Happy Dave's profile (website)


profile photo
Name: David Goodman
Joined: January 8, 2006


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

I'm Happy Dave. I am generally pretty happy, and my name is Dave. However, the nickname comes from when I worked for a certain large coffee chain. There were two daves in the store, and I ended up getting called Happy Dave because I was marginally cheerier. He was then saddled with the nickname 'Grumpy Dave'. Poor chap. I started using it as a screen name when I joined Flickr, and it's always seemed to go down well. Internet wise, I've been a fan since back in the mid-nineties when my computing teacher would let me surf on my lunchbreaks on the department's brand new iMac (no disk drive? They're crazy!).

I went from zero internet to a lotsa internet, got caught up in RSS web-nerdery, blogging and everything else.

I'm a Scotsman in my thirties living with my wife, Valerie, and our cats Pablo and Olaf.

I write about nerdy/wordy/gamer things on my main site, post pictures on Flickr and write a lot of things here on Metafilter.

As my relationship with the web has grown and matured, Metafilter and the general quality of the discourse, friendliness of the people and general awesomeness has meant that Metafilter is increasingly the centre of most of what I do online. At last count, I'd written over 66,000 words on here, which kind of speaks for itself.