EndsOfInvention's profile


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Name: GSV The Ends Of Invention
Joined: July 2, 2006


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

The Ends Of Invention is an ex-Culture General Systems Vehicle from the Iain M Banks book Consider Phlebas.

Other MeFi users named after Culture ships:
Absolutely No You-Know-What
Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory
Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The
Bora Horza Gobuchul (a non-ship character and a ship that names itself after him, although this Mefi user is named after the non-ship version)
Death and Gravity
experiencing a significant gravitas shortfall
Frank Exchange Of Views
i blame your mother
I Said, I've Got A Big Stick ("You have to say it quietly. When you write it, it's in small type.")
Me, I'm Counting
Mistake Not...
poke it with a stick
Stood far back when the gravitas was handed out
GCU Sweet and Full of Grace (ex-ROU_Xenophobe)
Well I Was In The Neighbourhood
Zero Gravitas

MeFi users who sound like Culture ships but aren't:
Armed Only With Hubris (dROU)
His thoughts were red thoughts
I'm Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today! (GCU)
[insert clever name here]
neither here nor there
none of these will bring disaster (GCU)
Proofs and Refutations
sleepy psychonaut
suddenly, and without warning (ROU)
the list of suspects is just you (OU)
womb of things to be and tomb of things that were (GSV)
You Should See the Other Guy (OU)


'All Through With This Niceness And Negotation Stuff.'
'Yeah. Like it. Offensive unit?'
'But of course.'
'Had to be.'
'Yeah. Your turn.'
'Someone Else's Problem.'
'"Hmm"? Just "Hmm"?'
'Yeah, well. Doesn't do it for me. How about Lacking That Small Match Temperament.'
'Bit obscure.'
'Well, I've just always liked it.'
'Poke It With A Stick.'
'I Said, I've Got A Big Stick.'
'It's called I Said, I've Got A Big Stick. You have to say it quietly. When you write it, it's in small type. An OU, as you might imagine.'
'Oh, right.'
'Probably my favourite. I think that's just the best.'
'No, not as good as Hand Me The Gun And Ask Me Again.'
'Well, that's okay, but not as subtle.'
'Well, but less derivative.'
'On the other hand, But Who's Counting?'
'Yeah. Germaine Riposte.'
'We Haven't Met But You're A Great Fan Of Mine.'
'Oh? Yeah? What?'
'No, I just meant, isn't this fun?'
'Yes. Well I'm glad you finally agree.'
'What do you mean, finally agree?'
'I mean finally agree that the names are worth mentioning in polite company.'
'What are you talking about? I was quoting you ship names for years before you started noticing.'
'Let me quote you one back: All The Same, I Saw It First.'
'You heard.'
'Ha! Well then; Ravished By The Sheer Implausibility Of That Last Statement.'
'Oh, come on. You have Zero Credibility.'
'And you're Charming But Irrational.'
'While you're Demented But Determined.'
'And You May Not Be The Coolest Person Here.'
'You're making these up.'
'No I'm... hold on, sorry; was that a ship name?'
'No, but here's one: you're talking Lucid Nonsense.'
'Awkward Customer.'
'Thorough But... Unreliable.'
'Advanced Case Of Chronic Patheticism.'
'Another Fine Product Of The Nonsense Factory.'
'Conventional Wisdom.'
'In One Ear.'
'Fine Till You Came Along.'
'I Blame The Parents.'
'Inappropriate Response.'
'A Momentary Lapse Of Sanity.'
'Lapsed Pacifist.'
'Reformed Nice Guy.'
'Pride Comes Before A Fall.'
'Injury Time.'
'Now Look What You've Made Me Do.'
'Kiss This Then.'
'Look, if you two are going to fight, do it outside.'
'...Is that one?'
'Don't think so. Should be.'

--From Look To Windward, by Iain M Banks.


GCU Well, You Did Ask For Some Gravitas