Karlos the Jackal's profile


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Name: K-Fresh
Joined: February 3, 2007


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

My name is Karlos the Jackal. My profession is professional revolutionary.

My interests include but are not generally limited to: movies, music, making songs, board games, Disneyland, professional wrestling, eating food intended for twelve-year-olds, and petting cats on the head.

My favorite movie is Bottle Rocket. My favorite Scandinavian crime movie is The Man on the Roof. My favorite Pixar movie is The Incredibles. My favorite Disneyland ride is Pirates of the Caribbean. My favorite pirate flag is Calico Jack's (although he was a lousy pirate). My favorite sea shanty is "Leave Her, Johnny." My favorite song is "She Divines Water" by Camper Van Beethoven. My favorite song from 69 Love Songs is "Meaningless." My favorite Spice Girl is Melanie C. My favorite book is Lord of the Flies. My favorite author is Elmore Leonard. My favorite children's book is Moominsummer Madness. My favorite Moomin character is Snufkin. My favorite Tintin book is The Secret of the Unicorn. My favorite current TV show is Parks and Recreation. My favorite all-time TV show is The Wire. My favorite all-time sitcom is NewsRadio. My favorite active wrestler is AJ Styles. My favorite all-time wrestler is Mr. Perfect. My favorite luchador is La Parka. My favorite board game is Through the Desert. My favorite party game is Apples to Apples. My favorite Clue character is Mr. Green. My favorite mnemonic is "Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey." My favorite ruler is a 12-inch metal cork-backed ruler. My favorite meal is Chicken Tikka Masala. My favorite bread is sourdough. My favorite juice is Fruit Punch. My favorite fruit is oranges. My favorite Pepperidge Farm cookies are Brussels. My favorite sauce is Tartar. My favorite vitamin is C. My favorite comic book is Love and Rockets (but honestly that's almost 100% for Jaime these days). My favorite comic strip is Pogo. My favorite Pogo character is Churchy LaFemme. My favorite Dick Tracy villain is The Brow. My favorite painting is The Raft of the Medusa. My favorite monkey is the one that stares dead-eyed while banging two cymbals together. My favorite insect is the Praying Mantis. My favorite oceanic predator is the Hammerhead Shark. My favorite Muppet is Zoot. My favorite evil thing is a ventriloqist dummy with knives but without any legs and he pulls himself along the floor by jabbing knives into it. My favorite carnival ride is the Tilt-a-Whirl. My favorite carnival food is mini-donuts. My favorite presidential hairstyle is Franklin Pierce's. My favorite letter is K. My favorite number is 8.

Please feel free to friend, follow, or contact me on any of the social networks listed above.