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Name: Jed Daily
Joined: September 5, 2005


MeFi: 131 posts , 5915 comments
MetaTalk: 2 posts , 429 comments
Ask MeFi: 50 questions , 2476 answers
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Projects: 5 posts, 23 comments, 123 votes
Jobs: 3 posts
IRL: 5 posts, 53 comments
FanFare: 2 posts, 36 comments
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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Some political opinions:

  • Virtually all federal and state-owned lands should be returned / granted to Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian groups as sovereign territory.

  • Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian sovereignty should be as absolute as they desire, up to and including closed borders, separate international treaty negotiations, etc, while still maintaining full rights as US citizens.

  • Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian sovereignties should have their own representation in Congress.

  • Black Americans should receive substantial and ongoing reparations.

  • The Equal Rights Amendment should be enacted, along with similar amendments for sexual orientation and gender identity.

  • DC, Puerto Rico, and all other US territories should be granted statehood or offered independence.

  • The US military should gradually be drawn down to a pre-World War II scale. Beginning immediately the bulk of the US military should be converted to a domestic infrastructure-building force. Foreign military bases and equipment should be ceded to those countries.

  • The US should unilaterally disarm its nuclear weapons.

  • The marginal income tax rates should be substantially extended and increased.

  • A wealth tax should be imposed on the extremely wealthy and redistributed directly as UBI.

  • An estate tax of 100% should be assessed on large estates, including trust funds.

  • The right to vote should only be denied in cases of election fraud and treason. Voter registration should be automatic.

  • Election day should be a paid holiday. Those who must work on election day should be given a paid holiday prior to the election day during which they can vote early.

  • Universal, single-payer, zero-cost medical care for all, including the incarcerated. Medical care includes all forms of contraception and abortion.

  • Involuntary servitude should be completely abolished.

  • The death penalty should be abolished.

  • All regulatory agencies should be guided by an advisory board made up of workers in the relevant industry.

  • All boards of directors should have a 50% quota for women and a similar quota for minorities. Half of the seats on Boards of Directors should be held by worker representatives.

  • Members of the House of Representatives should be selected by state-wide proportional representation elections.

  • All elections should be publicly funded.

  • Voting should not be compulsory, but should be encouraged via a refundable tax credit.

  • The IRS should prepare pre-filled tax forms for all filers.

  • All criminal fines, including those for infractions such as speeding tickets, should be scaled by income.

  • The war on drugs should be ended immediately. All non-violent drug-related offenses should be pardoned, with compensation for time served. All drug use should be decriminalized. Addiction should be treated entirely as a personal and public health issue. Many drugs should be legalized outright.

  • Climate change should be addressed via massive electrification funded by a massive, progressive, steadily increasing carbon tax coupled with outright bans on unnecessary sources of carbon such as gas-powered car and motorcycle racing, not because they are large sources of emissions but to send the social signal that Things Have Changed.

  • Free movement of people, not just of labor.