alana's profile (website)


Name: Alana Storm
Joined: February 7, 2000
Also On: Flickr


MeFi: 42 posts , 338 comments
MetaTalk: 16 posts , 88 comments
Ask MeFi: 45 questions , 245 answers
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Projects: 2 posts, 1 comment, 0 votes
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MeFi tags: brokenlink (13) computers (2) games (2) government (2) history (2) MP3 (2) politics (2) television (2) video (2) war (2)
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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Look at that shiny new name. It's never too late to be yourself.

Below is something I did back in ancient times for a lark -- blogging inside the profile of a group blog.

Look, just because you know the German word schadenfreude doesn't suddenly make it alright to find glee in the suffering of others. It just means you can describe yourself as a jerk in German.
May 2nd, 2001

Dink does the math.

I hope that I never spend so much time in a Starbucks that I feel the need for high-speed internet access with my venti whatever. Geez, with the price of just a few of their coffee / tea drinks I can have a dsl connection at home ALL THE TIME and a big ass can of Folgers from Sam's.

May 1, 2001

And I've got to start eating more kids cereal! I wonder if they work in rice milk. (April 26)
April 27, 2001

Why does metafilter put up with aaron's trolls?
April 26, 2001

Before you decide to code an interface for product X in scripting language Y, be sure to search for Z.

Once again, someone else had my great idea before me.
April 23, 2001

Pollstar has added a cool feature where you can have them notify you whenever a certain band is coming within a certain distance of you.

Which is kind of funny, because I've been thinking of doing something similar for a while now.

Nothing on the scale of Pollstar of course. I don't have the resources (and probably not the mad perl skIlZs or lawyers required to 'steal' all the dates from somewhere) for something like that. I was going to cron-pilfer tour dates from the local, independent, "alternative" station's concert listings page, populate a database, and run from there.

I still might give it a try though. Pollstar's service is neat, but they tend to list only the popular bands. When they do list the less well known people, it's never complete. An Ember Swift search on Pollstar turns up one date. If you hop on over to her official page you get a much longer listing.

Thinking out loud, it'd be pretty cool if artists who keep track of their own tour dates like that could switch over to some kind of standard xml format. Writing application like the one mentioned above would become incredibly easy (since the hard part is creating/licensing a list of dates). Places like Pollstar and musi-cal would benefit too, since they wouldn't have to rely on human input anymore. An artist gives them the address for their XML file and magic scripts behind the scenes do the rest.

Were I a slick, business savvy, schmoozing kind of guy I'd do something with this idea. Instead, I'll do nothing and tell everyone I had the same idea when someone else does it in 6 months.
April 21, 2001

Breats = Good, Penis = Bad?

April 19, 2001

Little forgotten about fact. Did you know, that on windows machines, physical drives will always be listed (letter wise) before virtual drives. So, let's say you bought a refurbished dell. Being refurbished, and meant for a specific office environment (as many refurbs are), its 4.5 gig drive was partitioned into c:\, d:\ and e:\. Pleading willful ignorance, you decide to leave the drives partitioned as they are.

Flash Forward a year or two. You decide to put an enourmous 20 gig hard drive into the machine to alleviate your storage problems.

The new hard drive installs itself as d:\. Oh No! What about those partitions!

Not to fear, your data is safe. Windows is smart enough to remap the partitions that used to be d:\ & e:\ to e:\ and f:\, respectively.

Which, of course, hoses all your shortcuts and registry entries for the programs you installed on those drives. There's nothing quite like spending the night moving, uninstalling and reinstalling software.

The moral of a story? Next time, buy a fucking Mac.
April 18th, 2001

Mother Jones is always a good read. Not necessarily a happy read, but a good read.

Most infuriating is this

Goemans, for his part, dismisses the notion that native Hawaiians should be awarded the same status as American Indians. "They're not indigenous peoples, nor aboriginal peoples," because they lack a common language or religion, he says. "They're completely assimilated, wherever they happen to be. A big chunk of them are in L.A. and Las Vegas."

So, in other words, native Hawaiians shouldn't be recognized as a distinct national group because over the past fifty years we've managed to destroy their entire culture and "completely assimilate" them?
April 18th, 2001

Go vote on my useless 5k entry.
April 11th, 2001

His Glamorous Life No. 41: Joy of Email.
April 10th, 2001

I'm glad to see Matt's going to try something to fix all the BS that's been going on lately. If I were he, I'd have closed down the site a long time ago out of crankiness.

Or, I'd have shut down and started a top-secret elitist metafilter that everyone would slowly find out about and commence to whine about cabals and A-lists. Of course, if you want to talk about elitist 'back in my day' crap, take a look at the way people whine. A whole mess of years ago people called the hip and suave personal home page owners a cabal. Now they call then 'A-list bloggers'. A-list or cabal, which one is cooler?

That's what I thought.

Speaking of elitist bullshit, I really like what Lance Arthur had to say on the subject. It's in there somewhere.

April 5th, 2001

Damn it. Something more meta than this.
April 2nd, 2001

Can't stop watching. (real media file)
March 31, 2001

Another boy doesn't this page suck thread. Consider this another boy, don't those types of posts suck post.
March 22, 2001


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