sudama's profile (website)


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Name: Adam Rice
Joined: February 9, 2000
Also On: Flickr Pinboard Tumblr Instagram Mastodon Bluesky


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Sudama's just my first name. I've tried on dozens of aliases but none of them have stuck. Sudama is actually a character from Hindu literature. You can read the story behind the name here.

My high school had an internet connection so I guess I've been online since 1992. The big "wow" came for me when I discovered the song lyrics FTP server. I knew in that moment that this thing was big.

All I've got going on now is this silly weblog, but back in the day I was serving up an online version of Kyosaku from my Mac IIsi in my dorm room. I didn't have a domain name or a static IP but I was listed in Yahoo nonetheless, so whenever my server crashed I'd have to stay up until 2-3am watching the network to grab the dynamic IP I needed.

"he gets on the race fixation a little too often"

"people are enjoying Sudama's biweekly sojourn into white guilt"

"I enjoy reading Sudema's posts, often find the content compelling"

"Of his 30 [posts] I count six on the subject of white racism, and three or so others which are closely related ... with the overall theme of 'Feel guilty, and start making sacrifices!' running around 50%. I don't think there's anyone else active at MeFi with anything like that high a ratio of concentration."

"we could do worse"

"best post I've read in a very long time"

"I admire your energy and patience"

"you're wrong"

"you've been pounding that same drum forever, and you're just plain wrong"

"A spade's a spade and you are a liar."

"you don't offer any solutions, and you don't instigate action. You just drone on and on and on and on.........."

"the debate is interesting and he is the main reason why."

"Even if I were prepared to admit you were partially right, your tactics ensure that you stand no chance in hell of even getting me to listen to you."

"Sudama, you will be the godfather of my firstborn."