Deoridhe's profile (website)


Name: Deoridhe Grimsdottir
Joined: May 19, 2006


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Deoridhe (dthey-or-ee) comes from deoiridhe, an Irish Gaelic word for "wanderer/outcast" that was vaguely polite. The ONLY Irish Gaelic word for "wanderer/outcast" that was vaguely polite, actually. I almost picked the one that meant "you suck and weren't even worth killing," opening myself up for being the butt of Irish speaking/reading people everywhere.

Discovered several decades ago by enterprising archaeologists, the Deoridhe is a rare breed that is usually found within its den or the den of its peers consuming a variety of edible substances and watching, or otherwise interacting with, electronic boxes that glow. The Deoridhe is omnivorous and prone to defrosting or purchasing it's sustenance, though a food processor seems to have increased the chopping of near-living things and dumping them into other, packaged things. Members of this species have been known to gather a wide variety of pleasingly colored objects around it and seem to enjoy melodic noises and running water. In recent years, researchers have noticed a marked increase in the variety of things which the Deoridhe keeps as pets, including: Betta splendens, Felis catus, and Homo sapiens. The Deoridhe has also been observed caring for a variety of plant growth adjacent to its den. This increase in association with other species may explain the increased time spent by the Deoridhe preparing sustenance and managing its den. The Deoridhe has also been observed moving in concordance with or while watching images on the glowing boxes, but this behavior so far has defied researcher comprehension.

Taken verbatim from ArmyOfKittens' profile, with permission:

If you came to look at my profile there's a reasonable chance you'd be interested in more information about trans people, or resources by/for us. I will therefore, in a totally unstructured way, throw links up here as and when I think of them. I may even organise it properly at some point.

Questioning Transphobia*'s excellent "Transphobic Tropes" series (at, due to linkrot some time in 2013), examining arguments used against trans people to justify all sorts of creative mistreatments:
1. "Really" a man/woman.
2. Patriarchal privilege.
3. Reifying gender.
4. My theories are more important than your experience.
5. The "man in a dress"/stealthy deceiver double bind.
6. Transition is mutilation.
7. Socialisation as a child.

* It's called that because there used to be a website called Questioning Transgender that was basically someone berating, at length and with all the activist language she could find, a straw trans person she had constructed. Ooga booga we're coming for your essence!

FAQ on "cis" by the author of Whipping Girl.

The Soul of History - Breaking the Silence of Biography discusses the problems with talking honestly about your past as a trans person, even in a "supportive" environment.

I just like this one.

Words that are transphobic, and why.

Transmisogyny is Misogyny Against All Women.

Another response to the "trans women get all the benefits of male socialisation" bullshit argument.

A brief, incomplete history of trans people in the media.