: #30 - Yesterday's Yoda

31 - X

Riffing on Star Wars: #31 - The Tragedy of Biggs Darklighter
Riffing on Star Wars: #32 - Don't Cry for Me, Han Solo
Riffing on Star Wars: #33 - Reflections on Rebels's Season 3 at the Halfway Point
Riffing on Star Wars: #34 - The Madness of Saw Gerrera
Riffing on Star Wars: $35 - The Last Jedi?
Riffing on Star Wars: #36 - The Ramifications of Luke

New Stars Wars Canon Consumed
Please feel free to ask me questions about any of the new entries into the new Expanded Universe that are listed below:
  • Aftermath- Events immediately following the end of Return of the Jedi told through brief excerpts spliced within an overall story surrounding new heroes against the dying Empire, as well remnants of that Empire convening to discuss the future of Palpatine's shattered power. (Review of this book here).

  • New Dawn - a background novel of how Rebels characters Hera and Jedi Kanan first met each other (review here).

  • Tarkin - a background of Grand Moff Tarkin, as well a buddy adventure with Darth Vader (Review here).

  • Lost Stars - a nostalgia filled telling of the romance between two childhood friends who find themselves joining the Empire prior to A New Hope and ending after the Battle of Jakku (review here).

  • The Weapon of a Jedi - a short story about Luke Skywalker learning how to better wield the Force and his lightsaber, set shortly after A New Hope. (Review here)

  • The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary - factoids on all the major and minor characters, and more from the film.(Short Review here.)

  • Before the Awakening - three short stories about Finn, Poe, and Rey, prior to the events of The Force Awakens(Review Here).

  • Heir to the Jedi - a Luke Skywalker adventure set after the Battle of Yavin. (Review here.)

  • Battlefront: Twilight Company - set after A New Hope and during Empire, about the rebel 61st Mobile Infantry, and specifically, its sergeant Hazram Namir. (Review here!)

  • Smuggler's Run - a short novel about Han Solo and Chewbacca on a mission after A New Hope. (Review here.)

  • Moving Target - a short novel about Princess Leia on a mission to distract the Empire in the build up to Return of the Jedi. (Review here.)

  • Dark Disciple - a novel based on six unused scripts for the canceled Clone Wars television show about Asajj Ventress and Jedi Master Vos teaming up to assassinate Count Dooku. (Review here)

  • Bloodlines - a novel about Leia's final days in the New Republic Senate. (Review here!)

  • Aftermath: Life Debt - by Chuck Wendig, the second installment of his Post-Return of the Jedi trilogy (Review here).

  • Lords of the Sith - The Free Ryloth Movement attempts to severe the head from the snake with an attack on Palpatine and Vader. (Review here)

  • Ahsoka - A novel about Ahsoka Tano following Order 66 and how she became involved with the rebellion against the Empire. (Review here!)

  • The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens - the story of the making of The Force Awakens from the art pre-production perspective. (Review here!)

  • Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy - an examination of propaganda in the Star Wars universe from prequel trilogy to The Force Awakens. (Review here)

  • Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - a prequel novel to Rogue One mainly about Galen Erso and Orson Krennic. (Review here!)

  • Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide - the visual dictionary/guide for Rogue One. (Review here!)

  • Rogue One - the novelization for the film. (Review here!)

  • The Art of Rogue One - the art book for the first standalone film. (Review here!)

Marvel Comic Books

Curious about reading Marvel's Star Wars comics? Check out this starter's guide!

  • Star Wars - the current ongoing series set after A New Hope.(On going reviews here)

  • Darth Vader - the 25 issue series set after A New Hope.(On going reviews here)

  • Shattered Empire - a mini-series following two characters from the end of Return of the Jedi through for a number of months thereafter (review here).

  • Lando - a mini-series concerning an adventure in Lando Calrissian's past prior to the Original Trilogy. (Review here.)

  • Princess Leia - a mini-series concerning Princess Leia after A New Hope. (Review here.)

  • Kanan: The Last Padewan - a 12 part series about the past of Kanan from the tv show Rebels.(Review for 1 - 5, here!)

  • Chewbacca - a limited series about Chewbacca set during the Original Trilogy and his encounter with a teen girl in need of help.(Review here!)

  • Obi-Wan and Anakin - limited series about an adventure between the Jedi Master and Padewan prior to Attack of the Clones.

  • Poe Dameron - ongoing series about Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron, set before The Force Awakens.

  • Star Wars Special: C-3PO - a one shot story on how C-3PO got his red arm (review here).

  • Han Solo - limited series adventure about Han Solo and Chewbacca on a dangerous mission for the rebels, set after A New Hope. (Review here)

  • The Force Awakens - six part limited series comic book adaptation of the film. (Review here)

  • Dr. Aphra - an ongoing Darth Vader spin off series about Dr. Aphra, a rogue archaeologist.

  • Darth Maul - a miniseries about Darth Maul set before The Phantom Menace.

Star Wars Television

  • Rebels - The Adventures of the crew of the Ghost in a time period just before A New Hope (On going reviews here).

  • Clone Wars - The CGI animated television series which followed the conflict of the Clone Wars set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

"...America went off the track somewhere - back around the time of the Civil War, or pretty soon afterwards. Instead of going ahead and developing along the line in which the country started out, it got shunted off in another direction - and now we look around and see we’ve gone places we didn’t mean to go. Suddenly we realize that America has turned into something ugly—and vicious—and corroded at the heart of its power with easy wealth and graft and special privilege…. And the worst of it is the intellectual dishonesty which all this corruption has bred. People are afraid to think straight—afraid to face themselves—afraid to look at things and see them as they are.

We’ve become a nation of advertising men, all hiding behind catch phrases like ‘prosperity,’ and ‘the American way.’ And the real things like freedom, and equal opportunity, and the integrity and worth of the individual—things that have belonged to the American dream since the beginning—they have become just words too. The substance has gone out of them—they’re not real anymore..."
-Thomas Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again

"In fact, this contagious superstition is not confined to the cities only, but has spread its infection among the neighbouring villages and country. Nevertheless, it still seems possible to restrain its progress."
-Pliny the Younger, A Letter to Emperor Trajan, Epistulae, Book X, XCVII, 1st Century, A.D.

Historic Joplin - A blog on the fascinating history of Joplin, Missouri.


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