needs more cowbell's profile


Joined: September 8, 2005


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Random advice:
1) If you are ever a member of the "it's 11am (or 3pm) and I haven't eaten breakfast yet" club, a hack that's been very useful for me:
whole-milk Greek yogurt + soy milk + sugar and/or fruit (you can use frozen fruit defrosted in the microwave or just leave it out) to taste + vanilla extract if you want to be fancy, blended with an immersion blender in a quart container. Drinkable, fast, contains enough fat + protein that it doesn't give me carb crash (whole-milk Greek yogurt is specifically helpful for that part), soy milk cuts the sourness of yogurt, settles/doesn't upset my stomach if that's an issue, doesn't contain a lot of very processed stuff or weird things, probably cheaper than instant meal drinks (though I haven't priced it out) and not as sweet (unless you want it to be)

2) If you need to get out of working typical retail but don't have other clear experience/specific training in a field, try working at a small/local bank. Cash handling is a transferable skill. Better hours. Less pressure to multi-task. Potentially a stepping stone to other work. Small/local banks without stockholders pushing them to make more money off customers by upselling (typical of national banks) exist.
please add me on GoodReads if you use it!

I don't especially like music with cowbell in it, though I did once ask to play the cowbell in my friend's highschool band. Sadly, the band never materialized and I missed my ride to fame and the rockstar life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

I only started using the internet in earnest in 2000 (before that I only had not-so-private access via computers at the library) and by that time no one thought it was just for freaks. I wish I'd gotten on board earlier - I like freaks.