davidchess' profile (website)


Name: David Chess
Joined: May 22, 2001


MeFi: 4 posts , 47 comments
MetaTalk: 0 posts , 0 comments
Ask MeFi: 0 questions , 1 answer
Music: 0 posts , 0 comments, 0 playlists
Music Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments
Projects: 0 posts, 0 comments, 0 votes
Jobs: 0 posts
IRL: 0 posts, 0 comments
FanFare: 0 posts, 0 comments
FanFare Talk: 0 posts, 0 comments

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MeFi tags: brokenlink (2) monitoring (1) magazines (1) information (1) hypnosis (1) governments (1) EU (1) encryption (1) ebook (1) dmca (1)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

My nickname is my name, so *that's* boring. I've been a computer geek for mostly ever (I did my undergraduate Philosophy thesis on punch cards in 1981). You mean this *isn't* just a place for freaks? Uh-oh...

To quote myself: I'm interested in new stuff, in stuff that might be an improvement over what I already know about. I'm interested in vast logical spaces, and ways of exploring them. I'm interested in what people do and why they do it. In how people communicate, and how they fail to. I'm interested in how phenomena that look like life can arise in substrates that we wouldn't normally consider living. In how art helps us make sense of life, and in what "make sense of life" could possibly mean. You interested in any of that stuff?